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macrumors 6502
Jan 27, 2010
"This has NOTHING to do with China"
"This might have something to do with China"
The chance itself has nothing to do with China. The only thing that has something to do with China is the reason why they changed it there first.

I see both of them as separate. Apple would have rolled out this change even if there weren't any protests in China. Instead they would've rolled out the change globally to begin with.
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macrumors 68030
Oct 28, 2006
Alice, TX
Alright, I upgraded and it defaulted to Contacts Only.

This may be a dumb question but how does it know if I'm a contact? My phone number? I take off the 1+ in all my contacts. By name? What if I have them as Johanna Smith but what if they have me as David Work 🍕?
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macrumors regular
May 9, 2010
As someone who frequents theme parks and gets bored waiting in line for rides, I'm always entertained when randos decide to airdrop stuff out of nowhere. Keeps things interesting! Really bummed that Apple is forcing these limited options onto people. If folks want airdrops, let them have them. If they don't want them, give them the option to block them from strangers or everyone in general.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 6, 2021
This is extremely frustrating. It seems like a feature restriction is being forced upon us because China wanted to prevent this from being used to help protesters. Apple going along with it is really bad


macrumors 6502a
Nov 15, 2012
Man, this comment section is quite a **** show. Good thing it's limited to only "older" accounts ;)

It doesn't really appear like that strongly to me, but I guess YMMV.

Maybe you could tell us, then, what you DO think, instead of just a mysterious cliff hanger.

Ah yes, the good old "anyone who disagrees with me are idiots" argument. The pinnacle of science thinking :)

Do most Americans think that? I doubt it. Also, iMessage is used plenty outside the US, if not everywhere the same.

Your comment is just speculation from start to finish. Maybe you're right... but maybe you're wrong. It's speculation.

You're doing an "argument from lack of imagination" here. Just because you can't think of an explanation doesn't mean one doesn't exist.

The question is good, but no one here, including you, knows the answer. It's just speculation.

I've never heard that AirDrop is the world's leading free speech technology, honestly. Can you substantiate this?
Your entire post is based on faulty logic. Authoritarian dictatorships are very good at getting away with censorship, intimidation, and other crimes. It’s not like you can submit a FOIA request to see CCP communications between Apple and the CCP, because the CCP does not have FOIA laws. They maintain the power to operate totally opaque.

No one ever said “AirDrop is the world's leading free speech technology”. Stop putting words in people’s mouths. But since you mention it, FACT: “world leading free speech technology” is banned in China, including, and VPNs. People are being arrested for having VPN apps on their phones.

Airdrop was being used creatively because the CCP restricts free speech technology. Pitch forks have a similar history.

You sound like a highly overpaid member of the CCP’s 50 cent army.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2009
The chance itself has nothing to do with China. The only thing that has something to do with China is the reason why they changed it there first.

I see both of them as separate. Apple would have rolled out this change even if there weren't any protests in China. Instead they would've rolled out the change globally to begin with.
I’m sorry, I can’t stop laughing. “The only thing that has something to do with China is the reason why they changed it there first.”
To parse out a software rollout takes thought and deliberate action. This thinking is as if it were just a breadcrumb along the way.
If it really didn’t mean anything, then Siri would be everywhere already.


Aug 22, 2022
Authoritarian dictatorships are very good at getting away with censorship, intimidation, and other crimes.

I agree. Most people see censorship as the suppression of information but it is also the active promotion of certain messages. China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are examples.


macrumors regular
Jan 13, 2008
To direct the negative attention away from Apple on limiting this feature. AirDrop is a huge security weakness allowing anyone to drop files and images. We've seen bomb and child photos being shared.

Think about it. Protests in HK happened in 2019. If China wanted this done, it would been implemented a long time ago. Not 3 years later. And it wouldn't be 10 minutes. It would be completely removed.
But censorship was mostly taboo in 2019. Only since 2020 did it become popular.


macrumors 601
Nov 6, 2020
From a security standpoint this is the right move and should have been how it worked from the beginning. I set mine to “Contacts Only” immediately to stop AirDrop spam and never looked back.

Unfortunately the timing certainly makes it look like Apple caved to the CCP since they never acted on all the news stories of inappropriate images being spammed to everyone on an airplane.

duck apple

macrumors regular
Feb 26, 2009
The term is "bluejacking." You see the images immediately as a preview.

In some places around the world, AirDrop is used for guerrilla marketing.
Then they can set it 'contacts only'.
Here in Taiwan, most of everyone switched to LINE, Messanger (FB) and disable altogether iMessage because Apple seemed care nothing about it and iMessage has no Contact Only option.

Irony, after everybody turned off iMessage, there is almost no more spam in this half year.

For airdrop, I leave it 'for everyone' and never ever received any 'broadcasting' one. Think about it: since Apple can restrict the sender to contact only, it must know something about the sender and is able to trace to the person abusing it; it can then lock him out or share his information to police if justified. Weren't all the persons identified and caught in previous abuse cases?

