I could picture Archipellago having imaginary conversations with Bill Gates, no doubt.
No matter what they broke in the process of repairing it initially they could have just replaced that part (even if it was the LCD panel). They refunded in FULL a used machine. How one could complain about that sort of service I don't really understand.
As for the loss of data, Apple always makes it very clear that on ANY repair there is the chance you are not going to get your original HD back so that you need to make sure you've completely backed up your data. That's hardly an argument.
So as a policy Apple says your data is not safe with them. And that's good? You know, I've had to send in Dell laptops for repair at work(except it was when they were several years old, not newish) and this was never stated. We got our machines back just fine, fixed, with data intact.
I have to say, replacing a fan or a hard drive is absolute childs play. Literally. A ten year old could do this task masterfully with just a little experience. The fact that Apple's own certified techs, or whatever they are, cannot do this without destroying users machines, is downright scary. Isn't that their full time job?
This really isn't about MS vs. Apple. Seriously, that stuff is for people with way too much time on their hands. Apple or MS does not care one whit about any of you, or myself. The issue here is people actually caring enough about the quality of the stuff they buy to where they
won't put up with being treated like dog poop. If I take my machine in, with such a simple problem, and I get a store credit in return, I would ask for 1 of 2 things. A machine that matched everything I had installed and working properly, or cash. I would not accept store credit, sorry. And I would not accept a known faulty machine I had to pay extra on and redo all of my apps and data.
To the guy that said giving store credit is good business because it keeps their money in your store, well that may be good business, but people know when they are being treated poorly. It could cost you a lot more in the long run. Put the people you do business ahead of everything else and see great things happen.
I guess I just don't get so much of the behavior I see here. People truly love whatever table scraps Apple will give them. They actually praise them for any course of action they take! I work on OSX every day, but it gets harder by the day when you couple Apple's complete disregard of users in so many areas, along with the fanatical zealotry of the majority of the followers.
It's really not good.
Wrong. The terms of the warranty state that Apple will repair or replace any defective parts of the machine. Nowhere in the warranty does it state they are obligated to offer a refund in full for the machine because they inadvertently damaged something else in the process of repairs.
I didn't say anyone was obligated. But if you're under warranty you get your stuff fixed or you get the value back for it. That happens everywhere, so I was correct.
What usually DOESN'T happen is the place you take your stuff too renders your minor problem into something totally broken and unusable and gives you the privilege of spending more money to fix it.
As a business person, if I had done what Apple did, I would have given him a FREE upgrade to the iMac 27" (quad core), and performed the user switch free of charge. Yup, that's right. I break your less than year old 20"? You get a fully transferred quad core with a guaranteed good screen and added Apple care. If I am that incompetent with a repair, I go above and beyond to show the customer that I truly value them as well as their business. This is what Apple did. "Oh we broke your junk. Here, you can respend the money in our store." Hopefully people clearly see the difference.
What I said should have been done is good customer service. What Apple did was literally no service whatsoever.