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macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2004
Hmm not sure I like the use of a single grey colour for the all the roads. In the London example Justin has posted it’s impossible to pick out the main roads, and there’s also a bit of lack of contrast with the dark grey place names.
Agreed, this is a step in the wrong direction. I guess they do it because on the zoomed in level it would look bad with a blue road with individual lanes, crosswalks etc and to maintain consistency they use grey “asphalt” colour at all zoom levels, but removing information from the further out zoom levels is not the way to do it.


macrumors G4
Jun 21, 2013
...and Las Vegas as requested above.

...and actually, can you just take pics of every city in the USA?? ;)
here you go (and I just learned that I can take screenshots on my iPad and paste them right here on my Mac. So much wasted time saving stuff and uploading. Aaargghhhhh.....). That satellite image? Whoa...





macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
Wow…so many screenshots to share…I will organize them in the morning as I have to make a 3:30 am airport run.

The road detail in San Frncisco is so amazing and clear. It’s freaking me out. Right down to line colors defining left and right side.

Traffic lines are much more pronounced.

Happy to post anything you may want to see if possible.


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macrumors member
Jul 12, 2016
Can agree with what everyone else says around the UK and the grey lines. Far harder to tell a motorway from an A road now. I guess it matches with what Google Maps is doing but the blue made it really easy to tell a motorway and gave it some colour


macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
Can agree with what everyone else says around the UK and the grey lines. Far harder to tell a motorway from an A road now. I guess it matches with what Google Maps is doing but the blue made it really easy to tell a motorway and gave it some colour

I think the issue may be the brighter and darker greens from the new Global vegetation. The roads would get lost if not grey or “lighter”.

I’ll try and post some comparison shots of old and new…especially during the day…so folks can see more of the changes.
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macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
Some shots of routing at night…”Arrow” is missing…and not a huge fan right now of the trailing smaller blue line showing where I’ve already driven, but maybe that’s because of the missing arrow icon showing where my car is.



Also, couple of shots of what you see when you tap on your profile as well.

There is a ratings tab, but still only showing Yelp options for me right now.




…and sorry…I guess TapaTalk needs to be updated for iOS 15. Just throwing pics in randomly. I’ll try and edit these posts later to make them more clear.
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macrumors G4
Jun 21, 2013
That's the normal "Gas station, coffee, restaurant" stop that has been there for years.


Ah…I never use that. But I will now!

(Actually I do use it, but not from the menu. I typically just ask Siri via CarPlay if there is a [insert name of place] along my route”. Good to know there’s an alternative!)
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macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
Ah…I never use that. But I will now!

(Actually I do use it, but not from the menu. I typically just ask Siri via CarPlay if there is a [insert name of place] along my route”. Good to know there’s an alternative!) either...I do the same!

I also never navigate from my phone typically as I have CarPlay in every car, but used it for the drive home from the airport so I could video the drive. Still need to look at that and will share if there is anything interesting, but honestly, looks like nothing new other than the graphics, which in my opinion are MUCH clearer for those that don't like the way it is now on iOS 14.
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iOS Geek

macrumors 68000
Nov 7, 2017
iOS Geek, could you perhaps show us some differences in the new map layers?

Perhaps how the San Francisco area looks (zoomed out a bit) between the normal layer, traffic layer, etc.? Since apparently there are differences in appearance.
Yep, I’ll get those for you today! (As well as a screenshot of what the cutoff looks like on a road with detail that you asked about the other day)!

Unless MozMan, now that you’re on the beta, could get it posted faster for me! (I have to run into work for a few hours)! The reference point I was going to use for the detail cutoff is the stretch of 101 between San Jose and Morgan Hill. Somewhat near the halfway point. If you follow the road, you’ll see where the enhanced detail disappears.
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macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
Yep, I’ll get those for you today! (As well as a screenshot of what the cutoff looks like on a road with detail that you asked about the other day)!
Yep, I’ll get those for you today! (As well as a screenshot of what the cutoff looks like on a road with detail that you asked about the other day)!

