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I just finished my third interview. It went well For the most part.not too many technical questions the interview last about 45 minutes, he was very nice and was clear about the position. Ft starts Jan.13th and it's IOS.
If the new position is a Tier 2/QA position, then congrats. If it's a similar position to AHA T1, then you might be overreacting to having your dreams temporarily crushed. Here's a cautionary tale, from my recent history:

I worked T1 for a Electronic Medical Records software company. There was another tech, a friend of mine, who was equally skilled.... but a little more quiet about his role. As a result, 3 months in I was the first to get bumped into Tier 2... he hated life but grinded it out. The company decides to look into IPad mobile apps, and he has a background in programming/development. He gets overlooked for the pilot/beta testing for me.

In less than a year, I went from new guy on the phones, to writing most of the KBase/SOP articles for the company, working on their pilot IPad app and working with Tier 2 to be promoted there once the IPad app was released and R&D no longer needed me. My friend hated the company for it privately, since he was equally (if not more) skilled than me, but never said anything publically and kept grinding away.

A week before the beta testing ends, my manager (who I loved) gets fired because she was remote and the company decided to terminate all remote employees to keep everyone centralized around their corporate office. Her replacement was her suboordinate (my supervisor) at the time, who hated my guts because of a dumb HR glitch that said the manager was my direct report (whereas she was the direct report for every other new hire in my class).

Basically, for the whole year, I got to tell her no a lot because I was working on other projects and not taking calls. She was worried that maybe I was her soon-to-be replacement or something (even though I said in multiple performance reviews/meetings that I had ZERO interest in management and was only looking to gain knowledge and move up the technical chain... Tier 2/QA/etc).

I called out sick on a Monday and she lied and said she never received a call. Marked me as a no-call/no-show, and because I had a couple previous attendance marks, I was terminated. I had a chance to defend myself, but since she'd been with the company for 10 years+ (and was only a supervisor lol), they took her side over mine.

A month later, a QA job opens up for double the salary of what I was making. My buddy, who just grinded it out and kept posting solid numbers without publically showing his disapproval, got the position and now makes way more than what I do as an AHA lol.

Moral of the story: Things may not always work out when you want them to, but hard work pays off in the end..... eventually :). Good luck going forward and thanks for the review of the job :).

Eh, even my manager said I was better of going else with the skills that I have.
The T2 pay couldn't touch what I was offered with the new job.
I have an open invitation to come back anytime so....
The process?

I just applied today for the At Home Advisor - AppleCare. Can someone tell me how long does it take to hear from the initial interview? Do they call first or send an email? And I see a lot of people posted when they were hired but what date did you apply?
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I just applied today for the At Home Advisor - AppleCare. Can someone tell me how long does it take to hear from the initial interview? Do they call first or send an email? And I see a lot of people posted when they were hired but what date did you apply?
I applied Aug. 29, 2013 for the AHA college program. I got an invite to attend a Virtual Information Session on November 1st. They basically just told us about the position, and let us know that people were doing interviews and that they were sending more interviews that week. I got the email for my first interview 4 days later (Nov. 5th). I had my first interview Nov. 7th. It was suppose to be over FaceTime, but the lady called me instead and it was 11 minutes. She let me know that she liked me and was moving me on to the next interview. 2 days later I received the email to setup my interview with a Manager. I just had that interview this Monday (Nov. 11th), and it was 40 minutes long over FaceTime. He said I would hear back within a week.​
I applied Aug. 29, 2013 for the AHA college program. I got an invite to attend a Virtual Information Session on November 1st. They basically just told us about the position, and let us know that people were doing interviews and that they were sending more interviews that week. I got the email for my first interview 4 days later (Nov. 5th). I had my first interview Nov. 7th. It was suppose to be over FaceTime, but the lady called me instead and it was 11 minutes. She let me know that she liked me and was moving me on to the next interview. 2 days later I received the email to setup my interview with a Manager. I just had that interview this Monday (Nov. 11th), and it was 40 minutes long over FaceTime. He said I would hear back within a week.​

So you submitted an application and August and they didn't contact you til November? Thank you for that information! Did they state when a possible class would start when you were interviewing? I am being laid off on Jan 1st and was thinking due to the holidays and the interview process any hiring now would be for the new year. Was the interview process difficult and did they say what section you would be in? I have seen someone say they were accepted to an iOS class on Jan 13th. Sorry for all the questions just so many questions!
I had my third interview today! I'm excited and super nervous to see if I get a call or an e-mail!! The interviewer said it would take a week to hear back either way. The main thing I regret is I accidentally hung up as he was saying "thanks, you too" lol I thought he was done talking!
I had my third interview today! I'm excited and super nervous to see if I get a call or an e-mail!! The interviewer said it would take a week to hear back either way. The main thing I regret is I accidentally hung up as he was saying "thanks, you too" lol I thought he was done talking!

