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Oct 23, 2014
But they don’t really care about the deluge of perfectly good devices bricked by activation locks. Soooo……
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macrumors 601
Apr 2, 2020
It’s sad people believe c
I love nature and trees. Why not invest in getting the homeless off the streets of SF and other cities.
We were told that the earth's ice cap would be melted by 2013 or 2014 and all the costal cities would be under water, did that happen. Nope! Someone call Greta she'll set things straight. If you believe in CC I have land for sale at the North Pole for cheap. BTW, I believe in CC its been happening every year for the past 6,000 years.
a lie told a hundred times becomes truth that’s what the climate change hoax is, it’s not true humans can’t change the climate, every 5 years they say in this time this will happen and nothing does. Someone once said if someone is so worried about climate change then they must live good life’s, people in India that can’t even get hot meals I’m sure they dont care about so called global warming, it’s the left pushing these lies and apple is a woke company and has to feel like they are doing something to please people on Twitter


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2009
Apple's investment is your next price increase. Enjoy it, mother nature. I sure won't.
Whatever do you mean? Corporations are evil and their money is pulled from the monopoly money stash. We must encourage 'investments' like this because it's just monopoly money anyway. If they don't take to the encouragement, we must punish them with regulations and taxes, both of which will be paid for from the magic monopoly money pot. There is absolutely no tie to my wallet at all. /s
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macrumors 68030
Sep 16, 2014
So uptra wealthy buy up lots of investment land, instead of distribution of dividends, which makes real estate even more expensive for regular people... For the childre.... oh wait that's 1990s... For the planet!

Gosh aren't they SO AWSOME, I just love Apple!
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macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2016
Apple and other big companies should refuse to do manufacturing business with India and China until they start taking steps to reduce their emissions. There's absolutely no excuse for their disregard. Good on Apple for doing this, but it'd be nice to see them take it a step further and step up to the bullies of the ecosystem.
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macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
Wasn’t it Al Gore? In his famous documentary…

The documentary said 50-70 years. Gore incorrectly repeated the 5-7 year number in various speeches.

Of course, Gore being wrong doesn't change the reality of climate chage. Exxon accurately predicted the effects of greenhouse gas emissions on global temperatures back in the 70s.


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2022
Apple and other big companies should refuse to do manufacturing business with India and China until they start taking steps to reduce their emissions. There's absolutely no excuse for their disregard. Good on Apple for doing this, but it'd be nice to see them take it a step further and step up to the bullies of the ecosystem.
Have you been to China? They have done far more to reduce emissions than the USA - fact. 20 years ago, you would have been correct. Today, China’s efforts blow away anything the USA has done. Not trying to be political just factual.
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macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2022
Ha... a politician and not a climate scientist. Why would anyone accept that as truth?
I agree with you. His whole documentary was more like fictional ideas. Or it sped up the timeline by 100x over reality.

I don’t side with politicians on either side. I think there are things we should be doing to eliminate partisan politics and do what’s correct for all not just a few at the top.


macrumors G5
Oct 10, 2011
I agree with you. His whole documentary was more like fictional ideas. Or it sped up the timeline by 100x over reality.

I don’t side with politicians on either side. I think there are things we should be doing to eliminate partisan politics and do what’s correct for all not just a few at the top.

Totally agree!


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2022

The documentary said 50-70 years. Gore incorrectly repeated the 5-7 year number in various speeches.

Of course, Gore being wrong doesn't change the reality of climate chage. Exxon accurately predicted the effects of greenhouse gas emissions on global temperatures back in the 70s.
This is the problem though. We have liberal politicians factual incorrect which makes conservative politicians ignore everything they say and rate that climate change has always happened. True, but we can see what we are doing is destroying the environment. And mining all the lithium for batteries is a finite resource that politicians in California want to do to enforce battery powered cars. The reality is we need clean power to begin with. Coal isn’t it even though that gets presidents elected, wind and solar aren’t sufficient and can’t even offset the initial manufacturing climate damage. Nuclear is the only way to go. Make car batteries 1/5th the size. Put power in the main roads and capacitors in the cars. That’s a start. Look to France and what they have done. Nuclear energy is far cleaner than anything we have. People don’t like the sound of it, but the solution is right in front of us. Hilariously, I see solar panel roofs in US states where they get little sunshine. That’s not going to help especially when it’s completely disgusting the amount of pollutants creating those solar panels does. Maybe in Arizona and Florida it would make sense in offset.

I do want companies to put money into eliminating carbon emissions in sustainable ways. The only way to do that is research. We will figure it out only if companies like Apple put up the cash to do the research. I applaud the effort. But the effort needs to be a top priority by many companies not just one company. And politicians need to look at the reality of it. Elon Musk and Tesla really don’t help the environment much at all. What they do is make money!


