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Gotta say this is untrue.

I think it's all semantics - what the OP was wondering (at least how I read it) is whether AppleTV can stream directly from an external HDD, which it can't. The drive has to be somehow accessible by some machine running iTunes. In your case, the drive is accessible via Airport Extreme to your MBP.
I think it's all semantics - what the OP was wondering is whether AppleTV can stream directly from an external HDD, which it can't. The drive has to be somehow accessible by some machine running iTunes.

Fair enough...obviously an external drive isn't going start streaming to the ATV2 on its own. You've got to plug it into the network somewhere. Either the computer or a router is a convenient place.
Accessing media files from a mac makes more sense if you have an iMac or a mac mini, since these are always in the same place, may be on all the time and be always connected to an external drive (if you need to).

Accessing a portable mac (in my case, my MBP) seems to me not very convenient. First my MBP only has about 80 GB of HDD space (the other 40 GB is shared with windows), 45GB of those are used by iphoto s library , 15Gb by itunes and the rest by programs and other files, so storing large video files is out of the question. Then your MBP has to be there (or within range), and turned on and connected to an external drive (if your are using one). I usually keep my MBP lid closed, I assume that the ATV wont be able to access my files if the mac is sleeping. I might still get one (an :apple:TV) but I feel that I will really use its potential when I get a bigger drive in a new imac.

This is why I wish the ATV had a hard drive or at least be able to connect to one.

Your right, AppleTV is not as friendly with a laptop but that does not mean it useless. I am looking into the whole media server(a computer only there to store and share content via itunes) thing before i buy one, just a low end PC i can stick in a closet and forget about. The other option is a external HDD or a NAS run through the laptop, yes it has to be on). AppleTV uses the sharing function in iTunes to access content so as long as there are files that the relevant itunes can 'see' and 'read' then it doesn't matter where they are stored, and you are up and running.

I feel the ability to change libraries by holding the option key when starting is being overlooked as well. Imagine this. The library on your lappy has your up to date and fav music and video content on its internal drive. This is what you sync you iphone too mostly You also have a external drive that has that whole library and the rest of your crap and your girlfriends Legally blonde movies etc on it. Open iTunes holding option and choose this library at any time for apple TV to access the content. In the mean time buy some CAT6 cable and a cheap PC and a decent HD to fit in it and make a media server. Become a home expert in remote PC useage and bang, your a home IT expert!! Your work mates will call you a geek and make fun of you if brag too much, but will invite you round for beer just so you can virus scan there computer etc etc ....
Once I got the ATV2 I wanted to free myself from having to have the drive plugged into my MacBook Pro. So I bought an AirPort Extreme plugged the external drive into the USB port and now I can stream all my iTunes movies effortlessly into the ATV2. Works great....

Ha! Never thought that would work. Do you still need four computer to be on for :apple:TV to browse your external HDD?
Ha! Never thought that would work. Do you still need four computer to be on for :apple:TV to browse your external HDD?

I should qualify my original reply. I can browse the Passport Studio thru need for iTunes to be on.

But if you want to view any content on the external drive thru the have to have iTunes running.
Gotta say this is untrue. I have a WD 640GB Passport Studio ($125) plugged into my Airport Extreme via the USB and it streams perfectly. A long time ago I decided to store all my iTunes movies on an external...bought the Passport Studio and....prior to purchasing the ATV2...I plugged it into my MacBook Pro to watch a movie. So all my iTunes movies are mapped to this external drive.

Once I got the ATV2 I wanted to free myself from having to have the drive plugged into my MacBook Pro. So I bought an AirPort Extreme plugged the external drive into the USB port and now I can stream all my iTunes movies effortlessly into the ATV2. Works great....

Note: Setting up the Passport Studio on the AirPort Extreme was a breeze. Plug and Play and it was in my home network. I couldn't get my DLink DIR-855 to recognize the PassPort Studio so I sh&t canned it and went with the AirPort Extreme. Everything "Apple" just works well together.

Yes iTunes has to be running if you're going to stream iTunes content to the ATV2.

I have an airport extreme, ATV2 and USB external HD.

I want to put all my movies on the external harddrive and connect it to the airport extreme.

I know I have to have itunes on when viewing movies on my ATV2

How do i setup Itunes to use my external HD for movies only?

What are the step by step?

I have an airport extreme, ATV2 and USB external HD.

I want to put all my movies on the external harddrive and connect it to the airport extreme.

I know I have to have itunes on when viewing movies on my ATV2

How do i setup Itunes to use my external HD for movies only?

What are the step by step?


I don't know if there is a global setting in iTunes for designating the location of your content.

When you add content to iTunes you have to specify the path. For add a movie to iTunes from my Ext. HD you go FILE/ADD TO LIBRARY/Path. Since I have the HD connected to my AirPort Extreme...I select the HD from your AirPort Extreme which is shown in the Finder under "Shared Devices".
Gotta say this is untrue. I have a WD 640GB Passport Studio ($125) plugged into my Airport Extreme via the USB and it streams perfectly. A long time ago I decided to store all my iTunes movies on an external...bought the Passport Studio and....prior to purchasing the ATV2...I plugged it into my MacBook Pro to watch a movie. So all my iTunes movies are mapped to this external drive.

Once I got the ATV2 I wanted to free myself from having to have the drive plugged into my MacBook Pro. So I bought an AirPort Extreme plugged the external drive into the USB port and now I can stream all my iTunes movies effortlessly into the ATV2. Works great....

