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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 17, 2011

Apple just slapped Pro users in the face.

- No MacBook Pro 17" :(

Mac Pro 2012
- No SATA 3 (really? This would not have been a hard upgrade)
- No Sandy Bridge
- No USB 3
- No Thunderbolt
- No redesign (this one is OK)
- Same 1333mhz ram
- same 2 1/2 year old graphics card?! :mad: This is a big F you to Mac Pro users, this leaked rumor was so outrageous that rumor sites thought this was an unreliable rumor.
- same 2010 motherboard

This tells me Apple spent $0 on Mac Pro research.
I am disgusted.
Does Apple think this will make them look "committed" to Pro users? If anything it is insulting.

Can someone link me to a dual processor 2009 upgrade link?
We know. I don't like it either. That's why I bought last year... I suggest you purchase a hackintosh and be done with it, that's what I would do
Today Apple didn't announce a new iPhone, iPad, iPod, ATV, Mac mini, keyboard, mouse, trackpad, display, AirPort Extreme or Time Capsule. I guess that means they're discontinuing all those product lines and will never update any of them again, since that's what some believe is true because Apple didn't update the iMac or significantly update the Mac Pro today.

Seriously, the lack of an update on any particular date doesn't imply there will never be another update of that model in the future. While it may be disappointing to some who had their hopes up for a particular model to be updated, it's not the end of the world! Apple can't be expected to update every single product at the same time. While many feel some products are long overdue for a refresh, I'm sure Apple knows how to prioritize and release updates that have the greatest impact on their business. If they had updated the iMacs and Mac Pros today, people would be complaining that they didn't update MacBook Pros or Airs. It's really ridiculous!

If you need a new device that wasn't updated recently, you have 3 choices:
  1. Keep your current device and wait until Apple updates the device you want (if and when they do)
  2. Buy an existing Apple product that can work in the interim
  3. Buy a non-Apple product
Complaining about it here won't fix anything and won't get you any closer to having what you want.
Today Apple didn't announce a new iPhone, iPad, iPod, ATV, Mac mini, keyboard, mouse, trackpad, display, AirPort Extreme or Time Capsule. I guess that means they're discontinuing all those product lines and will never update any of them again, since that's what some believe is true because Apple didn't update the iMac or significantly update the Mac Pro today.

Seriously, the lack of an update on any particular date doesn't imply there will never be another update of that model in the future. While it may be disappointing to some who had their hopes up for a particular model to be updated, it's not the end of the world! Apple can't be expected to update every single product at the same time. While many feel some products are long overdue for a refresh, I'm sure Apple knows how to prioritize and release updates that have the greatest impact on their business. If they had updated the iMacs and Mac Pros today, people would be complaining that they didn't update MacBook Pros or Airs. It's really ridiculous!

If you need a new device that wasn't updated recently, you have 3 choices:
  1. Keep your current device and wait until Apple updates the device you want (if and when they do)
  2. Buy an existing Apple product that can work in the interim
  3. Buy a non-Apple product
Complaining about it here won't fix anything and won't get you any closer to having what you want.

Eh? I'm not sure I understand the complaining here comment. I'm pretty sure that everyone realizes this (admittedly, the title was usual). Saying that doesn't really change how Apple did a non-update update for the Mac Pro which hasn't been updated in around two years. You mention the iMac, the iMac isn't this stale (e.g. it has Thunderbolt). This really is a worrisome sign. Even the Mac Mini has Thunderbolt. The last time something like this happened the XServe was discontinued and they offered the Mac Mini as a solution. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened again at this point, frankly.
Eh? I'm not sure I understand the complaining here comment. I'm pretty sure that everyone realizes this. Saying that doesn't really change how Apple did a non-update update for the Mac Pro which hasn't been updated in around two years. You mention the iMac, the iMac isn't this stale (e.g. it has Thunderbolt). This really is a worrisome sign. Even the Mac Mini has Thunderbolt. The last time something like this happened the XServe was discontinued and they offered the Mac Mini as a solution. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened again at this point, frankly.
There have already been several reports that a more significant Mac Pro update is in the works. There are several threads on this.
Today Apple didn't announce a new iPhone, iPad, iPod, ATV, Mac mini, keyboard, mouse, trackpad, display, AirPort Extreme or Time Capsule. I guess that means they're discontinuing all those product lines and will never update any of them again, since that's what some believe is true because Apple didn't update the iMac or significantly update the Mac Pro today.

