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macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I get that this is mostly a USA-centric thing but Apple also pushes this globally, e.g. a big thing in the App Store with black content creators and adverts for 'an amazing calendar app by an African American developer!' And this is done in App Stores around the world, who have nothing like the kind of racialised history of the USA. Estonians, Indians and Saudis being told they need to amplify the dev skills of African Americans.

... But the African unity band does look cool


Interesting point. Show us an ad in App Store in India, Saudi Arabia where this occurs (devs of African descent )? Unedited.


macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
It's always comical to see the stock pile of unsold merchandise like this at various retailers be cleared at a significant discount and eventually be thrown away, at the end of these ironically divisive anyone-but-you months.

Beyond virtue signaling and lip service, if any tech company actually wanted to help and acknowledge the community, instead of employing an army of workers from developing countries, they'd be investing in jobs and training locally.

Apple has done inverting in coding camps. There is more but many don’t care to look just complain on such specifically focused topics to shake a fist and vent and stir n laugh I guess. Who knows. But dig deeper. I missed precious workings and even the ad description of the product focus of this thread.

All it’s done for is to make the company look better and “inclusive” (whatever that’s supposed to mean).

It’s just a marketing tactic which is superficial, entirely meaningless in reality and reeks of hypocrisy.

I wish all companies would just stop it, but of course they won’t because it’s cheap publicly.

Seems like a bit expensive for a marketing tactic. Why stop, if you’re correct then this publicity (in sure you meant this) would be negative and Apple would’ve dropped this over 2 decades ago.

Apple forget that all people buy Apple products.

Lol interesting choice of word there. Persons forget that other people buy Apple products. And that they’re a global company.

This works in the opposite direction than the creators would like.

Are you sure about that?! Any specific proofs were quantifiable or otherwise verified? Any particular US based company any product category?

They don’t need a whole month what about military month etc, also I don’t agree with them pandering this the identity politics, every add they release now has the same people in it do they know being diverse means being diverse and not just to one group of people, also why should we give out money when they gave some to the blm movement which now we all know isn’t going to help the community

Military month? But nothing stated regarding Veterans Day efforts by Apple? (That’s just 1 day and a band was created)

So by not being diverse the main executive team is overweighted to a specific background of people, in majority of announcements (stage or virtual). Then using ringer parts of the announcements to feature those of various cultural backgrounds over each year seems quite inclusive to me? It’s quite obvious as well but nope let’s only look at this week and complain.

Dig deeper just in the last year along. Heck the Mac Studio video announcement feature 95% of females across the entire product announcements that same video release. Anybody complain about inclusive issues then? Hmmm.

You don't have to be sorry. This band exists for people who *do* want to be associated with those things.

The band could also exist for those that want to see unity even if not associated with it. Also maybe just liking the art. Those that love to collect ALL the bands ever released. Some mag want to represent unity of itself and maybe if asked could have a fun health conversation of their peers or strangers or hey just something fashionable that may match whatever they feel like wearing.

Yeah like I said, I’m not sorry. I just wished they would release these bands without the identity politics attached to it, because now I can’t buy them.

Oh like the other majority of bands Apple sells throughout the year and not focused on veterans olympics or for unity or LGBTQ rights/etc - oh wait that last one is sold across the entire year.

There is nothing political about this - where is Apple making a move politically here? I think you’re you’ve been stimulated based on your view/experience and making it so.

Apple has been doing similar product marketing or taking a stand long befor right up as far as the Think Different campaign but I think you either don’t know or completely forgot that year.

Everything isn't for you. You don't have to buy it. 😂

That's like a rap fan complaining about a country music artist releasing tour merch or something that they will never buy at a concert they would never go to.

Nothing is wrong with them releasing products/accessories for a specific group of people. That's the beauty of choice.

It’s wrong cause someone or a few dislike this by Apple, they want the status quo of other companies to affect Apple’s direction. It’s unfortunate that yes Apple didn’t make everything for everyone.

More unfortunate some forgot not everything is for them.

But its the new Woke band and Woke face!

LMAO funny nobody uses that word except those that dislike a particular movement of equality or unity.

I guess Apple is “woke” since Think different campaign then?

You mean Woke Virtue Signalers.

I think some get too bent out of shape for something they’d never buy or see represents themselves or their choice of focus.

