So basically if I do not take notes or draw, there is no reason to buy the Apple Pencil is what I am gathering?
Yep, it would be a waste of money if you don't plan on doing any of those things. Money that you could be saving for rainy days. It is a great tool for note taking and drawing.
If doing detailed photo editing, its also a great tool. It is a handy tool if you are going to be annotating/editing documents. I have read about teachers going paperless and using it for marking up student assignments turned in as PDFs.
I often use it for note taking. There are a number of great note taking scripts that allow a user to search their notes and synchronize with desktop versions. As implied by AllergyDoc, if handwriting is bad then those notes are difficult to read. I came across a solution to that issue.
Nebo is a note taking app that includes diagraming and drawing. The neat thing is that handwriting can be converted in the app to printed text. I got it when it was a "Free App of the Week." Its diagramming tool reminds me of the features built into my old Apple Message Pad 120. I can draw a rough shape and the app will turn it into a smooth shape (lines, eclipse, triangle, rectangle, polygon, stars, and such). Drawing lines between the shapes makes them connected objects so the lines stay connected if I move the objects on the screen.
If you are a student and plan on using the iPad for note taking with a keyboard; reconsider that idea. Studies have shown the memory retention is much higher if the notes are hand written . In that situation, the pencil would be a worth while expense over a keyboard. Just do a google search and there will a number of repeated studies about this issue.
If you are not going to use the pencil, there really is no reason to upgrade the the already great iPad Pro you currently have. Save the money and cancel the order for the new iPad Pro. While it is a really great looking device, its new features are unnecessary.
Saving money is not a crime.
My usage is pretty similar as most have already said. I use to write down notes. I also use it to color stuff. I am now venturing into digital art so I do color some postcards (to give people as gifts) using apps like ibispaintx etc.
When you are ready to try out vector based drawing application give the new Affinity Designer a try. It costs 20 dollars and is very close to Adobe Illustrator without being forced into a subscription. Affinity Designer also has raster drawing capabilities on the same vector canvas. Its really sweet.