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Yeah she could do that. So with another credit card from Visa or something I pay 0% interest and all I would have to pay back is the value or the computer and I can chose how much I want to pay a month?
I'm gonna have to reiterate this - don't do it. You'll end up paying much more than the thing's worth, no matter what gimmick they use to draw you in at first (low interest, grace periods, whatever). It's a bad idea, and you'll be paying for something you don't need for a long time afterwards.
MovieCutter said:
It's just obvious to me this 17 year old doesn't know how credit cards work...:rolleyes:

It's just obvious to me this 17 year old doesn't know anything about pecuniary responsibility either....:rolleyes:
aquajet said:
It's just obvious to me this 17 year old doesn't know anything about pecuniary responsibility either....:rolleyes:

Yeah I might not but thats because i'm 17 and i've never worked for anything I got but I do pay for most of it and all I did was asked a simple question and that was how are they and are they a good or bad idea.
All I have to say to those "kids" who thinks "Zomg, I am going to Uni! I must have a laptop!", you don't need a laptop for uni.

In fact I already completed a degree for a course that is as computer as you can get (computer science, only thing better is computer engineering) without the service of a laptop (well back in the day it was really shitte value, unlike now with Core Duo it is actually decent), I dare say I did better than most of those who sat in lecture halls doodling on their web browsers and reading slashdot the whole time...

Let's be honest with yourself here, most unis have a terminal in every room, so it is not like you have a dying need to carry your mobile presentation platform around with you to close that million dollar contract, likewise you honestly think you are going to work very well in the library, or worse still in a cafe? Or is the real reason just cos you want to look cool? :rolleyes:

A thumb drive & FTP access to your uni workspace > the best laptop in the world
generik said:
A thumb drive & FTP access to your uni workspace > the best laptop in the world
LMAO@ you telling someone what they need

my uni adds your laptop price right in your tuition and gives you the laptop during the first day of orientation

its required
unless you already have one and you have to show and prove and sign a waiver

But I agree with those who are saying its not that wise to use the apple payment plan
falcon1 said:
Yeah she could do that. So with another credit card from Visa or something I pay 0% interest and all I would have to pay back is the value or the computer and I can chose how much I want to pay a month?


you must pay the minimum payment each and every month. So say its a 12 month no interest. If the minimum payment is 200, you have to pay 200 dollars a month or else they will begin charging interest and the "contract" for 0% interest for however many months is cancelled. As long as you pay the minimum fee at the very least and pay off the computer within the time of 0% no interest financing, you wont have to pay more than you need to.
technicolor said:
LMAO@ you telling someone what they need

my uni adds your laptop price right in your tuition and gives you the laptop during the first day of orientation

its required

Then go on and get it for your uni, perhaps they are too poor to set up proper computing labs and hence decided to foist the cost of that onto you guys instead.

On my floor we have a couple dentists, some engineers, a doctor, and an architect. Apart from the architect nobody needs to have a laptop really, it is more of a "desk bound thing that is portable during the holidays".
falcon1 said:
Yeah I might not but thats because i'm 17 and i've never worked for anything I got but I do pay for most of it and all I did was asked a simple question and that was how are they and are they a good or bad idea.

You've never worked for anything, yet you've paid for most of it? You'll have to explain that one to me...

Regardless, it seems most posters agree it's a bad idea. Financing anything, especially something you don't need (by your own admission), when you have no job and little money is a bad idea. Some of us have had to learn this the hard way. You'll be doing yourself a favor by forgetting about it. ;)
generik said:
Then go on and get it for your uni, perhaps they are too poor to set up proper computing labs and hence decided to foist the cost of that onto you guys instead.

On my floor we have a couple dentists, some engineers, a doctor, and an architect. Apart from the architect nobody needs to have a laptop really, it is more of a "desk bound thing that is portable during the holidays".
Nope they have labs too. In each department and in the dorms. :)

LOL@too poor...

And a tech staff to help you maintain your laptop, and install the software template. Also if your lappie breaks they give you a loaner.
My mom died when I was 12 and I get a check from the government to help with bills and everything but my dad has a very good job and doesn't need my check for anything so he gives it to me and thats how I pay for everything without working but the check is cut out in April when I turn 18.
generik said:
Then go on and get it for your uni, perhaps they are too poor to set up proper computing labs and hence decided to foist the cost of that onto you guys instead.

On my floor we have a couple dentists, some engineers, a doctor, and an architect. Apart from the architect nobody needs to have a laptop really, it is more of a "desk bound thing that is portable during the holidays".
Our uni requires every entering freshman to have a laptop, as well, no matter what your major or whether you really 'need' it. most of our classes require you to bring your laptop, just as they would require you to bring your textbook, as a lot of what we do (notes, assignments, lectures, etc) are uploaded to our "blackboard" online - our entire campus has wireless internet.