You should check apples marketing history as far back as the 80’s before that “woke” term was used in political circles and when an add or product don’t cause such issues of poor focus.

It’s not even BHM and this is your stance? A simple product that doesn’t appeal to you clearly.

Does Apple celebrating Woman’s Day, Veterans’ Day, Christmas Day, or Remembrance Day “virtue signalling” as you seem to intend the current meaning or what its real meaning is? I guess yes to both: an expression of a moral viewpoint with the intent of communicating good character.

Apple is an American company. Nothing wrong with them highlighting any group of creators relevant in the US. Not to mention Black people exist on every continent. They also highlight Asian, Latino, Women, and LGBT creators. If you don't like an app, don't download/buy it. Simple as that.

Unfortunately as it could seem here, it’s not so simple as many do not want the choice offered at all, no unity should exist amongst certain groups or choices of living of people different.

The makeup of people in the world haven’t really changed much in over 700yrs, some but not much.

From Apple's announcement:

Many companies and organizations are starting Black History Month celebrations with the MLK Holiday weekend. It expands Black History longer than the shortest month of the year.

Apple typically doesn’t start BHM early. Maybe related to the MLK holiday yes.

Unfortunately the phrase “Black History Month” is commonly misused at times cause it’s about learning of Black history since many of which is erased or rewritten long long ago, here it’s about cultural unity being supported allowing for expression via a product. The product itself doesn’t show much about history ~ it cannot in its presentation or the way it’s made. It’s not indicative of historical discovery or learning, if that occurs for some that’s great for everyone. At least I’d like to believe this. I could be very wrong though.

It’s easier for so many in the world to accept learning one fighting style isn’t ideal for real combat survival, aptitude or physical or mental conditioning or for applicable sport. Took a few decades for MMA (jeer kune do possibly being the first attempt) to become the norm. Seems it’ll take forever for other areas in life.
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macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
But if it was released with any other war in any other country taking place that would have been okay?

Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan to name a few that most of the world didn’t care for like Ukraine.
I’m I think the person you’ve quoted stated “Before … reading the article” and thought this was camouflaged band and would be a bad timing with the currently majorly publicized war. So any other war and a camouflage band would too be bad timing. That’s how I understood that post. Not that the person was down playing any war at all.
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Sep 3, 2019
these veiled posts on topics such as this really should be flagged and looked into further. It ads nothing constructive to the conversation, nor does it add any positivity to the conversation, just a veiled negative expression that potentially hides deeper sentiments that possibly goes against forum rules.
Ah yes... thought crime!

He was probably actually complaining that people will complain.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 27, 2011
Who said that Black History Month is only limited to the US? I mean, Mandela, De Klerk, Sisulu, Tutu, and others would say that this matters to them. and none of them were from the US.


Black history month is a specifically US creation because of the horrific historical circumstances which black folks have gone through there. It has no relevance to Jordan or Taiwan or Japan.

It doesn't matter if Desmond Tutu might have thought it's important that Kazakhstan celebrate black history month.

It's just one of many examples where people think that US History and culture of race relations MUST be the same in every other country.
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macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2022
Boston, MA
Agreed ... this is not the best that Apple can do I'm sure. I'm curious if those of colour are involved with the design at all or even anyone from cultural experience.

I really hope that this isn't a form of Cultural Appropriation, which I doubt heavily but one has to wonder. Given this month's celebration of Dr MLK Jr done days ago yet after all the major products being released why is this the last this week to be mentioned?

Last years braided loop was a LOT better along with the wallpapers. I'm glad Apple is trying but this release seems like an end of the week mention.
I’d like to think it was designed by someone culturally relevant but I fear the reality is it was dreamed up by a team of white people choosing colors from the Africa flag pallets. Maybe not, but based on their demographics, odds are more the latter option. This is my conflict with this type of product. No matter what the intention, it’s a product released on a day that will take advantage of that demographic to sell a product. It’s a product, not a real gesture of support. Is the intention good, sure, but consumerism clouds it.

How about instead they find a way to tie the product to a meaningful gesture. Here is a poorly thought out example that is probably full of holes and just as poorly considered of cultural issues but here we go. Have a design contest in schools in places like Detroit where there are African American teens or kids in situations of limited opportunities. Have like 5-10 winners and produce those bands. Sell them and give a portion or all to the winning school to build programs or fund the basics.

