Meh, I'm a newb - not everybody starts out painting a mona lisa with their first go. It doesn't really make it right to charge the UK more though - Everyone now is saying that it's because of the exchange rate change. But when we talked about the exchange rate a year ago, everyone came back with "There's loads more to it than the exchange rate".
There was a whole series in the papers over a decade ago "The Cost of Buying British." It basically compared the prices of everything in the UK with the rest of Europe. Bottomline, it cost something like 30% more on most consumer goods to buy in Britain, so nothing new here. Just look at car prices (although there is the whole right-hand steering wheel issue). There aren't a lot of bargains to be found in Britain...
Try Googling "more expensive in Britain"
And you will find that ASUS, Dell, automobiles, train tickets, PS/3's and organic meat are also a lot more expensive in Britain.