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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Yes, and I've already said several times that laws can be changed. I think corporations are becoming more and more powerful, and they are able to influence politicians to change the laws to favor corporations and weaken worker rights.
And I’ve said if laws can be changed unions can be rendered inconsequential. If we are discussing a remote possibility of a future hypothetical example.
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Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
And I’ve said if laws can be changed unions can be rendered inconsequential. If we are discussing a remote possibility of a future hypothetical example.
I don't think it's a remote future hypothetical, I think unions have been getting weaker and corporations getting more powerful for some time.


macrumors 68000
May 27, 2013
"Companies like Apple shouldn’t have a single employee on food stamps or medicaid"

While I have no idea at all how many do have government assistance (Medicaid and SNAP), I do believe companies shouldn’t rely on the government to provide their employees with luxuries like food and healthcare.

Again, Medicaid and SNAP should not be a part of any employee’s “benefits package.”

And again, no idea how many are in this case. Absolutely no idea, but it still needs said that taxpayer money isn’t for companies to screw their employees over by making Medicaid and SNAP their benefits package.


macrumors G5
Oct 10, 2011
While I have no idea at all how many do have government assistance (Medicaid and SNAP), I do believe companies shouldn’t rely on the government to provide their employees with luxuries like food and healthcare.

Again, Medicaid and SNAP should not be a part of any employee’s “benefits package.”

And again, no idea how many are in this case. Absolutely no idea, but it still needs said that taxpayer money isn’t for companies to screw their employees over by making Medicaid and SNAP their benefits package.


And it is incredibly disingenuous to even suggest that Apple is somehow a party to or engages in that with such a sideways cheap shot. With ZERO EVIDENCE to back that up.

It's kind of like proclaiming to the world that Company XYZ should not rely on its employees having to use food stamps (instead of wages) in order to live a good life. When there's absolutely zero evidence that Company XYZ engages in such a strategy in setting wages.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
I don't think it's a remote future hypothetical, I think unions have been getting weaker and corporations getting more powerful for some time.
Still not sure of the issue. Are you concerned that 13 year olds will be working dangerous jobs? Or that in at-will employment states, employees can be terminated for any cause? Or that union power is getting watered down? Companies that rely on innovation to drive their business behooves them to form a partnership with their employees, based on corporate culture, and not treat them as dirt. That doesn't mean that retail staff gets the run of the place.
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Nov 3, 2014
Let's remember that the main purpose of a union rep is to collect all that money paid in union dues and spend it on themselves.
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Aug 22, 2022
Strawman argument as it's not about whether I like your replies, it's that your replies are flawed.

I know and understand why you disagree with the message(s).
1. You stopped listening to Oliver Wendall Holmes Jr when it fit your understanding.
2. Unions v Corp was the same behavior. To your credit, you are consistent though.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Still not sure of the issue. Are you concerned that 13 year olds will be working dangerous jobs? Or that in at-will employment states, employees can be terminated for any cause? Or that union power is getting watered down? Companies that rely on innovation to drive their business behooves them to form a partnership with their employees, based on corporate culture, and not treat them as dirt. That doesn't mean that retail staff gets the run of the place.
I'm not concerned about any particular issue, though now that you mention it, at-will employment is a problem. I'm concerned that IN GENERAL, worker protection are getting weaker, at all levels of government and society.

And retail workers aren't asking for the run of the place, they just want to make a decent living and be treated with respect and dignity.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
I'm not concerned about any particular issue, though now that you mention it, at-will employment is a problem. I'm concerned that IN GENERAL, worker protection are getting weaker, at all levels of government and society.
Well, imo, for the most part unions are the anti-thesis of innovation. So there's that.
And retail workers aren't asking for the run of the place, they just want to make a decent living and be treated with respect and dignity.
Corporations generally pay people to scale. Apple retail works make about $20/hour. That's not bad when your assets are a smile and personality. They are entry level non-exempt positions. Being treated with respect and dignity should be foremost, but it doesn't mean that will happen in a union either due to favoritism, bribery, etc.


macrumors regular
Feb 23, 2013
Let's remember that the main purpose of a union rep is to collect all that money paid in union dues and spend it on is to support their own interests in funding political activities and lobbyists.

Unions love to support their own political agendas and donate money to lobbyists. Teacher's unions are a perfect example of this behavior.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Well, imo, for the most part unions are the anti-thesis of innovation. So there's that.

Corporations generally pay people to scale. Apple retail works make about $20/hour. That's not bad when your assets are a smile and personality. They are entry level non-exempt positions. Being treated with respect and dignity should be foremost, but it doesn't mean that will happen in a union either due to favoritism, bribery, etc.
Do you have any specific examples where unions prevented innovation?

In any case, with Apple retail workers, it's not like their work requires any innovation -- like you say, it's smile and personality. And while forming a union might not necessarily get you dignity and respect, it's trying something. As other posters have mentioned, Apple might be offering the recent rounds of benefits and work place reforms at least partly because of pressure from the unionization movement.

I know unions aren't perfect, but I think they are an essential part of protecting workers rights.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Do you have any specific examples where unions prevented innovation?

In any case, with Apple retail workers, it's not like their work requires any innovation -- like you say, it's smile and personality. And while forming a union might not necessarily get you dignity and respect, it's trying something. As other posters have mentioned, Apple might be offering the recent rounds of benefits and work place reforms at least partly because of pressure from the unionization movement.

I know unions aren't perfect, but I think they are an essential part of protecting workers rights.
There is this:

A MacBook lover

May 22, 2009
As a life long Marylander, you don't have a clue what you're talking about 😂. If you don't like the state, fine, but generalizing the whole state based on an area full of college kids? This state, like any others, has its share of lazy and stupid....but the majority are normal hardworking people.

That's about as dumb as, well.....forming a union and complaining about the consequences of it.
Maryland is an ugly state. Not only does most of it look like crap (no offense), the people there are negative. Sure, like any state it has its good and bad parts.

But having visited all 50 states, Maryland is up there with the likes of Ohio and a few others competing for the worst, most depressing state


macrumors 6502a
Oct 22, 2020
Why didn’t the union negotiate better benefits to begin with? Wasn’t that the whole purpose to create the union? Better benefits.

Looks to me that they want to have the cake and eat it too.
Maybe they wanted management style benefits, I have a feeling they wanted everything executives probably get 🤭


Nov 3, 2014
Maybe they wanted management style benefits, I have a feeling they wanted everything executives probably get 🤭
Then they should get a job in management.
Realistically, they unionized. Therefore they HAVE to negotiate their salary/benefits through a "agent" that they must pay to be their shill. If Apple gives employees more benefits, the union members MUST have their PAID representative negotiate and the union members vote on it.
Thats the way unions work.
If yje union members don't like it they can always go on strike.
Then I would go to the non-union store nearby.
If there are no stores close by, I'll stop online.
FWIW, I needed a new Apple Pencil recently. Amazon delivered it the same afternoon from their (Non-Union) Fulfillment center.
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Nov 3, 2014
Do you have any specific examples where unions prevented innovation?

In any case, with Apple retail workers, it's not like their work requires any innovation -- like you say, it's smile and personality. And while forming a union might not necessarily get you dignity and respect, it's trying something. As other posters have mentioned, Apple might be offering the recent rounds of benefits and work place reforms at least partly because of pressure from the unionization movement.

I know unions aren't perfect, but I think they are an essential part of protecting workers rights.
Today, Unions are parasites sucking up dues to support the officers luxury lifestyle.
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