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Apple sells more MacBook Pros than iMacs. MacBook Pros are more expensive than iMacs. MacBooks are also cheaper than the iMac and they sell more.
selfish? i guess anything is considered selfish if one spouts an opinion thats different than what apple is currently doing

oh sorry sorry sorry

No, selfish in that those in favour of ditching the iMac refuse to accept the reasonable excuses of those against the removal of the iMac from the product line up.

It seems that everyone who's bleating on about a "headless Mac" is on a crusade to make people agree with them. In fact, while you accuse those defending the iMac of being of the "same opinion" of Apple, those against the iMac seem to come across like they know better than Apple in regard to whats better for them as a company going forward.

There is already a headless Mac, it's called the Mac Mini. The iMac isn't going anywhere, because an all in one is a requirement for Apple consumers to choose from. I don't want to be forced into either buying an external display, either Apple (too pricey) or a third party (I like the whole Apple experience), nor do I want to come home and hook it up to my Samsung LCD because I can't justify the cost of an external display.

Not one single person who's against the iMac has quoted these reasons and tried to debate back, let alone acknowledge that they are valid and sensible points. No, it's just "iMac is pointless and must go" and on and on and on we go in a circle.

You need to realise that not everyone wants a miniature Mac Pro tower that hooks up to an external display. I'm not saying there's not a market for it, but to suggest it replaces the iMac is folly.

Mac Mini is ideal for switchers on a low budget.

Mac Pro Mini (the desktop headless Mac you champion) would be ideal for users wanting PC style upgradability, but who wish to use an external display.

iMac is ideal for consumers wanting a reasonably powerful computer that saves space and doubles as an entertainment system (music, movies, photos), and will last at least three years in performance terms.

Mac Pro is the ultimate high end Macintosh for professionals in a number of industries that require high end upgradable computers which can remain at the high end of the market.
Seriously why do they work on the iMac.....has to be because of the very first one they made

Comeon apple, the imac doesnt make sense to me. Why do I need an aio, when I have better screens that I can later upgrade or whatnot down the road without buying a whole new computer? I think apple holds onto the imac for legacy's sake...just let it go PLEASE

I'm really glad you don't work for Apple. Sorry to say, but your head is stuck in the past. Ask yourself: Why are companies like Dell and HP trying desperately to copy the iMac's all in one setup? Those companies certainly didn't try to do those types of machines before.

All-in-ones are definitely here to stay and are a part of the future of computing. My eyes have been set for the yet to be unreleased iMac for months and coming from a PC background with mass cable clutter and a dozen USB peripherals, I welcome the iMac and Apple's future design philosophy with open arms.
The iMac is a very good computer.

It's a powerful computer, with a very good screen and which is semi-portable (You can carry it with it's box like it was a suitcase. A heavy suitcase, but still a suitcase).

If you can't afford a MacBook because of the price, if you can't afford a Mac Pro and/or you often travel (a Mac Pro is difficult to take with you when you travel, and you probably would have to pay a tax if you carried it in a plane), you simply want a powerful computer, not to expensive, and want a good Display, well, then the iMac is a perfect choice.
Given the choice of either an iMac or an xMac for a similar cost, Id go with the xMac. If the xMac was a little more expensive (with an LCD) then Id still go with the xMac.

If there were no xMac, then Id go with the iMac. One thing for certain is that the mini doesnt really count as a desktop computer (in its current form its an antique) and the mac pro is priced in the stratosphere so is literally unaffordable... so currently Apple only makes 1 desktop computer.

I just with they would update their range as frequently as Dell.

Seriously... this last round of delays to mini, iMacs and mac pro's is evidence of a failing company. All is not well in mac land.... Welcome to the days of the PPC G4 400Mhz stagnation again :-(
Seriously... this last round of delays to mini, iMacs and mac pro's is evidence of a failing company. All is not well in mac land.... Welcome to the days of the PPC G4 400Mhz stagnation again :-(

Come on, give them a break, the whole wide world is having a bad economy time, and you blame them for not releasing some updates for computers one month earlier as everyone would expect them to? I can see the updates coming in March and am as impatient as everyone else trying to get a new iMac, but there is very little one can do about it.

iMac yes, iPod no.

iPod came along in 2001, after 36 months of successively profitable quarters.

Um, I thought that the iPod was introduced in the mid '90's too.

That just goes to show you how vitally important the iMac really was for Apple!

BTW, the iMac still is important for Apple.
No, they don't.

All in ones are really ideal for lots of people, I know ton of people who never would consider upgrading their computer tower.

What Apple should do is offer the Mac Pro with Core 2 Duo chip, don't put much ad money into it, but it will be there for those who want it. Sell it for 1K(and of course lower other specs to get that price point)
No, they don't.

All in ones are really ideal for lots of people, I know ton of people who never would consider upgrading their computer tower.

What Apple should do is offer the Mac Pro with Core 2 Duo chip, don't put much ad money into it, but it will be there for those who want it. Sell it for 1K(and of course lower other specs to get that price point)
A lot of folk I know too wouldn't dream of getting a tower and an iMac is ideal for them...clutter free that's all it is really.

I wish that they would do the macpro with a variety of options, would be great, though with the upsell they do we'd all end up buying further up the ladder :rolleyes: ,numbers permitting of course.
Apple are kings of upsell
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