Come guys.... We all have been around a loooong time and we all understand the product development trends. NO COMPANY RELEASES A PRODUCT WITH ALL OF THE BELLS AND WHISTLES INCLUDED WITHIN THE FIRST MODEL.
You have to understand what goes on behind the scenes when companies decide to dedicate millions to developing a product. They layout all of the features they intend on including in the product. Then they devise a long and short term strategy that defines what features will included in the 1st model release and what will be added in models to come (timing is key in mapping this strategy because you also have to ensure your competition will not beat you to the punch by introducing new features before your 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc models are released).
This is the SPOON-FEEDING approach the market always hits us with concerning products like PDA Phones. Companies plan a strategy to keep you coming back. It would be a financial disaster for ANY company to lay all of the desired features in to the first model or any model for that reason because buyers would see no reason to upgrade in the future- thus destroying chances for future revenue.
What we can expect from Apple for the iPhone:
1: Apple is dedicated to maintaining the integrity of their golden goose- OSX.
Don't forget what we all love about Apple, supreme functionality. Apple is not MICROSOFT. Apple is not willing to allow just any outside developer the opportunity to compromise their OS. I'm not sure about you guys but i've always had Windows Mobile based PDA's and every PDA i've own- which is installed 3rd party programs, I encountered considerable problems with the operating system. For those reason, they wisely requiring developers to develop through Safari instead of developing directly through OSX. What does this mean for you? That decision further ensured the security, and overall experience that you are currently enjoying with your iPhone.
2: Apple STILL wants in!:
Let's not forget that Apple is still the MINORITY in the personal computing world. With the iPhone and the decision to NOT allow developers to directly develop on OSX, Apple has perfectly positioned themselves to introduce users to THEIR APPLICATIONS. It's reported that over 225,000 users bought iPhones; it's estimated that over 45% of individuals purchased the iPhone do NOT own a MAC which means they are getting their first dose of Apple OSX bliss. I've seen this for my self. After 5 of my colleges played around with my iPhone they continued to make statements along the lines of "it's so simple and powerful. I've always been curious about Apple's stuff and how it works and if this iPhone is based off their operating system, I definately want to check out their OTHER stuff."
Through the iPhone, Apple gains a back door or alternate approach to increasing awareness of the greatness of their products thereby gaining more ground in the personal computing market share because people will experience Apple's iPhone ease of use and productivity Apps and begin to wonder/realize that Apple products are great and can meet their needs. So now you have people coming into Apple Stores to demo MacBooks, MacPro's etc... Increase awareness through EXPERIENCE and you increase SURE Sales, not HYPE or trend SALES... thus increasing market share. This is a great opportunity for Apple.
APPLE WILL introduce their own productivity applications which they are strongly betting users will also love and enjoy their combination of POWER and EASE of USE..
3: Executing this to perfection:
In order for this to work Apple develop or introduce these features in the next model of the iPhone or the next software update or develop the apps and make them available through their Apple store. The Apps must be PC compatible as well. As much as we'd like to believe that people will completely abandon PC's, we can't bet on that, so make it PC compatible so that it will continue to appeal to both sides (i.e. iTunes on PC & Mac).
4: What's to come:
a. Productivity Apps from APPLE
b. Additional Features for the iPhone (ofcourse!)
c. Maybe and additional version of iPhone with a different approach (not
better but different. This is key becuase they don't want users
abandoning the primary model.- i.e. the H3 is clearly a DIFFERENT
type of hummer compared to the H2). Sliding keyboard coming up
maybe? I event doubt this what's to come point lol
Hey just a quick note: Since Apple has introduced the iPhone, it's stock jumped up +5.12%. Considering that more people will be aware of Apple's products- we all know sales will increase and market share will increase as well. Buying some stock in Apple right now is a viable decision!
Well folks we've been spoon-fed. Let us take our portions with gleaming enthusiasm and let us eagerly await the next portion!
iPhone, iGotOne, IDidNotWaitInLine... HA HA HA!!!