Note: Setting up the Passport Studio on the AirPort Extreme was a breeze. Plug and Play and it was in my home network. I couldn't get my DLink DIR-855 to recognize the PassPort Studio so I sh&t canned it and went with the AirPort Extreme. Everything "Apple" just works well together.

How would this setup work with a pc ?
iTunes HAS to serve up the library. Wether your media sits on an external or networked drive is unimportant. As long as iTunes knows where it is, the :apple:TV can get it....or rather, be fed it by the iTunes server machine.

I have mine on a Drobo, hooked via Firewire to my iMac. Before that it was on WD externals until I had 4 x 1Tb drives and got sick of all the cabling!!

So, store the files whever you want.....just make sure iTunes knows where it is and all will be fine.
I don't know if there is a global setting in iTunes for designating the location of your content.

When you add content to iTunes you have to specify the path. For add a movie to iTunes from my Ext. HD you go FILE/ADD TO LIBRARY/Path. Since I have the HD connected to my AirPort Extreme...I select the HD from your AirPort Extreme which is shown in the Finder under "Shared Devices".


Do you "deselect the "Copy files to iTunes folder"" in itunes preference before doing this? So this way it wont make a copy of your movies.

Do i select it back on if I want my music all in my iTunes folder?

Do you have to change the iTunes media file location in preference too?
Gotta say this is untrue. I have a WD 640GB Passport Studio ($125) plugged into my Airport Extreme via the USB and it streams perfectly. A long time ago I decided to store all my iTunes movies on an external...bought the Passport Studio and....prior to purchasing the ATV2...I plugged it into my MacBook Pro to watch a movie. So all my iTunes movies are mapped to this external drive.

Once I got the ATV2 I wanted to free myself from having to have the drive plugged into my MacBook Pro. So I bought an AirPort Extreme plugged the external drive into the USB port and now I can stream all my iTunes movies effortlessly into the ATV2. Works great....

Does it stream when your MacBook Pro is closed? or was it open, with iTunes running? I thought you could have content on NAS, but it still needed to be in an iTunes library that was up and running to stream...
Does it stream when your MacBook Pro is closed? or was it open, with iTunes running? I thought you could have content on NAS, but it still needed to be in an iTunes library that was up and running to stream...

Yes to stream content iTunes must be running.

Do you "deselect the "Copy files to iTunes folder"" in itunes preference before doing this? So this way it wont make a copy of your movies.

Do i select it back on if I want my music all in my iTunes folder?

Do you have to change the iTunes media file location in preference too?

Sorry...missed your reply.

YES...deselect copy files to iTunes folder so you don't have duplicates.

YES...definitely...urn it back on if you are storing your music in the iTunes folder.'re media file location should be the default which was setup when you installed iTunes originally. This will be the path where your music files would be kept.
Sorry...missed your reply.

YES...deselect copy files to iTunes folder so you don't have duplicates.

YES...definitely...urn it back on if you are storing your music in the iTunes folder.'re media file location should be the default which was setup when you installed iTunes originally. This will be the path where your music files would be kept.


When formatting your external HD, what format did you use?
They don't have to be - from the Advanced tab in Preferences, make sure the "Copy files to iTunes Media Folder..." is unchecked, then import as usual. The files themselves will stay on the external drive. This is how I have my media server set up for my AppleTV, and it works great.

I wish this option was a bit more extendable. I'd like to keep it on for music and off for video files, but there is no way to do that it seems. Oh well.
I wish this option was a bit more extendable. I'd like to keep it on for music and off for video files, but there is no way to do that it seems. Oh well.

I'm not sure why that has to be an issue. You can just put the music on your internal drive, and add it into iTunes from there, and it'll just stay there. Sure, it doesn't get added to the iTunes media folder, it will just stay in the original folder, but I don't see how that's a real disadvantage.
Been planning on putting my external on airport extreme. Can a password be put on the external so it's protected on the network? I have a OWC dual bay I plan on using with two 2TB drives, one for streaming from, the other for my backup.

Gotta say this is untrue. I have a WD 640GB Passport Studio ($125) plugged into my Airport Extreme via the USB and it streams perfectly. A long time ago I decided to store all my iTunes movies on an external...bought the Passport Studio and....prior to purchasing the ATV2...I plugged it into my MacBook Pro to watch a movie. So all my iTunes movies are mapped to this external drive.

Once I got the ATV2 I wanted to free myself from having to have the drive plugged into my MacBook Pro. So I bought an AirPort Extreme plugged the external drive into the USB port and now I can stream all my iTunes movies effortlessly into the ATV2. Works great....

Note: Setting up the Passport Studio on the AirPort Extreme was a breeze. Plug and Play and it was in my home network. I couldn't get my DLink DIR-855 to recognize the PassPort Studio so I sh&t canned it and went with the AirPort Extreme. Everything "Apple" just works well together.

That sounds perfect!
Do you think it's possible/easy to set up without a mac? I have a PC laptop. Just bought the new Apple TV, and wouldn't mind getting an Airport Extreme to achieve direct streaming from an external HD to my TV...
ok this is my setup, i have a 1tb western digital my book world edition holding all my movies plugged into my airport extreme. the airport extreme is my main router. i have an airport express connected to the airport extreme extending the network and an atv 2 connecting to my network. how would i get the apple tv to access all my movies on my book world edition. i have played with it and cant figure it out.
I have a WD External Hard Drive and an AppleTV 2, I have my movies synced through my HD but I still need to open my MacBook Pro to stream stuff to the AppleTV. Can it be possible to connect the HD to the ATV and sort of trick the ATV so it thinks that its new HD is the external HD I have?

Do you get my point? So I can access the ATV without any Mac open, just the stuff that I have in the computer.

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