I happen to like the 17" screen. Perfect for a kitchen or bedroom computer. Just don't know if they are VESA compatible yet? After the iSight G5 iMacs came out, suddenly, they were no longer VESA mountable. Except for some weird third party jerry-rig job that kept the stand in place.
In other words, I'd love one for my kitchen. On a Vesa mounted arm.
Hoping that Apple updates/upgrades these... that would be very cool and I like the white plastic.
Maybe they'll do with the 17" iMac what the did with the white Macbooks? Keep the plastic and upgrade the specs?
In other words, I'd love one for my kitchen. On a Vesa mounted arm.
Hoping that Apple updates/upgrades these... that would be very cool and I like the white plastic.
Maybe they'll do with the 17" iMac what the did with the white Macbooks? Keep the plastic and upgrade the specs?