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macrumors 6502a
Mar 27, 2011
Apple tried. Steve Jobs presented Halo: Combat Evolved at the keynote in MacWorld 1999. It didn't end up very well for them.
Well that Apple is very different from the one of today. They have a meaningfully large platform and enough clout + money to probably make sure an exclusive is exclusive.


macrumors 6502a
May 3, 2012
Yes, they could. But it would require a large investment to have a significant number of exclusive games in their platform, even for Apple's pocket.


macrumors 65816
Oct 12, 2019
I don't think Apple would even want to try dethroning the Wintel crowd when it comes to gaming. Apple Silicon Macs just started and it'll be a while before a sizeable market emerges with enough Apple Silicon Macs volumes to entice game developers to develop/migrate titles to it. I think Apple is playing the long game here.

The existing 'gamers' entrenched in the Wintel world is unlikely to be swayed as there'e too many legacy games holding back this demographic, so it'll be foolish of Apple to try to convert them.

On the other hand, Apple has a growing customer base of school going children since 2010 that grew up with iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches. Some of these kids are going to colleges/universities and all of them need a notebook. This demographics are not held back by legacy games.

Apple need not buy any game studio(s) at all for any exclusive titles. Just let the market do it's job.

It'll be interesting to see how things develops in 3-5 years.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 22, 2020
I can't think of a console that flourished without major platform-exclusive games though. Even if most cross-platform games got ported to the Mac, why would anyone buy a Mac for gaming to have a fraction of the games released for PC? Even if it were a big fraction, there would be titles being PC-only (specially now that Microsoft seems to be in a quest to buy all the studios). There's no future for a gaming platform without exclusive games nowadays.
If you are into console-style games, platform-exclusive games are a thing. If you prefer other kinds of games, their existence is an irrelevant piece of trivia. I can't even name a single platform-exclusive title without googling, because I'm not in the target audience for such games.

Mac is never going to be the kind of platform people choose for a dedicated gaming device. It could become the kind of platform the PC is. PC gaming didn't become popular because the PC was a good platform. It was ridiculously expensive (home PCs were about as affordable in the early 90s as entry-level Mac Pros are today), while cheaper competitors such as Amiga offered better graphics and sounds. PC gaming became popular, because people had PCs for other purposes and they wanted to play games on the devices they already had.
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