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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 30, 2007
Last week My iMac started to get Kernel panics. So I called Apple care, they were great, and I took my iMac in. 1 Week later, I get a call, she's ready to be picked up. Yay! (Had I not had Apple care, I would have been just a month over my first year)

I bring it home, and the first thing I notice is that the screen is all smudged, so I go to clean it, and then notice it full of finger prints, on the inside. And my base is all dinged and scratched up.

Needles to say, I am not the most excited person today. Great way to kick off my weekend!

Can you say, Bitter Sweet?




I called them, and left a message as they do not transfer people directly to the Genius'.
So... would you rather a messed up logic board of fingerprints that are removable?

what? That's a horrible repair job. I'd be back there in a second. He shouldn't have to take it apart again to clean off smudges.
what? That's a horrible repair job. I'd be back there in a second. He shouldn't have to take it apart again to clean off smudges.

I know what I should do. But man, what kick in the nuts. Pack it up, drive the 45minutes there, drop it off, wait yet another week, go back and do the same old song and dance again?
I know what I should do. But man, what kick in the nuts. Pack it up, drive the 45minutes there, drop it off, wait yet another week, go back and do the same old song and dance again?

You should definitely return it to them. The iMac shouldn't come back from repair in a poorer condition (even if it is only cosmetic damage).
You should definitely return it to them. The iMac shouldn't come back from repair in a poorer condition (even if it is only cosmetic damage).

I believe they fixed the logic board and kernal panic problems, but the smudges are new, so in fact it's in better condition, just a little.
I believe they fixed the logic board and kernal panic problems, but the smudges are new, so in fact it's in better condition, just a little.

Now that it has scratches and dings which are permanent, the resale value will be lower
I'd be royally pissed if they did that
Call it negligence
Now that it has scratches and dings which are permanent, the resale value will be lower

My thoughts exactly.

I called as soon as I found out, and they still have yet to call back. If it weren't such a pain to drive back, I would have taken it back today, but making it in to begin with took some reworking of my schedule. Now that it's not "as big of a deal" as in it is working, whereas before it was a 24'' paper weight, it's hard to justify taking the time out of my day to go back yet again.
My thoughts exactly.

I called as soon as I found out, and they still have yet to call back. If it weren't such a pain to drive back, I would have taken it back today, but making it in to begin with took some reworking of my schedule. Now that it's not "as big of a deal" as in it is working, whereas before it was a 24'' paper weight, it's hard to justify taking the time out of my day to go back yet again.

When you get a chance, go back asap, but I wouldn't recommend going to far out of your way or canceling something to go back.
That is totally and completely unacceptable. No ifs, ands buts, or maybes.
Not only would I not clean it myself, but I would return to the store, ask to see the manager and show him everything that is wrong. I would also insist that it get fixed right then and there, while you wait. And if that didn't happen to my complete satisfaction, a call would be placed to AppleCare to report the shoddy, careless workmanship. Don't take any crap! You are the customer - the one that has paid the money for this "service". I would absolutely be expecting top quality service for my money - just like the iMac itself and its OS. That "repair" job isn't worth a nickel. My 2 cents :rolleyes:.

Rich :cool:
I think I will end up taking it back next week some time.

I hate to be "that guy" crying the blues over a little bitty scratch, but I have to live with it, and as someone said earlier, I spent the money, why should I have to deal with it?
I think I will end up taking it back next week some time.

I hate to be "that guy" crying the blues over a little bitty scratch, but I have to live with it, and as someone said earlier, I spent the money, why should I have to deal with it?

You shouldn't have to deal with shoddy service and damage to your machine. If the store still hasn't called you back, call Apple Care (1-800-APL-CARE). They have always been very, VERY helpful to me.
that's why i told them to send my iPhone which is in repair to the t-mobile store and not to my home.. when it's ****ed in any way i won't take it.

by the way thx apple for not replacing products which are dead on arrival, you buy sth ****ed and have to wait for it to be repaired. that's bad service.
oh common u can buy machineguns in your country but the f word is censored.. hillarous
I think I will end up taking it back next week some time.

I hate to be "that guy" crying the blues over a little bitty scratch, but I have to live with it, and as someone said earlier, I spent the money, why should I have to deal with it?

You do realize the longer you wait, the easier you make it for them to blame it on you. I would highly recommend calling up AppleCare ASAP.
by the way thx apple for not replacing products which are dead on arrival, you buy sth ****ed and have to wait for it to be repaired. that's bad service.

The screen on my iPhone started to come loose. I took it to my local Apple Store and they replaced it without question. The whole process took about 10 minutes.
Just got off the phone with the manager from the apple store. He said to bring it in and either A) swap it for a new iMac, or B) replace the stand and clean the screen.

Couldn't have been more professional.
This is why I buy Apple. :)

Now in terms of swapping, what should I do? time machine? how easy is it to get back to where it's at today?
Now in terms of swapping, what should I do? time machine? how easy is it to get back to where it's at today?

Glad to hear you got taken care of. As for using Time Machine to set up a new machine, it looks like you can do it, but I've not done it myself so I have no idea how well it works. Here's what Apple has to say about it on the product page:

To make setting up a new Mac even simpler, Time Machine shares its data with other Mac utilities. Use Migration Assistant to copy portions of any Time Machine backup to a new Mac, or select “Restore System from Time Machine” in the Leopard DVD Utilities menu. Choose any date recorded in Time Machine to set up your new Mac exactly as your previous Mac was on that date.
So... would you rather a messed up logic board of fingerprints that are removable?


When my iMac toasted I had no choice but to take it in and wait weeks for it to be fixed. The Dell I bought my parents, guy came out NEXT day and replaced the motherboard. (most likely a lightning strike jumped the surge protector)

Sorry, Apple service sucks. You have to have the three year warranty otherwise what you bought is an expensive boat anchors. Excusing poor service for "at least it works" shows just how stupid some fanbois are.
Just got off the phone with the manager from the apple store. He said to bring it in and either A) swap it for a new iMac, or B) replace the stand and clean the screen.

Couldn't have been more professional.
This is why I buy Apple. :)

Now in terms of swapping, what should I do? time machine? how easy is it to get back to where it's at today?

Considering the first "service" you got - I would go for a new one... I get scared to think of what could go wrong if they tried to fix any other part... :)

Anyway Im so glad they offered this.
Time machine just finished syncing up my new 24'' iMac, and all is well.

A+++ for Apple :apple: :D :D :D


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