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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 27, 2009
Another reminder that the choice to go Mac was a good one...
Our 20" 2009 Imac was making a clicking sound so I took it in to the apple store for repair. It was diagnosed as a bad fan or failing drive. A few days later they called and said to head that way they are almost finished with the repair. On the way there they called back and said the fan is fixed, but we now have a display issue. (probably cracked it) Long story short...they gave me an 1199.00 store credit which I instanlty applied to the new 27" which is perfect. Great service Apple!!
Another reminder that the choice to go Mac was a good one...
Our 20" 2009 Imac was making a clicking sound so I took it in to the apple store for repair. It was diagnosed as a bad fan or failing drive. A few days later they called and said to head that way they are almost finished with the repair. On the way there they called back and said the fan is fixed, but we now have a display issue. (probably cracked it) Long story short...they gave me an 1199.00 store credit which I instanlty applied to the new 27" which is perfect. Great service Apple!!


you took back a $1200 machine to Apple that was faulty, presumably still under warranty.

In the process of carrying out the compulsory warranty repairs they totalled the machine and so decided then to give you a full refund of the purchase price?


aside from the fact of yet another expensive Mac computer failing within 12 months, do you think any other manufacturer, having 'dropped' a customers machine would have done any differently...?

on top of that you then decide to give the same 'clowns' more money for a new machine.....???

the world has officially gone mad!!!!!!!

you took back a $1200 machine to Apple that was faulty, presumably still under warranty.

In the process of carrying out the compulsory warranty repairs they totalled the machine and so decided then to give you a full refund of the purchase price?

Totaled??? not exactly. They could have ordered a new screen glass. Since I was on the way they opted to replace the machine..With another (newer model btw).


aside from the fact of yet another expensive Mac computer failing within 12 months, do you think any other manufacturer, having 'dropped' a customers machine would have done any differently...?

A fan bearing failed not the MAC COMPUTER ok..Oh and Dell and HP have fabulous repair and warranty don't they??

on top of that you then decide to give the same 'clowns' more money for a new machine.....???

Yeah pretty much..It was my choice to upgrade from 20" 320gb 2 gb ram
to 27" 4gb ram and 1tb plus faster chip and dedicated graphics for 500.00. Yeah I'll take that!

the world has officially gone mad!!!!!!!

No you are just MAD!!!
Go back to your shiny track pad HP plastic crap piece and enjoy!! Ill' be on this 27" sexy beast lovin every minute of it!
I'm sorry, I have to agree somewhat with archipellago. Your machine was faulty, when fixing it they then break it again, and so have to replace it. How is this service excellent? I would say 'average'. If it were excellent, they would never have broken it in the first place?

What if you data on there was not backed up, or worse yet, you had a work/university assignment that was on your iMac, that had to be completed, but couldn't because your machine you trusted failed, and then broke?

I'm not pissing on your parade here, I just fail to see how normal service could be perceived as excellent, when in all fairness it was their fault for the breakage :confused:
I would question if HP, Dell or Sony would have done the same thing? I have had all three and have had customer service and technical issues and trying to get a credit after one year was unlikely. They may have screwed up the screen but to give him the option of losing no value on his original purchase (in fact this would be an upgrade even if he stuck with the next best, the 21.5") he at least walked away happy which is what customer service is all about.
I side with the original post. Most places would just replace the screen. ESPECIALLY since you can replace an iMac screen in just 10 minutes, assuming the parts are on hand. So I think Apple did right, here.
No you are just MAD!!!
Go back to your shiny track pad HP plastic crap piece and enjoy!! Ill' be on this 27" sexy beast lovin every minute of it!

+1. Bravo!!! Excellent post. :D. HP, especially Dell could've and most likely would've given the customer a refurb replacement, not a credit to buy anything of their choice. +1 for Apple stellar service.
I suppose it turned out sort of well in the end. Though I would've asked for a big discount on the replacement as they inconvenienced you.

Store credit seems a bit cheap also, though as in the OP's case I'd probably have bought another Mac.
Does it make any sense for Mac haters to be trolling a Mac forum? How much does Microsoft pay for such service? Or is this religious zealotry?

What I read sounds like good service. A 1 year old machine that was offered full original purchase value towards a new machine... NOBODY DOES THAT! I'm impressed. Well played, Apple.

As you can see, I am on an Apple forum AND I AM HERE BECAUSE I LIKE THE COMPANY AND THE PRODUCT.
Dude...he had a working machine, less than a year old, they literally break the ENTIRE machine over either a bad fan or hard drive (really cheap parts, that take literally two minutes maximum to replace, in a proper machine), and they give him a 1200 dollar CREDIT? So he can spend more money on a new iMac widely reported to be almost universally faulty?! And the guy is praising Apple?

This is sheer lunacy really. If I took in a working machine that I expected would last years, and the solution was for me to spend minimum 500 dollars (plus tax) on a new machine because THEY broke it...well I would be pretty upset. Especially considering the work behind the apps and data, which I really really hope they facilitated the recovery of somehow. Of course he could have bought the new lower end iMac but...they still busted it.

