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macrumors 6502a
Mar 19, 2009

Apple CEO Tim Cook this week traveled to Washington, D.C. to meet with top Republican lawmakers, reports Bloomberg. Cook is said to be aiming to create ties with the GOP as it prepares to assume control of the House in the new year.


Cook has scheduled meetings with Ohio's Jim Jordan, California's Darrell Issa, and Washington's Cathy McMorris Rodgers. Jordan and McMorris Rodgers will likely be involved with committees that are overseeing the tech industry, heading up the House Judiciary Committee and the House Energy and Commerce Committee, respectively.

Apple is dealing with U.S. antitrust legislation that could result in major changes to the company's App Store policies. There are five separate bipartisan bills that are being considered, and just this week, Twitter CEO Elon Musk spurred lawmaker interest in Apple with his claim that Apple has threatened to "withhold Twitter from its App Store" and has stopped advertising on Twitter.

As Bloomberg points out, Cook's meetings were scheduled weeks before Musk's Twitter rant, but Twitter could be a topic of discussion. Jim Jordan, who Cook is meeting with, has publicly supported Musk, for example.

Cook will also meet with Republican Senator John Cornyn from Texas, Democratic Senator Martin Heinrich from New Mexico and Democratic Senator Brian Schatz from Hawaii as Apple aims to steer regulators away from App Store legislation and questions about the company's device manufacturing in China.

Article Link: Apple CEO Tim Cook Meeting With Republican Lawmakers in Washington
Don’t cosy up with traitors. This will push me to stop using Apple products. Do better. Think different.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 26, 2011
I hope Greg “Joz” Joswiak - (Senior Vice President Worldwide Marketing) is going with him.

Tim Cook seems to love the government and politics. Why can't he just focus on Apple solely and enrich lives? I just don't see innovation and politics going together. It always becomes a burden.
Tim IS focusing on Apple and protecting its cash cow services business (30% Apple tax revenue).


macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2022
Wow, it was only years earlier worked at IBM NC, down the hall from my family member's office. Now, this.......scary What next What next Whitehouse?👀o_O

Flight Plan

macrumors 6502a
May 26, 2014
Southeastern US
All politicians are corrupt. The right is just more violent, racist, and anti choice/abortion, so it's particularly bad. Tim meets with republicans because he's a greedy capitalist
Wow, just wow. Yeah, those violent, racist republicans burned down all those cities all by themselves. In liberally-run cities and states.
Ugh, imagine having to have a meeting with Gym Jordan
That's funny, I was thinking the same about having to meet with Nancy Pelosi's giant plastic eyebrows. We could paint those things yellow and install them in a McDonald's PlayPlace (do they still have those?) in a disadvantaged part of town somewhere. Kids could ride them, and since they're made of non-organic materials, they would last longer than the pyramids!


macrumors 6502a
Dec 8, 2012
Woke and ethics lecture goes down the drain when it is all about the color green... 😁

Better hug those republicans tight Tim!
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macrumors 65816
Jul 27, 2010
It's not very advantageous to show a "flat" picture of an already pretty colorless personality. They should at least slap a LUT on this log-footage. Amateurs.


macrumors 6502
Mar 30, 2006
"weeks before Musk's Twitter rant"....
Macrumors showing how it's world class journalism can be totally unbiased!
I would be critical of Apple too if they were threatening my business and trying to shut down freedom of speech.


macrumors 65816
Jul 9, 2008
That's funny, I was thinking the same about having to meet with Nancy Pelosi's giant plastic eyebrows. We could paint those things yellow and install them in a McDonald's PlayPlace (do they still have those?) in a disadvantaged part of town somewhere. Kids could ride them, and since they're made of non-organic materials, they would last longer than the pyramids!
Yeah, they're roughly comparable individuals 😆
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macrumors 68040
Jul 10, 2012
I don't think I've ever seen a photo of Tim Cook looking that grumpy/pissed, let alone not smiling (although TBF, I can't say I'd be happy if I also had to take such a trip myself).

Agreed, for the most part those names listed are the far right lunatic caucus.

Ps regarding the unhappy Tim I wish there was video of him telling the hedge fund guy who questioned Apple’s ROI from investments into Accessibility to get out of Apple stock. What a glorious moment it must have been!


macrumors 68040
Jul 10, 2012
I give the guy credit, he knows how to play the role he's chosen. I still prefer someone that's emotionally invested, like Steve or Scott Forstall.

Cook is just a politically correct robot that tells everyone just how committed he is to privacy while giving the Chinese government free reign to do whatever they want.

I would gladly pay 25% more if the phone were manufactured in India instead of China.
Free reign. LoL LoL LoL. He has to obey their laws if he wants their business. How quick would he keep that market if he flipped the bird?

His profits here help to subsidize all our iPhones.

That said I too would pay more, ca 10%, for a non Chinese iPhone.


macrumors 68040
Jul 10, 2012
Maybe one of them will ask him if Apple shut off AirDrop in China at the request of the CCP, so it would help them crack down on the protesters.

I can't wait for Tim's next virtue signaling session on privacy.

And he would say “yes, under their law we had to. Unlike you guys, we respect the laws where we operate.”


macrumors 68040
Jul 10, 2012
Wow, just wow. Yeah, those violent, racist republicans burned down all those cities all by themselves. In liberally-run cities and states.

That's funny, I was thinking the same about having to meet with Nancy Pelosi's giant plastic eyebrows. We could paint those things yellow and install them in a McDonald's PlayPlace (do they still have those?) in a disadvantaged part of town somewhere. Kids could ride them, and since they're made of non-organic materials, they would last longer than the pyramids!
You realize how silly this sounds?

Adults are talking policy and you’re on about an old lady’s eyebrows?

And for all those cities? It was a few buildings, some of which were torched by now convicted white supremest agent provocateurs.

In the meantime national crime statistics show the alarming rates of crime, under education and poor healthcare, are in gop controlled areas.

You really should switch off right wing news or get off Facebook man, the nonsense you have bought into is making you silly.
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