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You know, I've had to send in Dell laptops for repair at work(except it was when they were several years old, not newish) and this was never stated. We got our machines back just fine, fixed, with data intact.

They may not have stated it to you but it is indeed their policy as well. This is from Dell's website:

You are responsible for your data. Before you ship product(s) to us, back up the data on the hard drive(s) and any other storage device(s) in the product(s). Remove any confidential, proprietary or personal information. Remove any removable storage devices and media, such as floppy disks, CDs, PC cards, USB storage devices, and other removable storage. In the event Dell receives a tape drive (or other removable storage devices) inadvertently, while Dell has no obligation to remove the data, our practice is to use good faith efforts to either return the tape drive to the customer, or destroy the tape drive. We are not responsible for any of your confidential, proprietary or personal information; lost or corrupted data; or damaged or lost removable media.

In these litigious times it would be foolish for ANY company not to make such disclaimers. I believe you would be among the first trying to sue them if they did lose your data.

Oh, and in the several times I've had to send machines back to Apple for service (including a logic board replacement) my data has been returned to me on my HD perfectly intact. The exception was when I sent my last iMac in for a crashed HD replacement. In that case the data was inaccessible already and of course I always keep complete backups as is the responsibility of all users.

I have to say, replacing a fan or a hard drive is absolute childs play. Literally. A ten year old could do this task masterfully with just a little experience. The fact that Apple's own certified techs, or whatever they are, cannot do this without destroying users machines, is downright scary. Isn't that their full time job?

So what you're saying is you're perfect, and never make mistakes, and that these Apple techs who apparently did should be fired or worse, is that it?

If I take my machine in, with such a simple problem, and I get a store credit in return, I would ask for 1 of 2 things. A machine that matched everything I had installed and working properly, or cash. I would not accept store credit, sorry. And I would not accept a known faulty machine I had to pay extra on and redo all of my apps and data.

Well, no company guarantees your data, not even Dell which you used as an example above, sorry.

I guess I just don't get so much of the behavior I see here. People truly love whatever table scraps Apple will give them. They actually praise them for any course of action they take! I work on OSX every day, but it gets harder by the day when you couple Apple's complete disregard of users in so many areas, along with the fanatical zealotry of the majority of the followers.

I don't get you. You don't seem to miss one single opportunity to throw in a negative comment on Apple in every thread you can. What's up with that? Are you an Apple user or not and what exactly is your agenda here besides to troll?
It was probably an "oh sh*t" moment in the store....they replace the fan, call the owner and say his machine is done. Owner's on his way to get it, they notice the screen damage. It's too late (or they don't have the replacement on hand) to do an immediate screen change - so they offer the deal.

We'll never know now if the repair shop had a replacement screen on hand and had not already called the owner - would they have simply replaced the screen or not.

But, it worked out - both parties are happy.
I'd call it outstanding service. If I was taking an old computer for repair and I came out the store with the latest model in its place, I'd be very pleased. They could have inconvenienced the customer by making him wait for parts to complete the repair of the old machine, but clearly chose to put the customer first. Well done Apple.
i don't see how their tech is excellent when they broke your machine beyond repair. they had no choice but to give you the money, or else you could probably take them to small claims for it.
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