Apple's supposed Fall From Grace.
Dream On, Microserfs!
Browsing this thread, I wonder why some people feel that it's all about low, low prices. Especially after Apple keeps proving them wrong again and again..... and again!
Reminds me of Steve "Monkey Boy" Ballmer's initial reaction to the iPhone.... just a few years ago he said something like: "$500 for a phone WITH a full contract? It's the most expensive phone in the world!" He then went on to compare it to some cruddy $99 phone and bragged about how "we've sold millions of phones, Apple has sold zero".
Well, here we are just a few years later and the iPhone has been the most desirable phone around for a long time already....
People respect and desire quality. Apple exudes quality from every pore while the entire rest of the market chases low, low prices right into the grave.
Apple needs to do only one thing to prevail: Build stuff just as well as can be done. Occasional mistakes happen but a genuine commitment to quality is evident to everyone.
PC can lie all he wants and troll Mac sites 24/7 but the cat is out of the bag. Apple does things right and nobody else does.
And the truly sad part? Just like everything else in the world of PC, the "Low Prices" are as phony as the inflated performance specs. People end up paying as much or more for some MS-infested piece of junk than they would have for a decent iMac, iPhone, whatever.
If you feel that
ANY Microsoft product ever made could be described as "Smexy" please continue to do so. You should tell everyone too. Especially in public or at parties. You may want to seek employment at The Microsoft Store also.