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iPad is not even available for sales yet and we're talking about iPad 2.0?

iPad is not even available for sales yet and we're talking about iPad 2.0?


That's cos iPad 1.0 is rubbish. No wonder people are already wondering what the next iPad will be like - I certainly am. I have over £2,000 in my 'Apple' savings account, desperate to spend it on something. But with an iPhone and a MacBook Pro I'm one of the people who sees no reason whatsoever to buy the iPad. It's pointless to my needs.

But maybe the 2.0 will be more of a tool than a toy...
That's cos iPad 1.0 is rubbish. No wonder people are already wondering what the next iPad will be like - I certainly am. I have over £2,000 in my 'Apple' savings account, desperate to spend it on something. But with an iPhone and a MacBook Pro I'm one of the people who sees no reason whatsoever to buy the iPad. It's pointless to my needs.

But maybe the 2.0 will be more of a tool than a toy...

HAHAHAHAH! I got a chuckle outta your post, because your the second person I've ever seen that has an APPLE Account... I find it funny because... So do I! hahahah! I call it my MacFund. Hahaha! :)

I have - Macbook Pro 13' - 27-inch iMac - 2nd Gen 8gb iPod Touch - :)
For me, it's the best way to buy Apple stuff! I pay in £150 per month (more if there's anything left/I sell anything on eBay etc.) so that when something new comes out I don't have to justify it, I can just go and slap my cash on the Apple Store's checkout!

Which is why I'm so vocal about the iPad - there's is NOTHING stopping me buying it... except the fact that it's a pile of pants! I wouldn't feel like I was wasting money if I bought it (the money's there to be wasted!) but I just don't want it cluttering-up my drawers.


Hot Damn ! that looks good.. lol Im just saying. I like it.

But I duoo if I'd use the mouse tho.. but who knows. :eek:

Man you've started THREE threads about your thoughts.

Enuf already

.. I think I just have alotta thoughts.. lol Ill try to condense em to one.. :)

Im new to the forum.. or any forum for that matter. lol

I just had a slight epiphany the other day about, how Ive been using computers for many many years, since 96'.. and I've never joined a forum before.. lol So. I did.

Hot Damn ! that looks good.. lol Im just saying. I like it.

But I duoo if I'd use the mouse tho.. but who knows. :eek:

.. I think I just have alotta thoughts.. lol Ill try to condense em to one.. :)

Im new to the forum.. or any forum for that matter. lol

I just had a slight epiphany the other day about, how Ive been using computers for many many years, since 96'.. and I've never joined a forum before.. lol So. I did.


And this is my Take on it.. iStand :apple: iPad

What did the mods do? They like merged three threads together and deleted all the good stuff in them. What were they thinking?
What did the mods do? They like merged three threads together and deleted all the good stuff in them. What were they thinking?

HAHAH! I was thinking the same thing too - I kinda thought some of the posts were missing...

But like I said before, Ive never used a forum before, so I figured it just expired or something!?

That's cos iPad 1.0 is rubbish. No wonder people are already wondering what the next iPad will be like - I certainly am. I have over £2,000 in my 'Apple' savings account, desperate to spend it on something. But with an iPhone and a MacBook Pro I'm one of the people who sees no reason whatsoever to buy the iPad. It's pointless to my needs.

But maybe the 2.0 will be more of a tool than a toy...

I chuckle because of how shortsighted your POV is. :cool:

Reality check:

How about this . . . the design and engineering group tried it out and eventually came to the same conclusion that the Touch and iPhone team reached, that while the idea sounded good, but the end user result sucked and it didn't offer any satisfying user experience.

Two main truths are out there.

1. That video chatting isn't that popular b/c for some reason people don't want to look at themselves, eachother, etc. i.e. we're not all Brad Pitt or whoever.

2. That video chatting on a handheld like that would likely be jittery because of how portable it is.

Added to which not sure if 3G could sustain the bandwidth and WiFi, most people are probably home and would use their laptop or desktop with built in webcam.

While it does sound like a great idea, I think Apple thought long and hard about it and didn't want to bring half assed to the market.
From what I gathered from the Video's (on, the Keynote presentation, and the Commerical), You can hold the device any which way, because the proximity censor will adjust the screen to anyway that the device is held.

Yay, thats what I thought!

So then this concept would work??

This is exactly what I thought! I think it would definitely work! Great minds think alike, and don't listen to trolls, they don't have lives...
This is probably perfectly doable by a third-party willing to take a bit of a chance.

Apple has a developer program for devices that connect to iPhone/iPad via the dock connector or Bluetooth.

The aren't many devices that have come to the market through this program, but one that is telling is the Garmin GPS car kit. It contains a better GPS receiver and provides for physical mounting of your iPhone in your car.

What's really interesting, though, is that Garmin apparently (I say "apparently" because I don't have one - this is based on a post here on MacRumors from an owner) provides a device driver (though they may not call it that) that allows you to use their GPS instead of the built-in receiver. You don't have to use the Garmin turn-by-turn app - it will work with OTHER location-aware apps.

I've seen comments here to the effect that there are camera APIs in the iPad SDK, so this may "just work" with any camera application, once somebody releases a camera (and driver).

But.... shhhhhh! Don't call it a device driver! Apple doesn't believe in the concept on iPhone/iPad. Hush now!

A rotatable dongle, allowing the camera to be pointed either way, would be ideal.
Ipad Base Stand

Someone suggested that we created a thread dedicated to Apple iPad 2.0 Mockup Designs!

Please add yours, and leave a comment!


iSight Lite+ 30-Pin adapter


Base Stand

*** I also just realized that if this was the concept design, with the iPad being Helding by the Stand thru the 30-pin connector, that would take out the option of an iSight Adapter, and would rely on a built in front facing camera. ***

- These are they only mockups that I have at the moment.

Please add yours!!

Forget the Camera, I LOVE the Stand.
The camera will be good when the technology is their to back it up, but,
I rarely have satisfactory experiences with Video conferencing.
Let me know when you put the stand into production.
I was expecting a wave of third party camera accessories that hook up to the 30-pin connector, I'm surprised there's none so far.

I don't see the big deal about the camera anyway. I can't imagine having to video conference that much that everyone needs an iSight in their iPad.
Cool concept about the camera. I wish it would happen. By the time they manufacture something like that and prep it for retail, iPad 2 would already be on the horizon with a front facing camera we would all assume.
Cool concept about the camera. I wish it would happen. By the time they manufacture something like that and prep it for retail, iPad 2 would already be on the horizon with a front facing camera we would all assume.

Ya, I know what you mean. After seeing the iPhone 4G, and that it has a front facing camera, it lead me to believe that Apple is indeed heading in that direction. It makes sense why they left it out of the current iPad. I feel that if they DID add the front facing camera, that would draw more buyers to the iPad, then to the iPhone, thus cannibalizing sales towards Apples Jewel, the iPhone.
I was slightly disappointed that the Apple :apple: iPad did not have an onboard Camera of some sort. I thought by now this would be a much wanted feature. Maybe Apple :apple: will add one in the future, who knows. I hope so.

I created this design after I had seen the 30-Pin Connector for a USB port. That got me thinking, then I released that the door is wide open for adapters and what they can do.

I think that having a Video Camera on the iPad will attract more consumers and really throw the iPad hype into over drive. Video Conferencing is the way to go!


So here is my concept design that I did, and I hope you all like it! Please leave a comment and tell me what you think. Do you think this could be a good idea for fixing the No-Camera on the iPad? It sure would be nice!​

I so wish this was real.. Come on Apple give us FaceTime!
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