I would like to see the trillion dollar company actually do something than make a hollow gesture to make a buck. There is nothing wrong with a room of white people coming up with an idea like this, but it needs to be handed off to the culturally relevant individuals for execution and peer review. I just don’t see how this particular product benefits anyone other than Apples wallet.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
All it’s done for is to make the company look better and “inclusive” (whatever that’s supposed to mean).

It’s just a marketing tactic which is superficial, entirely meaningless in reality and reeks of hypocrisy.

I wish all companies would just stop it, but of course they won’t because it’s cheap publicly.
And money, right?
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macrumors 65816
Apr 24, 2022
I like the colors and the design, as well as the message behind them. I don't have a watch though, so it'll just be the phone wallpaper for me.


macrumors 68020
Jan 19, 2008
Nobody cares and Apple knows that too. They won’t sell even 1000. I am being generous when I say 1000.
Yet, Apple keeps producing them so there must be an audience.

Besides, what’s it to you if people like to express themselves this way? It’s not because you don’t care about societal issues that the whole world is this oblivious.
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macrumors 68020
Jan 19, 2008
Yeah I noticed that apple say they are all about diversity but at the same time only put one group of people in promo videos
The fact that you post about this means you’ve noticed it. Maybe you don’t identify with the commercial anymore?

But isn’t that the entire point of creating an inclusive world? Making sure everybody gets a go. But complaining there aren’t enough white people in a tech commercial is just bonkers.
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macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
Black history month is a specifically US creation because of the horrific historical circumstances which black folks have gone through there. It has no relevance to Jordan or Taiwan or Japan.

It doesn't matter if Desmond Tutu might have thought it's important that Kazakhstan celebrate black history month.

It's just one of many examples where people think that US History and culture of race relations MUST be the same in every other country.

Who said that Black History month is only for the US? That is your problem. You are showing isolationism in not thinking that it couldn't be applied anywhere. For example, MLK's concept of nonviolence extends much further past the USA, yet MLK Jr. Day is only acknowledged in the US.

But bringing in South Africa again, it is funny that the bill signing MLK Day into law was around the same time as the last big push for helping to get Mandela out of prison, along with the calls to not play Sun City. But yeah, Black History is only for the US, because black people don't exist anywhere outside the US. :rolleyes:

Just because you believe that it is only for the US does not mean that everyone else must believe that it is only for the US. Free your mind.

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macrumors 6502a
Nov 27, 2011
'Black History month' as it stands, and as pushed by Apple, is a US creation.

Black folks and indeed people of colour of all backgrounds have completely different histories in other countries, from Brazil, to the UK, to South Africa. Utterly different. And in some countries are barely relevant at all, as they have their own issues - e.g. Jordan, Japan, China.

I don't have a problem with with black history month, but I do I have a bemused issue with the bizarre US-centric view that their own massive issues and complex history with race are projected onto the world, as if the problems the US has suffered are the same as problems elsewhere. They aren't. Other countries have their own issues of prejudice.

As it's pushed, it IS only for the US. Apple's approach is lazy and it erases issues of race and socio-economic status around the world.

It's just another weird US-specific thing that American companies forget to think about when they market globally.

I am reminded of Black British athletes on the NBC coverage:

British gold medalist Kriss Akabusi's interview after winning the gold medal in the 400 meter relay team at the 1991 Athletics World Championships.:

American reporter: “So, Kriss, what does this mean to you as an African-American?”

Kriss: “I’m not American, I’m British”

American Reporter: “Yes, but as a British African-American …”

Kriss: “I’m not African. I’m not American. I’m British.”

So yes, Black History month as pushed globally by Apple, is painfully US centric, and I'm not surprised.
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macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2004
Flushing, New York
Who said that Black History month is only for the US? That is your problem. You are showing isolationism in not thinking that it couldn't be applied anywhere. For example, MLK's concept of nonviolence extends much further past the USA, yet MLK Jr. Day is only acknowledged in the US.
Right! While this campaign is focusing on the US Black History Month that starts in February, in the UK, Black History Month is October. Some of the orgs receiving mention and support through this initiative is in the UK (London) and Australia (Sydney). I'll have to write my friend in the UK and see if something similar is offered in the UK leading up to their October observance.