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
I agree with you. His whole documentary was more like fictional ideas. Or it sped up the timeline by 100x over reality.

I don’t side with politicians on either side. I think there are things we should be doing to eliminate partisan politics and do what’s correct for all not just a few at the top.
There's nothing to suggest the whole documentary was fictional. There were a few errors, and it did create some shock value by over-dramatizing some worst case scenarios. But the science was good for the most part.



macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
This is the problem though. We have liberal politicians factual incorrect which makes conservative politicians ignore everything they say and rate that climate change has always happened.
Liberal politicians saying something factually incorrect while largely being right about climate change doesn't "make" conservative politicians ignore anything. Conservative politicians choose to ignore the science of climate change for their own reasons. Conservatives have agency over their own choices.

The politics of climate change is driven largely by money and short term interests. Particularly by the oil industry. Not some politician getting a fact wrong.

True, but we can see what we are doing is destroying the environment. And mining all the lithium for batteries is a finite resource that politicians in California want to do to enforce battery powered cars. The reality is we need clean power to begin with. Coal isn’t it even though that gets presidents elected, wind and solar aren’t sufficient and can’t even offset the initial manufacturing climate damage. Nuclear is the only way to go. Make car batteries 1/5th the size. Put power in the main roads and capacitors in the cars. That’s a start. Look to France and what they have done. Nuclear energy is far cleaner than anything we have. People don’t like the sound of it, but the solution is right in front of us. Hilariously, I see solar panel roofs in US states where they get little sunshine. That’s not going to help especially when it’s completely disgusting the amount of pollutants creating those solar panels does. Maybe in Arizona and Florida it would make sense in offset.

I do want companies to put money into eliminating carbon emissions in sustainable ways. The only way to do that is research. We will figure it out only if companies like Apple put up the cash to do the research. I applaud the effort. But the effort needs to be a top priority by many companies not just one company. And politicians need to look at the reality of it. Elon Musk and Tesla really don’t help the environment much at all. What they do is make money!
Fair enough, though I'd say the problem with wind and solar isn't capacity, it's distribution.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 22, 2020
Liberal politicians saying something factually incorrect while largely being right about climate change doesn't "make" conservative politicians ignore anything. Conservative politicians choose to ignore the science of climate change for their own reasons. Conservatives have agency over their own choices.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

― Upton Sinclair, I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked


macrumors regular
Mar 7, 2012
Who told you that and when? Be specific.
Your X vice-president Al Gore in 2007-2009 made the quess-estimate.

Any other questions?


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
Your X vice-president Al Gore in 2007-2009 made the quess-estimate.

Any other questions?
Gore was obviously wrong as I previously posted, but any rational person can tell the difference between what he said and “the earth's ice cap would be melted by 2013 or 2014 and all the costal cities would be under water.” He never said that.

But don’t listen to the politicians, listen to the science.


macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2021
What are you expecting? That the effects of climate changes will happen overnight? And it’s untrue that nothing happens, we already see the effects of global warming.

I don‘t know what is MR moderation policy towards conspiration theories, but something needs to be done
Is that what you would Have done to many of the same people who said we were entering a new ice age in the 70’s? We’ve gone a full 180 in ~ 40 years and some are completely fine with that. 🙄

Gore was obviously wrong as I previously posted, but any rational person can tell the difference between what he said and “the earth's ice cap would be melted by 2013 or 2014 and all the costal cities would be under water.” He never said that.

But don’t listen to the politicians, listen to the science.
You talking about the same Al Gore who went around telling everyone there’s fish swimming in the streets in the early 2000’s? 😂

When the day comes that millionaires and billionaires like Obama stop buying waterfront property, and insurance companies stop insuring those properties, is the day I’ll believe “We’Re hAvInG a ClImAtE cRiSiS!” 🤪


macrumors G5
Oct 10, 2011
Your X vice-president Al Gore in 2007-2009 made the quess-estimate.

Any other questions?

"Any other questions?"


You rely on untrained politicians for factual scientific information? Why?


macrumors 65816
Apr 24, 2022
Your X vice-president Al Gore in 2007-2009 made the quess-estimate.

Any other questions?
"Any other questions?"

Yes, I have questions.

The Washington Examiner? They are well-known climate deniers, just check the ol' Wikipedia. You should also google the specific author of that opinion piece, Myron Ebell, who is notorious for pushing junk science when it comes to climate. He is.... not a respected source. That's about as kindly as I can put it.

CNS? Part of a conservative organization that believes the mainstream media is too liberal, so they provide "balance" by publishing stories and opinion pieces that go in the other direction. They too push climate denialism.

How about some legitimate news sources?


macrumors 68000
Jul 19, 2002
Is that what you would Have done to many of the same people who said we were entering a new ice age in the 70’s? We’ve gone a full 180 in ~ 40 years and some are completely fine with that.
facts and logic:

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