Man seriously, I cannot believe this.
I suppose it turned out sort of well in the end. Though I would've asked for a big discount on the replacement as they inconvenienced you.

Store credit seems a bit cheap also, though as in the OP's case I'd probably have bought another Mac.

I always offer store credit first. Its just good business. I want your money to stay in my store.
Does it make any sense for Mac haters to be trolling a Mac forum? How much does Microsoft pay for such service? Or is this religious zealotry?

What I read sounds like good service. A 1 year old machine that was offered full original purchase value towards a new machine... NOBODY DOES THAT! I'm impressed. Well played, Apple.

As you can see, I am on an Apple forum AND I AM HERE BECAUSE I LIKE THE COMPANY AND THE PRODUCT.

If the machine is broken and it's under warranty then everyone does it.
Dude...he had a working machine, less than a year old, they literally break the ENTIRE machine over either a bad fan or hard drive (really cheap parts, that take literally two minutes maximum to replace, in a proper machine), and they give him a 1200 dollar CREDIT? So he can spend more money on a new iMac widely reported to be almost universally faulty?! And the guy is praising Apple?

This is sheer lunacy really. If I took in a working machine that I expected would last years, and the solution was for me to spend minimum 500 dollars (plus tax) on a new machine because THEY broke it...well I would be pretty upset. Especially considering the work behind the apps and data, which I really really hope they facilitated the recovery of somehow.

Man seriously, I cannot believe this.

hey a rational thinker!

rare round here.....!
Does it make any sense for Mac haters to be trolling a Mac forum? How much does Microsoft pay for such service? Or is this religious zealotry?

I could picture Archipellago having imaginary conversations with Bill Gates, no doubt.

What I read sounds like good service. A 1 year old machine that was offered full original purchase value towards a new machine... NOBODY DOES THAT! I'm impressed. Well played, Apple.

No matter what they broke in the process of repairing it initially they could have just replaced that part (even if it was the LCD panel). They refunded in FULL a used machine. How one could complain about that sort of service I don't really understand.

As for the loss of data, Apple always makes it very clear that on ANY repair there is the chance you are not going to get your original HD back so that you need to make sure you've completely backed up your data. That's hardly an argument.
I always offer store credit first. Its just good business. I want your money to stay in my store.

As a general rule if you've broken something of mine I'd much perfer the money back so I can buy it elsewhere. Though in the case of a Mac you might as well get a replacement there.
If the machine is broken and it's under warranty then everyone does it.

Wrong. The terms of the warranty state that Apple will repair or replace any defective parts of the machine. Nowhere in the warranty does it state they are obligated to offer a refund in full for the machine because they inadvertently damaged something else in the process of repairs.
They asked about my data, and I had a fresh time machine backup.. So that was taken care of. The choice to upgrade was mine alone. I could have walked out with a new 21.5" at no cost to me. So some of the arguments about spending extra $$ are moot. The time machine recovery worked perfect restoring all apps and all three user accounts iphoto library's and itunes to original states. So yes I did spend extra but it worked out for me as I was lusting after the 27" anyway! I still say great service and it was a pretty damn painless experience.
I could picture Archipellago having imaginary conversations with Bill Gates, no doubt.

No matter what they broke in the process of repairing it initially they could have just replaced that part (even if it was the LCD panel). They refunded in FULL a used machine. How one could complain about that sort of service I don't really understand.

As for the loss of data, Apple always makes it very clear that on ANY repair there is the chance you are not going to get your original HD back so that you need to make sure you've completely backed up your data. That's hardly an argument.

So as a policy Apple says your data is not safe with them. And that's good? You know, I've had to send in Dell laptops for repair at work(except it was when they were several years old, not newish) and this was never stated. We got our machines back just fine, fixed, with data intact.

I have to say, replacing a fan or a hard drive is absolute childs play. Literally. A ten year old could do this task masterfully with just a little experience. The fact that Apple's own certified techs, or whatever they are, cannot do this without destroying users machines, is downright scary. Isn't that their full time job?

This really isn't about MS vs. Apple. Seriously, that stuff is for people with way too much time on their hands. Apple or MS does not care one whit about any of you, or myself. The issue here is people actually caring enough about the quality of the stuff they buy to where they won't put up with being treated like dog poop. If I take my machine in, with such a simple problem, and I get a store credit in return, I would ask for 1 of 2 things. A machine that matched everything I had installed and working properly, or cash. I would not accept store credit, sorry. And I would not accept a known faulty machine I had to pay extra on and redo all of my apps and data.

To the guy that said giving store credit is good business because it keeps their money in your store, well that may be good business, but people know when they are being treated poorly. It could cost you a lot more in the long run. Put the people you do business ahead of everything else and see great things happen.

I guess I just don't get so much of the behavior I see here. People truly love whatever table scraps Apple will give them. They actually praise them for any course of action they take! I work on OSX every day, but it gets harder by the day when you couple Apple's complete disregard of users in so many areas, along with the fanatical zealotry of the majority of the followers.

It's really not good.

Wrong. The terms of the warranty state that Apple will repair or replace any defective parts of the machine. Nowhere in the warranty does it state they are obligated to offer a refund in full for the machine because they inadvertently damaged something else in the process of repairs.