Edited to add this tidbit:

Black History Month goes beyond the borders of the U.S.​

Canada and Germany celebrate Black History Month in February along with the U.S. But Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom host their own Black History Month celebrations in October. Brazil celebrates Black Consciousness Day on November 20. While these celebrations in other countries began by focusing on African Americans from the U.S., they have evolved to focus on their own members of the larger African diaspora.


macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ah yes... thought crime!

He was probably actually complaining that people will complain.
I didn't mean thought crime.

I meant making a statement of view that is detrimental to the community or anyone else overall while avoiding 'bann' but circumventing detection . done less obviously in this example we see in written comic strips like %^%$&#@! for cursing but this example I'm not, just an example.

But yeah complaining that people will complain I agree.


macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I’d like to think it was designed by someone culturally relevant but I fear the reality is it was dreamed up by a team of white people choosing colors from the Africa flag pallets. Maybe not, but based on their demographics, odds are more the latter option. This is my conflict with this type of product. No matter what the intention, it’s a product released on a day that will take advantage of that demographic to sell a product. It’s a product, not a real gesture of support. Is the intention good, sure, but consumerism clouds it.

How about instead they find a way to tie the product to a meaningful gesture. Here is a poorly thought out example that is probably full of holes and just as poorly considered of cultural issues but here we go. Have a design contest in schools in places like Detroit where there are African American teens or kids in situations of limited opportunities. Have like 5-10 winners and produce those bands. Sell them and give a portion or all to the winning school to build programs or fund the basics.

I would like to see the trillion dollar company actually do something than make a hollow gesture to make a buck. There is nothing wrong with a room of white people coming up with an idea like this, but it needs to be handed off to the culturally relevant individuals for execution and peer review. I just don’t see how this particular product benefits anyone other than Apples wallet.
Excellent suggestion to be honest.

Apple has done this:
inaugural Entrepreneur Camp for Black Founders and Developers with leaders and their teams from 13 app companies.

"These incredible app creators and business leaders embody the entrepreneurial spirit that runs so deep in the Black community," said Lisa Jackson, Apple's vice president of Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives, including Racial Equity and Justice. "Their work already demonstrates the power of coding to build a better world, and we're honored to support them as they blaze a trail we know so many more will follow."

Since Lisa Jackson has a mixed racial background and fair skinned I'm sure many Apple fans have no idea about her background. Notice how that thread was disabled at the time of posting? Curious why this one wasn't.


macrumors 604
Feb 23, 2004
San Diego, CA, USA
... every add they release now has the same people in it do they know being diverse means being diverse and not just to one group of people, ...
Which one group of people are you talking about? Why can't you state it explicitly?

... also why should we give out money when they gave some to the blm movement which now we all know isn’t going to help the community
"we all know"? Really? I don't. Why don't you enlighten me. Please cite where it says that Apple is giving money to BLM, and explain why that isn't going to help the community.


macrumors 604
Feb 23, 2004
San Diego, CA, USA
I think some get too bent out of shape for something they’d never buy or see represents themselves or their choice of focus.
It seems often like the same ones who get outraged when there's a product that caters to some other group... they're the same ones that get outraged when someone says "Happy Holidays", recognizing all traditions (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, etc.), instead of saying, "Merry Christmas", which recognizes only their traditions. They're against recognizing any specific group, unless it's them.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 27, 2011
It's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just a bit cringe (to say the least) when any corporate that happily does business with places like China with horrific human rights issues also pretends it's a defender of liberation movements. Everything apple does, like any corporate, it does to make money. THere's no worthiness in it. There's money to be made so they'll make bands like this.

We'll never see any bands in support of Uighur people in China, for example. Because it would be bad for business. Neither will apple be promoting LGBT+ rights in Saudi etc. They just hide behind 'following local laws'. Because the only goal is to make money, not to 'do the right thing'.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
It's always comical to see the stock pile of unsold merchandise like this at various retailers be cleared at a significant discount and eventually be thrown away, at the end of these ironically divisive anyone-but-you months.

Beyond virtue signaling and lip service, if any tech company actually wanted to help and acknowledge the community, instead of employing an army of workers from developing countries, they'd be investing in jobs and training locally.
Apples job is not economic development. And virtue signaling is about lip service not doing things.
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