isnt a trademark or copyright or patent infringement classed as stealing ?
here what Steve Jobs said about it : good artists copy , great artists steal
so that means if Apple does it its a great thing , if others do it its a crime
and ok you could unlock a phone differently , maybe one should get a patent for that method : you need to press the volume button and powerbutton at the same time ,while you quiclkly tap ten times the display and then a numberpad appears and you must enter a 125 digit code , ok you would have a missed call my then , but it wont infringe a Apple patent
just asking myself why i never got the idea of getting the wheel patented , i could be rich by now only by suing people for building wheels round
the others would need to build square wheels then .
Because like Apple you dont need to be the first with the idea , you need to be the first with the patent number