Seriously, the lack of an update on any particular date doesn't imply there will never be another update of that model in the future. While it may be disappointing to some who had their hopes up for a particular model to be updated, it's not the end of the world! Apple can't be expected to update every single product at the same time. While many feel some products are long overdue for a refresh, I'm sure Apple knows how to prioritize and release updates that have the greatest impact on their business. If they had updated the iMacs and Mac Pros today, people would be complaining that they didn't update MacBook Pros or Airs. It's really ridiculous!

If you need a new device that wasn't updated recently, you have 3 choices:
  1. Keep your current device and wait until Apple updates the device you want (if and when they do)
  2. Buy an existing Apple product that can work in the interim
  3. Buy a non-Apple product
Complaining about it here won't fix anything and won't get you any closer to having what you want.
The Airport Extreme was updated. :p
Someone who depends on one supplier cannot be named pro.

If you are invested in Apple, then you live in that ecosystem.
Your statement is true for Windows users since major parts are interchangeable, but doesn't apply to Mac OS X users.
There have already been several reports that a more significant Mac Pro update is in the works. There are several threads on this.

You're basing this all on rumors and this forum? That is as dubious as my speculation. We'd have a 7 inch iPad today if you believed a bunch of the reports and threads on that.

Yes, Apple could be working on a better update and they only pushed this one out because Intel stopped shipping the chips they were using. I'm just skeptical that we're going to see anything like the current Mac Pro. And when I mentioned the Mac Mini, the Mini got a pretty considerable upgrade after the XServe was killed (yes it was still using "laptop" parts but it went from being silly to being reasonable for some purposes). I wouldn't be shocked if the Mini got an upgrade to make it more in line with the Pro's capabilities as far as power (but not in other areas).

In other words, I'm not in the camp that Apple is saying, "Screw you Pros!" I think they are doing something, I just think it isn't going to be more of the same.
Today Apple didn't announce a new iPhone, iPad, iPod, ATV, Mac mini, keyboard, mouse, trackpad, display, AirPort Extreme or Time Capsule. I guess that means they're discontinuing all those product lines and will never update any of them again, since that's what some believe is true because Apple didn't update the iMac or significantly update the Mac Pro today.

Seriously, the lack of an update on any particular date doesn't imply there will never be another update of that model in the future. While it may be disappointing to some who had their hopes up for a particular model to be updated, it's not the end of the world! Apple can't be expected to update every single product at the same time. While many feel some products are long overdue for a refresh, I'm sure Apple knows how to prioritize and release updates that have the greatest impact on their business. If they had updated the iMacs and Mac Pros today, people would be complaining that they didn't update MacBook Pros or Airs. It's really ridiculous!

If you need a new device that wasn't updated recently, you have 3 choices:
  1. Keep your current device and wait until Apple updates the device you want (if and when they do)
  2. Buy an existing Apple product that can work in the interim
  3. Buy a non-Apple product
Complaining about it here won't fix anything and won't get you any closer to having what you want.

The point is that Apple could have updated with the exact same specs more than one year ago.
To not implement basic features, implies Apple put no effort into this.
Even the early vs late 2011 15 & 17" MBP's received SATA 3 and graphic card upgrades.

I was just stating an opinion.
When Final Cut Pro X first received backlash, Apple made a statement that it will improve it with updates so Pros wouldn't jump ship to other programs, so raising a voice can do things at times.