Hi when did you submit your initial application? And did they mention a possible training start date to you?
Hi when did you submit your initial application? And did they mention a possible training start date to you?

Hi, I first applied 2 weeks ago and then a week later I got an email and phone call and they passed me to a FaceTime interview and then passed me directly to the third. They said my group, if hired, would be CPU Support starting Jan 13.. How about you?
Hi, I first applied 2 weeks ago and then a week later I got an email and phone call and they passed me to a FaceTime interview and then passed me directly to the third. They said my group, if hired, would be CPU Support starting Jan 13.. How about you?

Lol I just applied today just anxious as to how long til they first contact you. That was fast for you! Gives me hope good luck!
So you submitted an application and August and they didn't contact you til November? Thank you for that information! Did they state when a possible class would start when you were interviewing? I am being laid off on Jan 1st and was thinking due to the holidays and the interview process any hiring now would be for the new year. Was the interview process difficult and did they say what section you would be in? I have seen someone say they were accepted to an iOS class on Jan 13th. Sorry for all the questions just so many questions!
He said my division would start middle/late January. He didn't state where I would be. And the interview was super chill. We were just laughing and talking and he would through in the occasional question or 2. It wasn't bad at all.​
He said my division would start middle/late January. He didn't state where I would be. And the interview was super chill. We were just laughing and talking and he would through in the occasional question or 2. It wasn't bad at all.​

Nice! I hope to hear something next week!
I had my third interview Tuesday received a call from my recruiter yesterday and the background check email from hire right, training for iOS starts Jan 13th.

Hi guys. I see everyone has LOTS of questions about the timeline so I'll post mine.

Applied for the position in August.
Received a call in November asking basic questions about email and bluetooth. Was passed to my first FaceTime interview a couple of days later.
FaceTime interview consisted of a couple of role plays and a few simple questions about POP3 and IMAP. Was passed to second FaceTime interview.
Received email a couple of hours later to schedule second FaceTime interview.
Scheduled FaceTime interview for 4 days later.
Second FaceTime interview was painless. Interviewer asked about bluetooth and wifi, we did a couple of role plays, and was told they would be making a decision in the next couple of weeks.
A couple of hours later recruiter called with pay info and offer contingent upon BGC.
Got hireright email within a couple of hours.
Took hireright about three days to complete BGC--most of the time was sitting and waiting on court records to be pulled.
Class starts in Jan for me.
I think they let you know either way, I was told to wait about a week to hear back.

Well I didn't get the bgc email at all, and since pretty much everyone gets it within hours of their third interview I just have a feeling that means I'm not gonna make it. It's weird because I really thought my final interview was good. At the end I asked how long to hear back and the interviewer have a big sigh and told me about 5 weeks. Oh well.
So I had my third interview on Thursday and I haven't heard anything since. So I'm basically screwed, right?

After my last interview, it took about 24 hours to get the offer call. Last interview was on a Thursday and got the offer call Friday evening. Don't give up yet. They told me it was going to be a few weeks before a heard, but it just took a day.

Also, my class starts way sooner than I think your class. So it might have just moved unusually fast for me.

Seems like a sweet gig for a college student. Anyone here doing it?

I worked as an Apple at-home advisor at Texas A&M for about half a year. Its really really awesome and I truly enjoyed it, but apple certainly screws their college employees when it comes to hours. I had multiple work weeks during the summer that added up to about 55-60 hours, but they were all nights and weekends. During the school year you work 3 days during the school week for four hour shifts, and one 8 hour shift on a weekend day. I tried to do this while taking a total of 17 hours which was the most overwhelming thing I have ever done up to this point in my life. If I had taken 12 hours, chances are I would not have quit. But it got to the point that we were getting trained for IOS 7 I was at almost 35+ hours per week. When OSX Maverick was coming out, I would have had the same hours for training. Its an awesome job and I would definitely suggest it if you are taking 12 hours in school, but even at that it might become overwhelming. If you apply, good luck! The interview is awesome and takes place VIA FaceTime. Generally the regional Apple Care managers are awesome, helpful and love what they do. I would suggest this job, if and only if you love apple products, you're good with people and you can take an angry customer yelling at you for something you did not do wrong. I loved it, i just bit off a bit more than I could chew for one semester.
Cheers and good luck!
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