In the UK, the value you're getting is horrible. You could either buy a 160GB AppleTV for £219 or an Xbox 360 or a PS3 with a Hard Drive and with bundled games and controllers and the ability to stream movies anyway.
Seeing as AppleTV doesn't need an amazing graphics card/ processor and doesn't have a DVD drive, I don't see how dropping it to £150 should be an issue.
I couldn't agree more. I bought my xbox 360 elite with 120gb HD for £200 and that included 2 wireless controllers and a copy for forza 3 and modern warfare 2...!
The ATV isn't a games console, and i don't want it to be, but it's incredibly overpriced for what it does.
I have had mine for a year, first gen. Works perfectly.
Same here; it may be overpriced, but to be fair to it, it's a workhorse! My first gen has been powered on since the day it was bought and it's still working just fine!
It's not one of the worst gadgets; however, it is one of the most neglected...sadly.
Hopefully that will change in 2010. It needs new hardware badly as it can not perform basic functions anymore without crashing or stuttering.
Couldn't agree more.
I love my ATV. It's simple and is perfect for the whole family... Even my 4 and 5 year old children can work it... Not a lot of devices can boast that kind of simplicity... But... It's overpriced and in dire need of some TLC from apple. The hardware needs upgrading and (more importantly) the software too... I think they could easily add a few vital features to it and still keep the simplicity;
- Enabling the USB port for external drives
- Allowing network file access
- I STILL can't play TV shows continuously without using a playlist, something which iTunes itself does without any problems!
- The thumbnails in the movie trailer section are getting smaller with each update; i may be getting old but the text is so small now i have to really squint to see it!
I could go on but basically (and this has been said many times before) apple need to stop thinking of this as a "hobby" and start taking their own product seriously. It's undervalued by Gizmodo and sadly, by Apple too.