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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 12, 2016

I have a MBP 2020 so 10th gen i5 with 16GB RAM and Apple TV+ content plays fine on the built in screen however the quality seems a remarkable reduction on my external 4K LG monitor.

I watch Netflix via Chrome and Youtube 4K stuff and it looks great on the same external monitor so if it were an issue with the monitor or the cabling, I would have expected it full stop, not just via ATV+

Is this a thing? Playback is set to High Quality within the app and if I move the playback window over to the MacBook screen, its clear and crisp but as soon as I put it on the 4K Monitor, it looks poor, not even what I would call HD in terms of quality

Edit - Same with iTunes content, my 4K films just awful on the external monitor.

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