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Original poster
Oct 30, 2015
Boston, MA
Apple is not what it used to be. We all know that. But constant failures with follow-up apologies just can't sustain this company any longer. With the last releases of Apple products, I've just gotten tired. It's just fail after fail after fail. The iPad. The iPhone. The Macbook. All declining.

It's to the point now where we don't have one good product in their lineup. A touch bar. Wow. That's nothing new. Incorporating touch into your Macs is nothing new. Did they really expect anyone to buy it up as if it was?

I'm not even saying that Apple needs to innovate, I'm not even focusing on that right now. They just need to iron out all these bugs. That's all I'm focusing on, that's it! I've stood by and watched too many flops as it is. And I'm asking for a new CEO. I'm asking for you!

iOS 10 was a disaster!

Every single product in Apple's lineup has a fault. So when you see a crowd at Apple Stores across the globe, they're not in there buying nothing, they're in there trying to fix their devices!

Apple sat idle while their Macbook line burned. They released an iPhone with no headphone jack and can't manage to release the Airpods that were originally supposed to come out with the iPhone 7.

A chunk of their customers who own iPhone 6s's are now out of warranty and they're waiting for battery replacements on devices they TOLD Apple were faulty.

They failed to advance battery tech back since 2012. They've been holding onto retina displays for far too long.

Apple Maps never recovered.

They malingered as every other company in the game improved their AI tech while Siri squandered. They bought Beats and did nothing with it.

They released the poorly received Apple Music. And it still hasn't caught on.

The App Store has dwindled in it's offerings.

iTunes is still a mess.

The iPad Pro never got off the ground.

Beats doesn't give them any type of revenue. Beats didn't even give them a box of Captain Crunch. The Beats purchase didn't even give Apple a single crouton. It didn't give them a little crumb of cookie! Even if it's already been in their mouth!

Apple TV is irrelevant.

And last but not least, they let the iPod fall to the wayside.

This is the end of the road.

I know yall don't want to hear this but it's a fact! I just don't know where else we can go with this. They're done in 2016. They're done!

This is The Eulogy. Apple: The Company of Yesteryear.

I honestly haven't been impressed with anything Apple has released in the last 5 years. Apple is not indestructible. Wait! Look at the numbers! Everything they built is going to fade.


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I have to agree on the MacBook part. I saw EverythingApplePro's review of the new MacBook and he was not impressed for the most part. The battery life actually took a hit from the 2015 model. As far as iOS goes, they are repeating bugs from iOS 9. The 7 and 7 Plus isn't that big of an upgrade from the previous models and the new iPads don't impress me enough to upgrade my iPad Air.
I have to agree on the MacBook part. I saw EverythingApplePro's review of the new MacBook and he was not impressed for the most part. The battery life actually took a hit from the 2015 model. As far as iOS goes, they are repeating bugs from iOS 9. The 7 and 7 Plus isn't that big of an upgrade from the previous models and the new iPads don't impress me enough to upgrade my iPad Air.
New CEO... WE'RE ASKING FOR YOU. I liked Tim Cook but he's got to GO!!!

Apple has NO edge. They don't got NOTHING!
I know yall don't want to hear this but it's a fact! I just don't know where else we can go with this. They're done in 2016. They're done!

I don't think you know the difference between fact and opinion.

Now, I agree that Apple has made some bad design choices in recent years, but their competitors aren't generally making products that are vastly superior in every way.

Samsung got burnt by exploding phones. Google Pixel is unremarkable. I've read reviews on some of the newer Chinese Android phones and they don't have great polish... yet. Apple does have to step up their game majorly, but their "failure" is far from a foregone conclusion. Disclaimer: I use an iPhone SE and Windows 7 notebook from Dell.
I'm going to respond paragraph by paragraph...

1) do you want them to not apologize and try to fix the defects? Where's the iPad failure?

2) each product is "one good product" and a touch BAR is new - incorporating touch without grimey grease stains across the screen.

3) none of these products have been a "flop," just they weren't what you and the .05% of Apple users who happen to be on this website (and yes some products have issues).

4) False. Crowd at the store is for the new devices.

5) it's your OPINION "ko" headphone jack is bad. For me, I've had one instance in two months with the 7 where I with I had the normal jack. One. Instance. For water resistance, I'll take the loss of the jack. On top of that, are you seriously waiting on the Apple-tax Airpods with hundreds of quality Bluetooth headphone sets already on the market...?

