And it's not like I can just borrow a pencil from whomever's sitting next to me to finish my [digital iPad] drawing. I thought I could get away with carrying around JUST an iPad everywhere I go for all my creative needs without the added space/weight of my drawing notebook, and maybe save a tree here and there (I use up way too much paper). It irks me... in a cosmic sense. And now if it doesn't show up I'll need to go buy another $100 pencil, though I probably wont because you can beat good ol' pen & paper which is almost completely FREE.
I shouldn't be trying to blame my irresponsibility on Apple though. Regular pen & paper has been working for EONS and it's my fault for thinking digital technology was at a reasonable point financially to replace it.
Though as someone currently looking at the prospects of replacing his car with a fully electric vehicle, this serves as a good lesson: wait for the technology to mature before spending large amounts of money on a bundle of compromises. Is my current car in perfect working condition? Yes. Can it get me from SF to LA without making an hour-long stop in the middle to charge it's "fuel?" Yes. Will electric vehicles be in a much better place price/functionality-wise when my current car is ready to croak? Yes. (Sorry environment :/)
Who knows, maybe eventually Apple pencil will be able to operate without a battery, removing the need for charging as well as the lightning port at the end, lowering it's cost and coming in a pack of three for a more reasonable purchase. Or maybe eventually the iPad will be able to do ALL the processing work required for stylus-based input and glass will be so scratch-proof that we'll be able to use whatever pointed utensil we want for drawing! Until then though, Pen & Paper it is.
(sorry for such a ramble)