In stark contrast I see Hulu becoming an integral part of the iPad.
Look who's involved with it.
"Founded in March 2007, Hulu is operated independently by a dedicated management team with offices in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Beijing. NBC Universal, News Corp., The Walt Disney Company, Providence Equity Partners and the Hulu team share in the ownership stake of the company."
"Hulu, a joint venture of News Corp., NBC Universal and Providence, is a leading online video service offering viewers an unmatched selection of streaming, on-demand, premium programming on a free, ad-supported basis. Programming is provided by NBC Universal and News Corp. as well as third-party content partners including Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (a Providence portfolio company), Sony Pictures Television and Comcast. Hulus distribution partners include AOL, CNET, Comcast, MSN, MySpace and Yahoo!."
Just the group that Apple wants on board.
Everybody except Google.