I didn't say anyone was obligated. But if you're under warranty you get your stuff fixed or you get the value back for it. That happens everywhere, so I was correct.

What usually DOESN'T happen is the place you take your stuff too renders your minor problem into something totally broken and unusable and gives you the privilege of spending more money to fix it.

As a business person, if I had done what Apple did, I would have given him a FREE upgrade to the iMac 27" (quad core), and performed the user switch free of charge. Yup, that's right. I break your less than year old 20"? You get a fully transferred quad core with a guaranteed good screen and added Apple care. If I am that incompetent with a repair, I go above and beyond to show the customer that I truly value them as well as their business. This is what Apple did. "Oh we broke your junk. Here, you can respend the money in our store." Hopefully people clearly see the difference.

What I said should have been done is good customer service. What Apple did was literally no service whatsoever.
I didn't say anyone was obligated. But if you're under warranty you get your stuff fixed or you get the value back for it. That happens everywhere, so I was correct.

What usually DOESN'T happen is the place you take your stuff too renders your minor problem into something totally broken and unusable and gives you the privilege of spending more money to fix it.

As a business person, if I had done what Apple did, I would have given him a FREE upgrade to the iMac 27" (quad core), and performed the user switch free of charge. Yup, that's right. I break your less than year old 20"? You get a fully transferred quad core with a guaranteed good screen and added Apple care. If I am that incompetent with a repair, I go above and beyond to show the customer that I truly value them as well as their business. This is what Apple did. "Oh we broke your junk. Here, you can respend the money in our store." Hopefully people clearly see the difference.

What I said should have been done is good customer service. What Apple did was literally no service whatsoever.

So by your logic...If I have a lemon law case on a chevy cobalt I should get a fully loaded corvette for my trouble..Correct? Simply flawed logic at best and troll like at worst. Sorry but your vigorous debate in this thread is telling!

you took back a $1200 machine to Apple that was faulty, presumably still under warranty.

In the process of carrying out the compulsory warranty repairs they totalled the machine and so decided then to give you a full refund of the purchase price?


aside from the fact of yet another expensive Mac computer failing within 12 months, do you think any other manufacturer, having 'dropped' a customers machine would have done any differently...?

on top of that you then decide to give the same 'clowns' more money for a new machine.....???

the world has officially gone mad!!!!!!!


Why do you continue to troll here? You must lead a sad life if you have nothing better to do...

Wow. Such "hate".

The poor techie that fixed the computer obviously never intended to break it - such things happening are called "accidents" or "incidents", and sure there would be a few that happen at Apple, but like all other service & repair centres, these things happen. I think it's great that they offered the credit on the spot, and it didn't take months of hassle to get it sorted out (as can happen with other reputable companies) - and like someone else said, Apple have no obligation to refund or outright replace the machine, the minimum obligations is generally to repair or replace the part they broke.
If the techie had been out playing iMac soccer, the OP would certainly be right to be a little cranky.

The OP could have quite as easily declined the credit and insisted on a repair job, but was happy to take the credit and spend a bit more on the 27" and share the positive experience he had, which quite frankly is a refreshing change on these forums given the amount of negative experiences of late (through no fault of consumers, just poor QC on Apple's behalf).
Wow. Such "hate".

The poor techie that fixed the computer obviously never intended to break it - such things happening are called "accidents" or "incidents", and sure there would be a few that happen at Apple, but like all other service & repair centres, these things happen. I think it's great that they offered the credit on the spot, and it didn't take months of hassle to get it sorted out (as can happen with other reputable companies) - and like someone else said, Apple have no obligation to refund or outright replace the machine, the minimum obligations is generally to repair or replace the part they broke.
If the techie had been out playing iMac soccer, the OP would certainly be right to be a little cranky.

The OP could have quite as easily declined the credit and insisted on a repair job, but was happy to take the credit and spend a bit more on the 27" and share the positive experience he had, which quite frankly is a refreshing change on these forums given the amount of negative experiences of late (through no fault of consumers, just poor QC on Apple's behalf).

Excellent post and very true. Apple treated the OP extremely well and the OP was very happy with the outcome. (as I would be too) archipellago simply looks for every opportunity to stir the pot.

I could picture Archipellago having imaginary conversations with Bill Gates, no doubt.

No matter what they broke in the process of repairing it initially they could have just replaced that part (even if it was the LCD panel). They refunded in FULL a used machine. How one could complain about that sort of service I don't really understand.

As for the loss of data, Apple always makes it very clear that on ANY repair there is the chance you are not going to get your original HD back so that you need to make sure you've completely backed up your data. That's hardly an argument.
I agree, although they should've just replaced the Display and moved on, but getting money back is ok also.

I would have done things just a tad differently though, because prior you had a good running machine despite the fan, they repair the fan and bust your display in the process, I would have not have taken the refund and would be hopping mad and demand them to fix the display on my currant Mac.

But hey you got money back, I wouldn't have spent the $500 though extra on the 27" thought, I would have just got a 21.5", but hey your call, and hope it serves you well.
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