Thanks, I know I'm going a little off topic here but i have a quick question (again)- would need a burner if I wanted to rip blu rays? i was thinking about going external..
if you're only ripping a reader would do
if you want to make copies then you would need a burner, the discs are expensive too
unless you burn it as an AVCHD disc in a dual layer disc (which is what i do every now and then and they work on most stand alone bluray players and ps3's)
I'll ask from the Hardware side of things, blu ray player did you buy for the PC? Does it require much muscle or will a Core Duo2 at 266 or so do for ripping converting?
I don't have here at home (I left it at work...don't ask) but I just picked up an external 4x blu ray READER. It does not write - but it's an external to USB drive and it does what I need it to do:
Check around and you might be able to find it cheaper or an equivalent thats cheaper. Note - i've only ran this under native windows, never tried it via parallels or vmware or anything like that.
My pipeline is to rip and tsmux on windows, then take that file to OS X. No offense to anyone but I feel like Handbrake on OS X is a much better product. All the times i tried to convert blu ray in the windows version, i ran into problems.
So to answer your question - Core Duo 266 should be just fine.
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