All I want is an appletv that can do high bitrate movies. Comparing appletv to blueray is not fun. Please, hardware updates apple!? And purchasing high def movies would be great too..
I love apple!
I used to think that a DVR built into the aTV would be a great and needed function. After having 1 aTV for a month I added 2 more so that every TV in the house has one. After 6 months of having the aTVs I sold my Tivo HD because I just didn't use them anymore.
I don't think you need the DVR functionality. What Apple needs to do is make people understand that they don't need it anymore.
I will admit that I have used aTVflash to allow other codexs. If you haven't seen the way Boxee manages the TV shows you are missing something.
My opinion is that Apple needs to look more at what the people that really use aTV think works great.
Obviously you have never seen an Apple TV nor used one to jump to that conclusion.
What are you talking about? That is the dumbest response I have ever heard.. I have two of them, one in the bedroom and one in the living room, and yes the quality does not compare to that of blueray!!
blu ray was designed for 1080p, aTV was designed for 720P. Why compare the two, its 2 different sets of technology.
Well professor.... why don't you read my question again all the way from the beginning.
you sure know how to make friends dont ya noob! You said comparing aTV to Blu-ray is no fun. Of course its no fun, your not comparing like technology. Maybe you need to understand what the aTV is and what it isnt before you go off crying about features that it will never support.
Keep your pants on, the both of you. Send e-mails to each other if you're going to fight.
Now, to my point, who says the Apple TV will never support 1080p?
I do like the ATV as is but I don't see how I could get rid of my DVR. At least with the native ATV. I just checked and I have 21 shows that I record. Most of them are network shows in HD. I think if I could watch them via ATV in HD without having to pay $2 per show it would be an option. Maybe if you could get Basic Network Shows via iTunes for maybe $20 per month and with the option to skip commercials then this would be an option.
I do not use boxee so maybe you have to hack the ATV to accomplish what you are doing. Please provide a little more details.
Every so often I see people say they get rid of the DVR or cable and use ATV exclusively. I too don't understand how anyone can do that. Cable is $110 or so for me and between my wife and me we record 25-30 shows. Subscribing to those via ATV would be much more expensive than having cable.
Of those 25-30 shows, what percentage is also available free OTA? If you can pull the majority of the shows literally out of thin air, then you'd save a ton of cash with a DVR feature. Best thing is, the OTA quality is superb.
My 21 shows are mostly available OTA but I would still need a DVR. However, I would think they could put the DVR in a Mac Mini and allow me to stream that to multiple rooms via the AppleTV. My problem with current cable DVR's is that most are 2 channel only and also most do not allow multi-room sharing. What I would like is a minimum of 4 channel recording and also the ability to organize the recording by user.
Every so often I see people say they get rid of the DVR or cable and use ATV exclusively. I too don't understand how anyone can do that. Cable is $110 or so for me and between my wife and me we record 25-30 shows. Subscribing to those via ATV would be much more expensive than having cable.
I like that last one.
The idea that my iTunes Account would KNOW what other devices I have, would be very cool.
Let's say I want to rent an HD movie, I could just go to iTunes on my iPhone and rent it for my Apple TV. It would tell iTunes to tell Apple TV and by the time I got home, it is there.
At the very least throw bluetooth at it for a keyboard/mouse and give us Safari. I mean, that is a no brainer.
I don't think the App store would be the way to go, not enough people out there to make it more than a "hobby".