Seriously why do they work on the iMac.....has to be because of the very first one they made
I ask as
1) who wants an all in one?
2) without an iMac, using laptop parts, Apple could finally focus on a real desktop that isn't underpowered like the mini or too capable like the macpro
Why does apple insist on having the imac stick around? They should have,
1) mini
2) xmac or whatever...just not an aio
3) macpro
1) air
2) mb
3) mbp
1) the acd's
Comeon apple, the imac doesnt make sense to me. Why do I need an aio, when I have better screens that I can later upgrade or whatnot down the road without buying a whole new computer? I think apple holds onto the imac for legacy's sake...just let it go PLEASE
I ask as
1) who wants an all in one?
2) without an iMac, using laptop parts, Apple could finally focus on a real desktop that isn't underpowered like the mini or too capable like the macpro
Why does apple insist on having the imac stick around? They should have,
1) mini
2) xmac or whatever...just not an aio
3) macpro
1) air
2) mb
3) mbp
1) the acd's
Comeon apple, the imac doesnt make sense to me. Why do I need an aio, when I have better screens that I can later upgrade or whatnot down the road without buying a whole new computer? I think apple holds onto the imac for legacy's sake...just let it go PLEASE