The hue of each area can be measured using photometric sensor (similar principle of operation to the one used for the screen calibration).
I run some tests and present yellow tinge is caused by 5% to 10% blue deficiency, while 2% of yellow tinge wedge is practically unnoticeable.
I'd say that +/-0.5%, or +/-1% uniformity for each color component across the panel would be a good starting point.
Tom B.
Thanks for the reply. I was also thinking about a sensor on the screen. This would mean that every owner with yellow tinge has to take their iMac to a shop or Apple to check the tolerance.
Would it be usable if I take a photo of the screen (with my DSLR) and then measure the hue difference in Photoshop? This would be no exact measurement of course but just an indication how severe the yellow tinge is.