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Would it help or hurt someones chances of getting a Job at Apple

  • Wearing the shirt HELPS

    Votes: 12 13.3%
  • Wearing the shirt HURTS

    Votes: 78 86.7%

  • Total voters
I think the better question is why?

Put on Khaki's and Polo at least ...

Nobody is telling you to put on a suit, but just look good enough. I don't think you should wear jeans unless you know the manager, and the job is yours and the interview is more of a formality.

Would you really want to be excluded because you couldn't find a pair of slacks?

I agree being comfortable is important, but looking like an adult is probably more important.
I worked in retail last year, and at my interview it never crossed my mind to wear a Target shirt to the interview- how incredibly tacky. I'm glad you chose not to wear it.
Don't wear it. Always be conservative and safe when you are being interviewed for a job.
I'd say don't wear it. You want the interviewers to remember more about your dialogue, than your dress sense. Anyone can put on an Apple T, but fewer can demonstrate their knowledge of the company/products etc..

(But if the interview starts to take a downturn, you can always drop your trousers & show them the Happy Mac tattoo on your ar5e :D )
If I were just interviewing with one Apple Manager for a position I would wear a nice pair of jeans, and a good polo shirt. Always present yourself with clean and good looking clothing. If I was going to interview in front of 3-4 Apple people I might go with a nice pair of Khakis and a Sports Jacket. Its all about looking professional, you can enjoy wearing your Apple shirt when you work for them ;)
katie ta achoo said:
isn't wearing an Apple shirt to an Apple interview a bit like wearing a Pink Floyd Tshirt to a pink floyd concert.


You don't want to be that guy.
Hmm, job interview and not making an effort to present yourself in a good light.


Shirt and tie, or at the very least smart white shirt, black trousers and dark jacket.

Makes it look like your serious, dosn't matter if you never wear it again - good 1st impression.
Applespider said:
Black jeans - like many wear in the store, you'd be OK with. Very smart, reasonably dark freshly laundered jeans you might get away with. Casual ones, no.

In US, Black Jeans are considered a fashion faux pas, even for geeks. In Europe, well, you know .....
Fatal Darkness said:
"You're gonna wear the T-shirt of the band you're gonna go see? Don't be that guy."

Nice reference! Just got that movie on DVD a month ago.. I LOVED that movie when it came out in college!
alienex said:
What do you guys think if a person went to interview at an Apple store, be it a group interview wearing a black shirt with a white Apple logo in the middle.
Call me crazy, but I'd expect a job candidate to dress "up" for the interview -- khakis and a collared shirt would be ideal, IMO.
Acehigh said:
Are those shoes REAL? They look like Air max 90s or so or maybe 180s because of the smaller bubble window...

They are real , used to be on for years, can't find them now maybe some one stumped up the large amount of cash they wanted for them! Could they be NB shoes? Doesn't SJ love NB?
gekko513 said:
How come dressing in an apple shirt would be seen as sucking up, but dressing up more than regular isn't? I don't have any advice on this, I'm just asking.

Well if I was an interview at an apple story I would see
Apple shirt =fan boy/Girl. Apple fans are great to have as an employee but fanboy = bad and will hurt me in the long run

Dressing up more than reguala would show me that person knows how to look apporited. And that the job is about selling stuff or what ever it. That they can separted out there fan part of them and know in how to adapt to look the part and get stuff done.

Fan boys are there because it apple. The ones who want the job know that the fan part of them needs not to be over zealus. That it good advice and directing. not ranting on how great apple is and dell and ms sucks.

Some doing smear campains tick me off and I am less likely to buy the stuff or walk away from some one who going to show me positive aspect. I dont care where stuff sucks. What not say you product sucks there as well. I want to know what you can do.
Fatal Darkness said:
"You're gonna wear the T-shirt of the band you're gonna go see? Don't be that guy."

Sweet Reference!

I've got to say though, I'm more worried about the people who have voted "helps," than about the kid who asked the question. Casual clothes present the image that the employer should feel happy you have applied. It really doesn't work that way. :(
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