You doing early advertising to run a class action suitI'd assume that between the two of us only one went to law school. Let's leave legal suppositions like proof to those who are trained in such manners. I don't use words loosely.
Allow me to extend your non point further. If my APR was 300%, why should I care? Why would that be relevant? 2000%? I pay it off monthly, who cares. Right?
To answer your silly, Apple brown nosing question, because if I can't get 12.9% then no one can and it's a con. And I care that it's a con.
Questioning if you are an attorney given the douchy personal attack in your last post, but hey have a good day. One would think an attorney would know from the T&C and published documentation from Apple that Goldman sets the terms, Apple has nothing to do with it. Which makes sense given Apple isn't a financial company.
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