Apple is not what it used to be. We all know that. But constant failures with follow-up apologies just can't sustain this company any longer. With the last releases of Apple products, I've just gotten tired. It's just fail after fail after fail. The iPad. The iPhone. The Macbook. All declining.
It's to the point now where we don't have one good product in their lineup. A touch bar. Wow. That's nothing new. Incorporating touch into your Macs is nothing new. Did they really expect anyone to buy it up as if it was?
I'm not even saying that Apple needs to innovate, I'm not even focusing on that right now. They just need to iron out all these bugs. That's all I'm focusing on, that's it! I've stood by and watched too many flops as it is. And I'm asking for a new CEO. I'm asking for you!
iOS 10 was a disaster!
Every single product in Apple's lineup has a fault. So when you see a crowd at Apple Stores across the globe, they're not in there buying nothing, they're in there trying to fix their devices!
Apple sat idle while their Macbook line burned. They released an iPhone with no headphone jack and can't manage to release the Airpods that were originally supposed to come out with the iPhone 7.
A chunk of their customers who own iPhone 6s's are now out of warranty and they're waiting for battery replacements on devices they TOLD Apple were faulty.
They failed to advance battery tech back since 2012. They've been holding onto retina displays for far too long.
Apple Maps never recovered.
They malingered as every other company in the game improved their AI tech while Siri squandered. They bought Beats and did nothing with it.
They released the poorly received Apple Music. And it still hasn't caught on.
The App Store has dwindled in it's offerings.
iTunes is still a mess.
The iPad Pro never got off the ground.
Beats doesn't give them any type of revenue. Beats didn't even give them a box of Captain Crunch. The Beats purchase didn't even give Apple a single crouton. It didn't give them a little crumb of cookie! Even if it's already been in their mouth!
Apple TV is irrelevant.
And last but not least, they let the iPod fall to the wayside.
This is the end of the road.
I know yall don't want to hear this but it's a fact! I just don't know where else we can go with this. They're done in 2016. They're done!
This is The Eulogy. Apple: The Company of Yesteryear.
I honestly haven't been impressed with anything Apple has released in the last 5 years. Apple is not indestructible. Wait! Look at the numbers! Everything they built is going to fade.
It's to the point now where we don't have one good product in their lineup. A touch bar. Wow. That's nothing new. Incorporating touch into your Macs is nothing new. Did they really expect anyone to buy it up as if it was?
I'm not even saying that Apple needs to innovate, I'm not even focusing on that right now. They just need to iron out all these bugs. That's all I'm focusing on, that's it! I've stood by and watched too many flops as it is. And I'm asking for a new CEO. I'm asking for you!
iOS 10 was a disaster!
Every single product in Apple's lineup has a fault. So when you see a crowd at Apple Stores across the globe, they're not in there buying nothing, they're in there trying to fix their devices!
Apple sat idle while their Macbook line burned. They released an iPhone with no headphone jack and can't manage to release the Airpods that were originally supposed to come out with the iPhone 7.
A chunk of their customers who own iPhone 6s's are now out of warranty and they're waiting for battery replacements on devices they TOLD Apple were faulty.
They failed to advance battery tech back since 2012. They've been holding onto retina displays for far too long.
Apple Maps never recovered.
They malingered as every other company in the game improved their AI tech while Siri squandered. They bought Beats and did nothing with it.
They released the poorly received Apple Music. And it still hasn't caught on.
The App Store has dwindled in it's offerings.
iTunes is still a mess.
The iPad Pro never got off the ground.
Beats doesn't give them any type of revenue. Beats didn't even give them a box of Captain Crunch. The Beats purchase didn't even give Apple a single crouton. It didn't give them a little crumb of cookie! Even if it's already been in their mouth!
Apple TV is irrelevant.
And last but not least, they let the iPod fall to the wayside.
This is the end of the road.
I know yall don't want to hear this but it's a fact! I just don't know where else we can go with this. They're done in 2016. They're done!
This is The Eulogy. Apple: The Company of Yesteryear.
I honestly haven't been impressed with anything Apple has released in the last 5 years. Apple is not indestructible. Wait! Look at the numbers! Everything they built is going to fade.
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