Contrary to your assumption that our universities are poor because they require laptops, we have just as many computer labs as any other school - at least one in every building, as well as our library being open 24 hours. Also, my uni was ranked in the top 100 of USNews' Top National Universities, and is consistantly every year.
technicolor said:
Nope they have labs too. In each department and in the dorms. :)

And a tech staff to help you maintain your laptop, and install the software template. Also if your lappie breaks they give you a loaner.

Gosh, bet it must be a uni that one of those kids in OC goes to! :eek:

Free tech support for personal laptops = win

falcon1 said:
My mom died when I was 12 and I get a check from the government to help with bills and everything but my dad has a very good job and doesn't need my check for anything so he gives it to me and thats how I pay for everything without working but the check is cut out in April when I turn 18.

Sorry to hear about your mum.. but I suppose since your cashflo is going to be cut soon might as well make the best out of it right now eh...? :rolleyes:
generik said:
Gosh, bet it must be a uni that one of those kids in OC goes to! :eek:
Funny, Ive never seen that show!

So I looked it up, and they happen to have a school poll..and yes my school is very similar in nature to one listed on their poll(rhode island school of design)
Don't do it

In my opinion it really doesnt matter how little interest there is, if you can't pay cash for somthing like a computer that will be obsolete by the time you pay off the debt. Also, why get essentially a desktop version of your 17 inch MBP? Write yourself a 60$ check every month and deposit it into a separate account, and when you decide you need a new computer rather than want one, you will have the cash to do it. Just my 2 cents.
My school doesn't require you to have a computer at all, but using the public ones is a huge hassle. They are located everywhere, but often don't have the software you need or if they do, the specs to run it efficiently. Thumb drives are not permitted because of virus concerns. And the labs are often full of people in there just to print things, so spending two or three hours in there on an assignment frustrates everyone.

Additionally, I really don't think it's the university's responsibility to provide me with a learning tool that I need to get through college. It's one thing if you absolutely can't afford one, but if you saunter in to college with the attitude that the university should provide you with unlimited access to every tool you need to succeed you're going to hit a wall pretty quickly.

That said, my friends who brough desktops to school hated having them. They were chained to their desk to do any work they had. They couldn't up and go to a friend's room to get help on something, or go to the library when their roommate was being loud. With my laptop, I could leave campus entirely and relocate to a local coffee shop to get a change of scenery. Laptops are really a great thing to have in school. I can't imagine relying on the university's computing resources to do all my work. But having a laptop AND a desktop? no way. That doesn't even make sense. Especially since no dorm room I've seen has that kind of space.

I'm still confused- you have a MBP to do "school and school related work" but you want an iMac to write "papers and stuff." Aren't papers school assignments? and does your laptop lack some critical functionality that prevents you from writing a paper on it?
Well my private school just switched to Apple computers and there everyone is required to have their own laptop and I did and still do have a Dell but my dad just bought the Macbook Pro for me. At school they let us keep the computers in our own personal safe in the computer room or we can chose to take them back and forth to school and home, thats why I thought a desktop would be better at home then I can just leave the Macbook Pro in the safe at school.

BTW: I don't worry about it getting stole because there is someone that stays in there 24/7.
I'd say bring it back and forth until you get $$ for an iMac, as it would end up being cheaper..also when you start having 2 computer you might end up leaving files on one, and needing it on the other.. so always remember to email it to your seflf(if its small) or USB Flash drive it
celebrian23 said:
don't kid yourself, you know it was long ago ;)

First: It was only ::pulls out slide-rule and does some calculating:: a year ago. It just seems like longer because there are large gaps I can't remember. Or maybe that's the only reason it seems to recent. Hmmm... :p

Second: Basically we're all telling you not to do it, but I will give you two options if you're dead set on it. Option the first is to sell your MBP (or trade it for a MacBook + cash). Then save some of the checks you get until you have enough to cover the MacBook and a refurb iMac. Option the second is to take all the money you get from those checks and put it in something like a high-interest savings account (ie: Emigrant Direct, HSBC Direct, ING Direct, etc...) until you end up with enough money to pay for a second computer upfront. By then, the computer lineup will be even better! I guess option the third is to combine the previous two.

Any way you do this, it would be a poor choice to go into debt for this second - and unneeded - computer. Besides, starting to make your money work for you is always a good thing, and the more you can do with these checks before they run out the better!
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