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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 14, 2005
I need some very high res apple logo's. I found a website a couple years ago that had them but I cant seem to find it now. I am really specificaly looking for the red aqua logo but all others will be greatly appriciated. This will be printed about 4 feet wide and tall so any graphics gurus know what I need. or post here,but i imagine them being too big.
All i can offer you in the way of help is that <option shift k> gives you the plain apple logo. I would like to see these colored logos too.
Hope this is high-res enough :) I made it myself:


Thank's, thats great and I think it will work perfectly. Did you draw that yourself? If so can you post instructions on how to do that?
NWAMacTech said:
Thank's, thats great and I think it will work perfectly. Did you draw that yourself? If so can you post instructions on how to do that?

Well, I didn't draw the Apple's shape myself, but I did do the shine.

I just created a new text item in Photoshop, then pressed Option-Shift-K, which is a Mac-only keycode for producing the Apple logo.

After that, I did a little magic with gradients, strokes, and inner glows and viola!
iindigo said:
I just created a new text item in Photoshop, then pressed Option-Shift-K, which is a Mac-only keycode for producing the Apple logo.

How did you do that? I've done that - and just tried it - and all I get is a "?".
tech4all said:
Ah yes, thanks! Why does it only work with those fonts? Just some mystery? :)
Fonts contain the characters chosen by the font designer. The fonts created by and used by Apple have the characters they wanted/needed.
tech4all said:
Ah yes, thanks! Why does it only work with those fonts? Just some mystery? :)

It probably has something to do with the fact that those fonts at some point have been the operating system's default:

System 1 through 7.5.3 = Chicago
System 7.6 through 9.2.2 = Charcoal
Mac OS X Public Beta - Mac OS X Tiger = Lucida Grande
iindigo said:
Well, I didn't draw the Apple's shape myself, but I did do the shine.

I just created a new text item in Photoshop, then pressed Option-Shift-K, which is a Mac-only keycode for producing the Apple logo.

After that, I did a little magic with gradients, strokes, and inner glows and viola!
There you go, a viola is the secret ingredient! That's music to my ears... ;)
wow, ya learn something every day at MR; I had no idea about that Apple in a font trick (for lack of a better way to put it)
thanks so much for that tip, that will help me out too :)

and good job with the big red apple!
Blue, please!

iindigo, Please post a blue version of that logo (or just the PSD file). You're awesome!
DATES of logo creation


Does somebody know the dates of creation of those different apple logos

1 - The "Newton" Logo > Drawn by Ron Wayne in 1975
see it here :

2 - The rainbowed version > Drawn by Rob Janov . McKenna in 1977

3 - The monochromatic > Drawn by ????? in ?????

4 - The shiny last version of the logo > Drawn by ????? in ?????

If somebody can help me, you are welcome...
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