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macrumors newbie
May 6, 2014
So for anyone who got hit more than once — do you have app specific passwords? I had one but did not create it and knock on wood I’ve been fine since.


macrumors 68040
Aug 19, 2009
I read that many users who are going or went through this nightmare are/were developers .
I was but with a different email
Anyone here?


macrumors newbie
May 6, 2014
Many many many years ago, yes. Where did you read that, here? I don't develop for iOS any more, haven't paid for a developer account in a decade, don't even know if that's still a thing, but I'm sure my account is still tagged. I'm in data architecture and engineering these days.


macrumors 68040
Aug 19, 2009
Many many many years ago, yes. Where did you read that, here? I don't develop for iOS any more, haven't paid for a developer account in a decade, don't even know if that's still a thing, but I'm sure my account is still tagged. I'm in data architecture and engineering these days.
In few places in the past weeks, but didn't pay too much attention because I'm not one anymore either.

I remember seeing the Apple System Status all green but the Developer System Status had a
"maintenance affecting accounts associated in some way to developer IDs"

At the time it didn't affect the email I used as developer long time ago, only the iCloud one

Let's see if others fall in this category

P.s. Forgot to mention that several news websites that reported the issue had their own reporter/staff members affected as well-maybe developers as well?
starting from this very website and adding several others, which I linked in a previous post

MacRumors staff members have also been affected by the service outage
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macrumors 601
Mar 25, 2008
I read that many users who are going or went through this nightmare are/were developers .
I was but with a different email
Anyone here?
I am a dev with Family Sharing setup and have a number of devices logged in. I’m not impacted by this.


macrumors 68040
Aug 19, 2009
I am a dev with Family Sharing setup and have a number of devices logged in. I’m not impacted by this.
Thanks for the info, but my question is different

I'm asking if every user that has been impacted was/is a dev too, trying to find a common trigger


macrumors regular
Feb 25, 2022
British Columbia, Canada
Not a app dev. Nor do I have app passwords that everyone keeps talking about since I also don't have 2FA etc.
Total old school here and got hit twice but didn't change the password. No issues other than having to log in.
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macrumors 68020
Jan 10, 2005
Thanks for the info, but my question is different

I'm asking if every user that has been impacted was/is a dev too, trying to find a common trigger

I've been impacted but am not a dev. Besides mine my family has 4 other Apple ID's an none have been affected except for mine.
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macrumors 68020
Jan 10, 2005
So for anyone who got hit more than once — do you have app specific passwords? I had one but did not create it and knock on wood I’ve been fine since.

I do have app-specific passwords for just one app, Fantastical, and of course each time they lock the account and require a new Apple ID password it gets deleted. The lock has never occurred as a result of interacting with the app in question however so I'm not sure why it would be related.


macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2004
I'm currently trying to get this issue resolved with Apple Tech Support. Word for word, it is pretty much an identical experience to canyonblue737. While trying to resolve the problem, I noticed something peculiar. When I sign into my Apple ID with my .MAC address using my newly reset password; this is when it tells me my account is locked. However, if I use my .ME address, it signs me in without issue. I believe this whole fiasco has something to do with the new passkeys Apple implemented and some discrepancy between certain folks .MAC and .ME Apple ID's when the new passkey feature was implemented.

Edit: On further experimentation, BOTH .MAC and .ME accounts say my account is locked when I try to sign in with my new password. However, if I use the 'Passkey' option to sign in using either one, it works flawlessly. I'm still unable to generate app-specific passwords or approve app download requests from family members. Still waiting for a call-back from Apple Support...
Just an update from someone who suffered from this problem since it started, what 3-4 weeks ago? Long story short got locked again a third time when setting up my brand new iPad Pro but first a recap…

I too had my Apple ID randomly locked and demanded a new password be created. My Apple ID is a .me account dating back to at least the launch of MobileMe in 2008, but maybe it was transfered from the old .mac accounts? I honestly can’t remember, it could be over 20 years old for all I know. I’ve NEVER had issues with it until last month.

1. Locked me out randomly on the same day as everyone else had it happen. Had to create a new password (old was 15+ random characters, same with the new) and all was well once resigned into a bunch of my existing devices like Apple TVs, iPads etc.

2. 4 days later I realized I had to create new app-specific passwords for Fantastical (the calendar program) because they were erased when the new main password was created. When I attempted to log into the Apple website for Apple ID it immediately locked my ID *again* and made me create all new passwords. I did this, was able to make an app-specific password for Fantastical but of course had to update all my Apple devices with the new Apple ID and update my password manager etc. Frustrating!

3. All has been ok for maybe 3 weeks when today I started to setup my new M4 iPad Pro. I decided to set it up from scratch rather than transfer over my 2018 iPad Pro so of course one of the first things it asks is if I have an Apple ID… so I enter my ID and bam… locks my Apple ID and demands I reset the password. So again, new password, update the manager, update all my devices (iPhone, multiple iPads, multiple Macs, multiple AppleTVs) AND go and create new app specific passwords for Fantastical and update that app with it on all my Macs. HORRIBLE!

WHAT IS GOING ON APPLE? WHEN IS THIS GOING TO END? WAS MY ACCOUNT COMPRIMISED SOMEHOW AND NOW HAS BEEN PUT IN SOME SPECICAL EXTRA ATTENTION MODE? I update my Apple devices all the time, I get a new iPhone every year, new Apple Watches almost every year, always some new Apple device… so every few months when I spend thousands with Apple I have to go through this? Also… MacRumors… why have you stopped covering this? Can we not press Apple to be more truthful about what is going on?
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macrumors 68020
Jan 10, 2005
I'm currently trying to get this issue resolved with Apple Tech Support. Word for word, it is pretty much an identical experience to canyonblue737. While trying to resolve the problem, I noticed something peculiar. When I sign into my Apple ID with my .MAC address using my newly reset password; this is when it tells me my account is locked. However, if I use my .ME address, it signs me in without issue. I believe this whole fiasco has something to do with the new passkeys Apple implemented and some discrepancy between certain folks .MAC and .ME Apple ID's when the new passkey feature was implemented.

Edit: On further experimentation, BOTH .MAC and .ME accounts say my account is locked when I try to sign in with my new password. However, if I use the 'Passkey' option to sign in using either one, it works flawlessly. I'm still unable to generate app-specific passwords or approve app download requests from family members. Still waiting for a call-back from Apple Support...

when I do anything that involves entering my Apple ID password it lets me enter it, sends the two factor, lets me enter the two factor... THEN locks me out and demands a new password right there on the spot. That new password DOES work for the rest of the day, but I have to enter it on all my Apple devices and reset app-specific passwords that get deleted when you create a new main Apple ID password. Then after I believe 24 hours or so if I ever need to enter the Apple ID password again (let's say I need to setup a new device, wipe a device, open the Apple ID website, create a new app-specific password etc.) it will lock again and demand a new password starting the whole process over. Only on the first "D-Day" back in what, end of March?, when we all seemingly got locked out at the same time did it happen out of the blue and not associated with a Apple ID password entry event for me. I have never used passkey for what it is worth.


macrumors 68020
Jan 10, 2005
Finally!!!!! 24 days later I am out of Recovery Mode and able to reset my PW.

I can't imagine. This experience for me has been multiple weeks of being forced to reset my password which is a pain and time consuming to reset up my devices, but I've never been permanently locked out. I'd lose my mind to not have 3 weeks of access to my devices and accounts. I'm glad it is back in order and wish you luck for it to not happen again.
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