6) doesn't matter that they are out of warranty. The program luanched is free replacement regardless of warranty... did you even read it?

7) "they" aren't responsible for battery technology advancements. Apple isn't the sole driver in battery technology, and even if they were, science hasn't discovered or innovated much in terms of energy storage for half a decade. That's Apple' fault? Also... find a better display than retina and I'll find you a liar.

8) Apple has worked on Siri, and she is much improved over the original... there's just market saturation right now with AI assistants. And they sell Beats products and have improved the sound quality and Bluetooth connections since takeover.....

9) "poorly received" Apple Music is actually one of the most popular music streaming services.

10) the App Store has grown in quality offerings, while removing thousands upon thousands of outdated, broke or scam apps.

11) iTunes is a mess.

12) the iPad Pro, for what it was designed to do, has been well-received. People trying to use it for other things, and realizing they can't, is where it fails.

13) Again, beats has been a success...

14) this always your opinion, which is actually wrong... but nice try. Over emotional, contrary to facts, and dripping in also hyperbole.
I have to agree on the MacBook part. I saw EverythingApplePro's review of the new MacBook and he was not impressed for the most part. The battery life actually took a hit from the 2015 model. As far as iOS goes, they are repeating bugs from iOS 9. The 7 and 7 Plus isn't that big of an upgrade from the previous models and the new iPads don't impress me enough to upgrade my iPad Air.
+1 more i am also not impressed from the new iPhone 7 /7 Plus,coming from iPhone 6S Plus,i see so many people on macrumors and around me who didn't upgrade
My lineup:-> iPhone 6S Plus,iPhone 7,iPhone SE
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To each his (or her) own
I like my iPhone 7 Plus very much (and I upgraded from a 6s)
I don't need the headphone jack at all
And I would buy the new MacBook Pro if I needed an upgrade, but I'm good right now
And everything works well for me, so I haven't experienced all these "bugs"

Not everyone will be happy
I'm just glad I'm the happy one and you are not :)
Another armchair CEO.
Unless you are one of Apple's board of director, or you are a CEO of your own running a successful company, your statements are merely fluff opinions.
Don't quit your day job.
The iPhone 7 was the worst iPhone that had ever been made. And they have nowhere to place the blame... But those Airpods!

Those Airpods... those damned Airpods...

The Airpods dragged them down into the muck and the meyer.

It was the final push that helped flush Apple down the toilet to let them swim amongst the turds

They promised things that they could not deliver. And when they finally got sober and realized, "Hey! We can't do this!" They shut down production and slapped the hands of anyone who said a word and dared to question them.

This comes at the worst time for Apple, a company who is known for being behind the times, while still relishing in being the glorrydog of Yesteryear.

They have not done anything in the current.
To each his (or her) own
I like my iPhone 7 Plus very much (and I upgraded from a 6s)
I don't need the headphone jack at all
And I would buy the new MacBook Pro if I needed an upgrade, but I'm good right now
And everything works well for me, so I haven't experienced all these "bugs"

Not everyone will be happy
I'm just glad I'm the happy one and you are not :)

That's different... going from a 6s to a 7+... now that's an upgrade. Better camera, more RAM, better battery life, a bigger screen, etc. That is an upgrade I would do in a heartbeat. As far as the headphone jack goes, I will just find a 3rd party adapter that allows me to charge and listen to music at the same time.

But going from the 6s Plus to the 7 Plus, that's not an upgrade to me.

And as far as the iOS bugs, MacRumors is flooded with info on those bugs. EverythingApplePro has also confirmed the bugs are repeating.
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Their obsession with making everything paper thin is gonna hurt them. We don't need smartphones this thin, give me a few extra mm and a battery that will last days without a charge.

This applies to the new MacBook pros too. Thinness and weight are subjective to everyone but in my opinion an extra lbs and some mm for better battery, or anything really, is not gonna break anyone's back for portability.
+1 more i am also not impressed from the new iPhone 7 /7 Plus,coming from iPhone 6S Plus,i see so many people on macrumors and around me who didn't upgrade View attachment 676018 My lineup iPhone 6S Plus,iPhone 7,iPhone SE
And we just got word that iPhone 7 orders have been severely retracted. What more do you want me to say now?

People looked at the iPhone 7 and said, "Now, hold on. Wait a minute! Listen, baby. Listen to me! ..."