In contrast, in China, Airdrop is the only way for broadcasting anti-government message immediately to mass. All other ways , WeChat, discussion boards, and mail have to going through pervasive filtering system. After airdrop's broadcasting capability was in effect castrated in China, here comes the blank white paper.
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duck apple

macrumors regular
Feb 26, 2009
The China comments make me laugh.

Until the new boogeyman was rolled out, we were getting stories like airline pilots telling the plane they’d turn around if people didn’t stop Airdropping porn on the plane.

This isn’t a submission to China, it’s an answer to the seemingly never ending stories of AirDrop abuse.
Didn't those pilots overreaction or abuse their power to delay the flight just because of a child porno picture?
There will be a riot if they handled it this way on Taiwan's plane.

A anonymous phone call warning a timed bomb on the plane is lots more easier and more threating, so we should put restriction on flight control officials answering phone calls?

Before Apple added this in beta for China, who heard of any government crying out to stop this so called Airdrop Crisis?

duck apple

macrumors regular
Feb 26, 2009
Off the top of my head, another reasonable explanation would be that there is a security concern with leaving it on all the time. I have no idea if that’s the real reason, but it’s certainly reasonable.

I’d certainly consider it more reasonable than Apple implementing a feature globally as a cover story for China.
Apple removed Taiwan's national flag from its OS in China and Hong Kong and never gave explanation, or, why bother?

duck apple

macrumors regular
Feb 26, 2009
I've never heard that AirDrop is the world's leading free speech technology, honestly. Can you substantiate this?
It's not the leading free speech channel for 'the world', yet it is the only possible way in China for spreading protest message to non-specific mass.

duck apple

macrumors regular
Feb 26, 2009
I don't love everything China does and consider myself an American Patriot... but I'm sick and tired of seeing all the China fearmongering across the entire Western internet. It's so ridiculous and we should be allowed to offer an alternative perspective if other people can casually get away with expressing unwarranted hypocritical hatred of China.
You won't says this if you were born and lived in an small island and seeing China's fight jets buzzing atop of you every hour, every day.

duck apple

macrumors regular
Feb 26, 2009
Cook is submitting to China and staying in the CPC's favor by doing the following:

1) Meeting and standing with US politicians currently advocating for ostracizing China, forcefully decoupling our economy from China, and increasing sentiment for nuclear war with them.

2) Announcing that iPhone chips will be manufactured in America (CHIPS bill, again a bill designed to hurt China)

3) Transitioning Apple production out of China into countries like Vietnam, India, and wherever else.

4) Announcing today that extended iCloud encryption will be available in mainland China
1. ostracizing China? Funny! It's Taiwan been ostracized from the earth by China. You can hardly find proof of Taiwan's existence in any official or non-official international organizations.
2. American needs local sited TSMC's fab in case China decides it's to its benefit to level off Taiwan even China's east cost will be leveled off by revenge.
3. Increasing labor cost in China makes it reasonable to Cook.
4. China owns and runs the iCloud data center for Chinese (and I suspect also for Hong Kong and Taiwanese).
Besides, there is no way true encryption of this scale allowed to be employed by Xi.
And, Apple owns the key to decrypt every user contents, China security authority surely has a copy of it otherwise iPhone/iPad will be ostracized, just like the entire product lines of Google and Facebook.


macrumors regular
Jun 4, 2003
Apple allegedly made this change in China in the iOS 16.1.1 update after protestors in the country used AirDrop to spread anti-government material. Apple said that the feature was actually introduced in an effort to cut down on spam content spread in crowded areas like malls and airports.

Apple is so full of B.S.

If spam was really a problem — and it has NEVER BEEN A PROBLEM in 10 years of using this feature — then give people the option of choosing either “everyone” or “everyone for 10 minutes”. Then, all of these “people“ who are supposedly inundated with spam (i.e. nobody) could choose to make the change themselves.

This is so clearly Apple’s continued attempts to align themselves with authoritarian, fascist, and communist government policies.


macrumors 601
Feb 8, 2009
Apple is so full of B.S.

If spam was really a problem — and it has NEVER BEEN A PROBLEM in 10 years of using this feature — then give people the option of choosing either “everyone” or “everyone for 10 minutes”. Then, all of these “people“ who are supposedly inundated with spam (i.e. nobody) could choose to make the change themselves.

This is so clearly Apple’s continued attempts to align themselves with authoritarian, fascist, and communist government policies.
Apple has to obey local laws in the countries in which it operates.

They can’t just chose to ignore certain laws because they don’t like them!

Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
Apple has to obey local laws in the countries in which it operates.

They can’t just chose to ignore certain laws because they don’t like them!

That is not what Apple is saying is going on:
Apple said that the feature was actually introduced in an effort to cut down on spam content spread in crowded areas like malls and airports.
If you are talking about China and China has laws that would be impacted, then Apple should just say that they are complying with local laws instead of saying it was because of spam.

But, what about everywhere else does doesn't have these laws?


macrumors 601
Feb 8, 2009
That is not what Apple is saying is going on:

If you are talking about China and China has laws that would be impacted, then Apple should just say that they are complying with local laws instead of saying it was because of spam.

But, what about everywhere else does doesn't have these laws?
Maybe it’s both reasons?
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