After the Apple TV Software Update 2.3.1 I found weird but nice new future which will be the great news for old CRT square TV owners.
Now Apple allows you not only get color output via the composite video connector, but after that you can change the resolution to particular 853 480i 60Hz which basically allows you normally (without being vertically stretched) watch everything on 10 years + old square TVs. Before it was possible after software hack but it is not supported on Take Two.
Here is what you need to do:
1. Get color output via the composite video connector (without it will be not possible to later activate 4:3 mode)
- take HDMI(male)-DVI(female) adapter and short circuit pins 16 and 14 with paperclip (dont plug it in yet)
- Plug your composite-yellow in the green slot (this will give you an image, but BW)
- In the menu, go to Settings Audio & Video TV resolution
- now STAND on 480p and unplug the composite-yellow, plug an HDMI-DVI adapter
- press ok on the remote and wait 2 sec
- unplug the HDMI-DVI adapter and replug the composite-yellow, when the image comes back, it comes back full color. After that its possible you need to confirm the resolution, with just pressing OK!
See more at
2. Switch to 4:3 resolution
- press menu and + together for few seconds.
- choose 853×480i60Hz
- confirm with OK
Enjoy the Apple TV on your 4:3 CRT
Please excuse if this is old news for you, I am not sure if this was found out previously.
Now Apple allows you not only get color output via the composite video connector, but after that you can change the resolution to particular 853 480i 60Hz which basically allows you normally (without being vertically stretched) watch everything on 10 years + old square TVs. Before it was possible after software hack but it is not supported on Take Two.
Here is what you need to do:
1. Get color output via the composite video connector (without it will be not possible to later activate 4:3 mode)
- take HDMI(male)-DVI(female) adapter and short circuit pins 16 and 14 with paperclip (dont plug it in yet)
- Plug your composite-yellow in the green slot (this will give you an image, but BW)
- In the menu, go to Settings Audio & Video TV resolution
- now STAND on 480p and unplug the composite-yellow, plug an HDMI-DVI adapter
- press ok on the remote and wait 2 sec
- unplug the HDMI-DVI adapter and replug the composite-yellow, when the image comes back, it comes back full color. After that its possible you need to confirm the resolution, with just pressing OK!
See more at
2. Switch to 4:3 resolution
- press menu and + together for few seconds.
- choose 853×480i60Hz
- confirm with OK
Enjoy the Apple TV on your 4:3 CRT
Please excuse if this is old news for you, I am not sure if this was found out previously.