Thank you so much for the 3 options you listed...I was confused but the pretentious reply clarified everything.
raising a voice can do things at times.
Apple doesn't monitor this forum. If you really want to "raise a voice" where it counts, do it here:

Complaining here is as effective as me telling my neighbor that I don't like who a football team chose in the draft.
Thank you so much for the 3 options you listed...I was confused but the pretentious reply clarified everything.
It isn't pretentious; it's fact.
I was never a believer that the mac pro was dead.....until today. If a refresh was near they wouldnt have bothered to update it at all. the fact that they changed it a little is a telling sign. either it wont be updated for long time or its dead. If they are going to let it go for an even longer time considering its already 2 years old tells me they aren't concerned and are letting it die.
Complaining here is as effective as me telling my neighbor that I don't like who a football team chose in the draft.

And complaining through that form is as effective as e-mailing the general manager of a football team that you're unhappy with their draft pick, i.e. equally worthless.
The title should be Apple "spits" in Pro's face. They are playing shell games with us.
A slap?

Yes, with a baseball bat, with spikes in it.

FWIW I sold my MacPro3,1 - 8 core in frustration 2 weeks ago purely because of the issues with newer Graphics Cards updates (or lack thereof)

Also there crappy and I believe intentional Bootcamp Windows 7 neuturing (no AHCI support and PCiE slow downs (half bandwidth) to name but a few.

Who would have thought a 4 year old system would still compete favourably with a brand new Mac Pro released today.
I think Apple have vindicated my decision to do so with this latest joke, Back to Windows 7 for me.
I really believe hackintoshs/frankenmacs - call them what you will - are even more relevant today than they ever have been.
BTW I own 2 MBPs which are great machines - but Mac Pros users must feel extremely violated.
Also on the way is an IVY Bridge 3570K, 8gb Ram, Z77 mobo and HD7850 in the Mac Pros place.
And it still left me with a lot of change in my pocket after the selloff.
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I was never a believer that the mac pro was dead.....until today. If a refresh was near they wouldnt have bothered to update it at all. the fact that they changed it a little is a telling sign. either it wont be updated for long time or its dead. If they are going to let it go for an even longer time considering its already 2 years old tells me they aren't concerned and are letting it die.

To be fair, the update was probably dictated by Intel and not Apple. I assume Apple would have continued to try to sell the same thing until whatever it is they're doing to replace the current Mac Pro was finished.

At this point I think it is a safe bet that the current Mac Pro tower is dead to be replaced by something else that Apple thinks will be better. I wouldn't be surprised if Thunderbolt plays a huge role in it (or they would have just slapped Thunderbolt in it by now).
Apple doesn't monitor this forum. If you really want to "raise a voice" where it counts, do it here:

Complaining here is as effective as me telling my neighbor that I don't like who a football team chose in the draft.

It isn't pretentious; it's fact.

Although I didn't think you mean to be offensive, giving advice when none is needed comes off as abrasive and a bit condescending.
Copy and pasting the same response in 2 different threads however does come off as pretentious because it makes it seem like the idea is important enough to do that, especially when the replies haven't been favorable.
Although I didn't think you mean to be offensive, giving advice when none is needed comes off as abrasive and a bit condescending.
I didn't give advice. I offered a more effective venue for letting Apple know how you feel. If you don't want to use it, that's up to you. There's nothing abrasive or condescending about making the suggestion.
Copy and pasting the same response in 2 different threads however does come off as pretentious because it makes it seem like the idea is important enough to do that, especially when the replies haven't been favorable.
There's only so many ways to respond to the same topic. If people start multiple threads on the same issue rather than joining an existing thread, expect to see the same responses in multiple threads.
I didn't give advice. I offered a more effective venue for letting Apple know how you feel. If you don't want to use it, that's up to you. There's nothing abrasive or condescending about making the suggestion.

There's only so many ways to respond to the same topic. If people start multiple threads on the same issue rather than joining an existing thread, expect to see the same responses in multiple threads.

Your copy/pasted response was off topic in the other thread, and so is this, so PM me if you want to continue this discussion. :cool:

Hope 2012 is the end of the A1289 and 2013 brings a "new" Mac Pro.
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