Unless MozMan, now that you’re on the beta, could get it posted faster for me! (I have to run into work for a few hours)! The reference point I was going to use for the detail cutoff is the stretch of 101 between San Jose and Morgan Hill. Somewhat near the halfway point. If you follow the road, you’ll see where the enhanced detail disappears.
I just tried it to the North and almost got to Petaluma before it you are swiping along the road, it changes right in front of you; bot the road detail and color of the vegetation (darker green to the still darker than old, but a lighter green compared to the detail in San Francisco).

Will post pics of the changeover points in a sec.
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macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
Her’s the UK comparisons.

Current light and dark mode. Blue and green motorways seem fine here, but honestly, I feel the green A system gets lost in both. Blue M roads, not so much as the blue stands out well enough in both light and dark mode.



For the new Maps, the increase in vegetation in both Lite and Dark modes would make the A roads completely lost. Blue M roads might be okay in Lite mode still, but are too close to the new water color in dark mode and would also get lost in the more plentiful and darker vegetation.


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macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
Here’s an example of where the highly detailed San Francisco graphics drop back down to the new normal “global” graphics seen everywhere else for now on iOS 15.

The break in this instance occurs just as you are heading North on 101 into Burrell (right as you pass Gnoss Field Airport).




macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
Here is the default zoom level for San Francisco and some slowly zooming in…I will try to do a video later today to share. I’m really liking the various colors representing shopping areas, food, etc.

The selections for exploring, driving, transit and satellite also make so much sense. I’ll start with how the views change with each of those.











Selection a focused POI like Coit Tower




Closer view of POI zones…most around me are just generic yellow/orange for shopping since I live in a much smaller town




Going to try and watch the developer videos released this year for Maps later and see if anything else stands out.
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macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
CarPlay is now consistent with the iPhone when reporting any indent. You no longer tap on the Map. Bring up the menu for the same simplified version now in the phone…much better!

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macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
Alright, here’s a quick CarPlay summary.

I don’t live in the SF Bay Area, so I do NOT have any of the 3D features during navigation. There ARE a few differences I was able to notice though. (Sorry, didn’t take screenshots, so I’ll explain the best I can).

1. Navigation shows less (but I’m not saying this in a bad way. For this particular point, it is not impacting anything in a negative way). The 3D building models, at least on my drive to and from work today, did not show on straightaways (they did on iOS 14). They show up as the screen zooms in, but I wouldn’t call it consistent. The outlines showed at different zoom levels usually when a turn was coming up. I actually think there may be a bug involved here because this triggered at different zoom levels.

2. The way the map actually moves while following your location marker seems different. Smoother, in a way. It also seems to move more.

3. Going back to point 1 regarding navigating showing less…on straightaways, it seemed like I couldn’t see as far ahead, but stop lights/signs seemed to pop up earlier than they did on iOS 14. I was almost always seeing the next 2 lights or signs. The third pops up VERY early. And I mean so early that you can’t really determine how soon it comes after the second one. It could be at the intersection that follows…or it could be more than a mile after.

4. The new ”night” map. I LOVE it! Whether looking at the map on iOS, or looking at it during navigation, the new night map solves my biggest complaint about Maps in dark mode. It is no longer “too dark”. It looks great! It’s much easier to see the different colors in dark mode now. Same goes for light mode. Everything is richer (for lack of a better word). Everything, to me, is more distinguishable.

5. Can’t speak on how incident reports are displayed because I did not come across any on my way too or from work. My work commutes occur during ”quiet” traffic hours. Like basically all of my work commutes are uneventful and enjoy very light traffic.

So far, I can not speak on how traffic is displayed because at the times I was driving today, traffic was very light

Thoughts on this as I drove 15 minutes to get lunch just so I could try CarPlay more. ;)

They’ve definitely reduced 3D buildings dramatically. Not sure if this is permanent, but I only experienced 3D buildings when I left my house and when I was arriving at my destination…same when heading home.

Didn’t matter what speed I was going, how far away the next turn was, Maps was basically blank except for roads and some POI symbols during 95% of the drive.


macrumors 65816
Sep 7, 2020
I'm hoping (if not hopeful) that iOS 15 brings the traffic/accident/police reporting features to Canada. I can't imagine why there would be a delay in rolling them out here given Google Maps has had those features in Canada for years now. There is certainly no legal impediment.
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