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CrAkD said:
I'm jaibroken but I read every page of that virtual memory thread and the results never seemed stable from the replys maybe I'll try it.

I've never had a single issue with virtual memory.
Agree here too. My iPad seems to run out of RAM frequently causing applications to just quit, including Safari. At least I assume it's a memory problem most of the time.
I'm jaibroken but I read every page of that virtual memory thread and the results never seemed stable from the replys maybe I'll try it.

Would hurt to give it a try. I works great for me and is completely stable.
People are getting silly about this, the iPad has plenty of ram, people moaning because they've jailbroken and now their device runs slowly are the whole point of the app store, use documented APIs and approved apps and you'll have no problem.

As for Safari not remembering pages, I disagree that it's a ram issue, using Atomic Browser I'm able to tab between pages really quickly without reloading. I think the reload in Safari is more a quirk than anything - one that I imagine will be ironed out in iOS 4 for iPad.
Just fwiw, my iPad is jailbroken and I have no memory issues. I don't have any pirated apps, or anything questionable, just sb settings, categories, and circuitous. I will agree that mine is definitely faster then my iPhone 4, but both are super fast.
I said this was going to be a problem week after launch and got called a "Troll"

The ipad is fine for basic tasks one at a time. I will be interested to see how IO4 works on the ipad I think is going to make the ram problem even worse. Until the ipad gets 1GB of Ram I wont be considering it.
I agree, it was one of my initial complaints. The iPad may be faster one task at a time than the iPhone 4 but the iPhone 4 is more usable, all because of ram.

If the iPad HD more ram, even 512, I wouldn't be considering selling it on.

lucifiel said:

Thanks! I'll have to wait for a new spirit :(
I did the vm hack last night. So far so good.

Also the scrolling issues were after the page was already loaded. I could see that the iPad only had like 13mb of ram left. Doesn't happen on the iPhone 4. And as far as only being jail broken my iPad did this before it was jail broken
These posts annoy me. Return your iPad then and quite crying like a little baby. Oh, the RAM...Oh, the RAM.

Do some push-ups while you're at it. Sounds like you need them.
These posts annoy me. Return your iPad then and quite crying like a little baby. Oh, the RAM...Oh, the RAM.

Do some push-ups while you're at it. Sounds like you need them.

Some pushups? Oh your such a tough guy. I said I love the iPad I didn't know we weren't allowed to question apple in front of your majesty. I'm sooooo sorry. :rolleyes: get a life.
Everyone who's wondering how;

* Download the .plist here:
* SSH into your iPhone (use Cyberduck with mac, and download OpenSSH on Cydia) and place the .plist in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
* REBOOT your iPhone (turn power off, then back on)
* Enjoy.
A few things ...

The latest update helped. However, you’ll notice fixes to Safari was not a mentioned bug on the software update. Therefore, one would guess that 3.2.1 is not Apple’s official response to this issue.

Also it’s not the amount of RAM since the 3GS doesn’t seem to have a problem with reloading pages in Safari (3.x or 4.x).

It may be that the changes that were made with 3.2 have already been ported to 4.1 (assuming that’s the iPad version of 4.x) and that development is closed for 3.2.

It’s not a show-stopper bug, so there’s no point in trying to fix it for 3.2 if the build of Safari that will be coming with 4.1 is newer anyway.

I would wait until 4.1 (or the iPad version of 4.0) before making any final judgement.
This is just a case of number-envy on Internet message boards... no one questioned the amount of RAM in the iPad prior to the release of the iPhone4.

Actually, prior to the iPhone4, everyone praised the iPad for its speed and responsiveness. Granted the Safari page reload thing is annoying, but that does not appear to have anything to do with the amount of RAM.
Some pushups? Oh your such a tough guy. I said I love the iPad I didn't know we weren't allowed to question apple in front of your majesty. I'm sooooo sorry. :rolleyes: get a life.

I can tell you don't do push-ups. You should and maybe you'll think more clearly.

Apple is a business (insert your "evil" corporate America slam if you so choose because I imagine it's on the tip of your tough) and they've done well with the 1st gen launch. They've made far from a mistake as there are millions of happy customers. Their model is going to be an upgrade path of existing customers and to garner new. What do you think this is a one shot deal and it's done?

Take a business course already or try to have any type of business success. And do some push-ups while you're at it too. Geez.
I guess it depends if you mean a mistake on Apple's part, or from a consumer perspective. Apple wins because they are selling as many as they can make anyway. Consumers and developers lose because compatibility will certainly be broken earlier and it'll increase device fragmentation. I'm pretty curious how they can make multitasking work well on such limited RAM. Sure, it works on the 3GS (although it does slow down the interface a bit), but the iPad has more pixels that consume more RAM (nearly 5x as many), most likely in multiple frame buffers.
I can tell you don't do push-ups. You should and maybe you'll think more clearly.

Apple is a business (insert your "evil" corporate America slam if you so choose because I imagine it's on the tip of your tough) and they've done well with the 1st gen launch. They've made far from a mistake as there are millions of happy customers. Their model is going to be an upgrade path of existing customers and to garner new. What do you think this is a one shot deal and it's done?

Take a business course already or try to have any type of business success. And do some push-ups while you're at it too. Geez.

I think the OP is correct, and I can do far more push-ups than you!:p
I feel the same way. I've jailbroken my ipad and heavily modded it, and it barely just chugs along.
Double the ram would make such a big difference...
Tabbed browsing is borderline ridiculous with all the reloading. Reminds me of my old iphone 3g

So let me understand. You took a product and forced it to do things it was not intended to do and then you complain becuase it doesn't work like its supposed to?

Am I missing something?

"Dear Ford. I put 3 tons of cargo into my 1/2 ton truck and it doesnt go up the hill. You didn't build it with a big enough motor"
Have you tried Jailbreaking then using the Virtual Memory Hack? This will solve all the problems you have listed.

Works awesome for me. I do notice if I go a week or so without rebooting it becomes sluggish, actually more sluggish than if I never installed the hack. But a reboot and I'm good to go.
I can tell you don't do push-ups. You should and maybe you'll think more clearly.

Apple is a business (insert your "evil" corporate America slam if you so choose because I imagine it's on the tip of your tough) and they've done well with the 1st gen launch. They've made far from a mistake as there are millions of happy customers. Their model is going to be an upgrade path of existing customers and to garner new. What do you think this is a one shot deal and it's done?

Take a business course already or try to have any type of business success. And do some push-ups while you're at it too. Geez.

Did I not mention all of that in my original post? I'm well aware of doing it this way to make the early adopters upgrade. I'm speaking as a consumer not as a corporate executive. It would have made the user experience more seamless and enjoyable that's all. I stated I still love the iPad. So your arrogant "push up" know it all attitude is misdirected. I'm not whining or slamming the iPad. Just making an observation as a fellow apple enthusiast. But I'll go do some push ups so I can be as cool and all knowing as you :rolleyes:
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