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there's like two or three flashlight apps at least. Some provide more utility by allowing you to change the color.

Colors and strobes are useless, I'd just like to be able to double-press the sleep button to get to a white screen. It'd be faster, easier and quieter, though probably not possible with the SDK.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Mobile/5F136 Safari/525.20)

Thanks for the chuckle.
Nice humor. :D
Nice. The only thing is that the name thing is incorrect, but that's okay cause it's comical :p (I don't think apps can have the same name as I have yet to see one)

Is this enough flashlights for you? :D

Flashlight (AbySoft)
Flashlight (ExactMagic)
Flashlight. (Flashlight.)
Alzar's Flashlight
myLite Flashlight
Crazy Candle
Hmm. I don't really get "Joy of Tech". It always seems to be far more "clever" than "funny", and often seems to just echo what everyone is already saying anyway on forums like this one. eg: Steve Jobs writing an email to Jerry Seinfeld.

Or maybe I just don't "lol".
just for fun

I think we should start something like "Apple's odd employee of the month - as chosen by the MR community".

For example, The 14-year-old chinese girl at the iPhone factory (August'08) and Victor Wang (September '08)
That was hilariuos!

whos with me on a new mac rumors section for stuff like this?

mac humors

Id read it.

Good idea, but I'm afraid it would get trashy and immature after a while.

I prefer Arn's occasional link to exceptionally good humor - like this comic (I LOL'd like I haven't in a long time). :D
That's hilarious and eerily accurate!


I also find it quite ironic that the injoke is based around flashlight applications when the SDK acutally cripples the usefulness of those types of applications (can not increase the brightness) where as if you have an JB phone you have a much much better application.
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