"We can't buy into this. You took our headphone jack and tried to give us more wires in return. No. We're not going to let you get away with that. We don't want to hear nothing you've got to say about why you can't get the Airpods out, it's a day late and a dollar short! And now here it is, 2017, and we're still waiting on you to fulfill your lies."

And Apple has not said not One. Word. They are SILENT. You can hear a rat pissing on COTTON!!!
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And we just got word that iPhone 7 orders have been severely retracted. What more do you want me to say now?

People looked at the iPhone 7 and said, "Now, hold on. Wait a minute! Listen, baby. Listen to me! ..."

"We can't buy into this. You took our headphone jack and tried to give us more wires in return. No. We're not going to let you get away with that. We don't want to hear nothing you've got to say about why you can't get the Airpods out, it's a day late and a dollar short! And now here it is, 2017, and we're still waiting on you to fulfill your lies."

And Apple has not said not One. Word. They are SILENT. You can hear a rat pissing on COTTON!!!

Well if Apple fails there's no more macrumors and we won't have to see you post anymore. So that's a good thing at least.
And to be honest, I'm an iPhone 7 hater. Why? Because of the headphone jack. It's the first time they've given me a reason not to buy their products. (Well, it's not the first time but that's a subject for another thread.)

I mean stop. Listen. Wait Wait, listen to me. You take away the headphone jack... And you say, "We have a better solution and it's called Airpods!" So now we're mad. And you think that anger will be quelled with an adapter. Which adds even more frustration to the initial problem you said you were going to solve!

And these apologists! I've had my cross hairs on them for quite some time. Falling right into the trap, "Oh, there's plenty of third party Bluetooth earpods you can use!"


You fell right in line. Like the Pied Piper leading the rats out of the city.
And to be honest, I'm an iPhone 7 hater. Why? Because of the headphone jack. It's the first time they've given me a reason not to buy their products. (Well, it's not the first time but that's a subject for another thread.)

I mean stop. Listen. Wait Wait, listen to me. You take away the headphone jack... And you say, "We have a better solution and it's called Airpods!" So now we're mad. And you think that anger will be quelled with an adapter. Which adds even more frustration to the initial problem you said you were going to solve!

And these apologists! I've had my cross hairs on them for quite some time. Falling right into the trap, "Oh, there's plenty of third party Bluetooth earpods you can use!"


You fell right in line. Like the Pied Piper leading the rats out of the city.

Are the Rats pissing on cotton as they're being led out the city?
Their obsession with making everything paper thin is gonna hurt them. We don't need smartphones this thin, give me a few extra mm and a battery that will last days without a charge.

Yes yes yes quadruple yes! I have been saying this ever since the 6 came out. If the 6 and 6s had superior battery life that allowed me to get 2 days out of a charge with my normal use, I never would've upgraded to the Plus model. I do like the 5.5 inch screen but it's hard for me to one hand text.
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Their obsession with making everything paper thin is gonna hurt them. We don't need smartphones this thin, give me a few extra mm and a battery that will last days without a charge.

This applies to the new MacBook pros too. Thinness and weight are subjective to everyone but in my opinion an extra lbs and some mm for better battery, or anything really, is not gonna break anyone's back for portability.

Tim Cook has to go. Apple has not been on a prosperous path under his leadership. It is evident that Cook does not have what we want. That's been proven year after year after year.

If Scott Forstall had to go because of the Apple Maps debacle, then Tim Cook should go over the Airpods debacle! They're one and the same!

And get rid of Jony Ive for iOS 10's repeating bugs! And get rid of Phil Schiller for these new MacBooks!

We're in shambles. This is IT! WE WANT NEW LEADERSHIP!
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You aren't the first to claim such things. You certainly won't be the last. One thing is for certain: you love to listen to the sound of your own voice.

In the Old Testament, false prophets would be stoned to death...just saying....
And I'm telling you now. If that iPhone 8........... does not deliver............

they're done.
Yes yes yes quadruple yes! I have been saying this ever since the 6 came out. If the 6 and 6s had superior battery life that allowed me to get 2 days out of a charge with my normal use, I never would've upgraded to the Plus model. I do like the 5.5 inch screen but it's hard for me to one hand text.

not only that, they picked the slipperiest material in the world and rounded the edges. it's like they WANT the phones to fall out of our hands.

the thickness of the 4S is perfect, along with the square'd body.
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