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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 15, 2018
Korat, Thailand
I have two Apple IDs. One is based in the US and one is based in Thailand where I reside most of the time. One ID is based on a .Mac address and the other is a gmail address. I need two because I generally want to get stuff from the US stores. But, now and then I need something from the Thai store. For example, I had to buy NFL's Game Pass from the Thai Store. Also, the Thai government sometimes produces essential apps that are only available in the Thai store. This has worked fine for many years.

However, recently my Apple TVs have been asking me to enter the password for the Gmail Apple ID:\


I know the password I have is correct because it is stored in 1Password. But, when I enter it, it get:


Then I verify that the Apple ID is known by the Apple TV:


So, I go to Apple's IForgot website and enter the failing Apple ID. But then I get this:


I spent several hours with Apple support on both Message and on the telephone. They were pretty much baffled by this. They confirmed that the Gmail Apple ID is correct and is associated with the Thai stores. But they had no real idea why I can't reset the password. One support guy suggest that since the Gmail address is also in the "You can be reached for messages at: " list and that I should use the password that I use for the .Mac Apple ID. Of course, that didn't work.

Note that I posted an inquiry about this previously, but got no replies. This post is better documented and explained, I hope.

I know I can try removing the Gmail Apple ID from the Apple TV, but I'm afraid to do that now as I am in the midst of watching the NFL playoffs on the Game Pass app which I downloaded using the Gmail Apple ID.

Any ideas?
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