How long does it take to convert a dvd to a .mp4?? At least 2 hours. Am I wrong?
.... and to convert it to an .mkv with same settings ??? I assume you are not suggesting just remuxing to mkv ... which you could also do to an .mp4 as well.
How long does it take to convert a dvd to a .mp4?? At least 2 hours. Am I wrong?
The same can be said of the 1080p issue: the ATV won't go 1080p until Apple starts selling/renting 1080p content.
.... and to convert it to an .mkv with same settings ??? I assume you are not suggesting just remuxing to mkv ... which you could also do to an .mp4 as well.
since currently the atv cannot play either at blu ray rez or bitrate very well
lol. Subler. I figured since you were arguing the merits of .mkv over .mp4 in terms "conversion" speed for .mkv being under 1/2 hour you were talking about simply remuxing
In which case remuxing blu ray to either .mkv or .mp4 is ridiculous since currently the atv cannot play either at blu ray rez or bitrate very well. Just my .02
I'm a big AppleTV fan and think it has an important role in the Apple lineup. However, Apple's lack of exhibitor status at the upcoming CES should be a concern as that is a natural venue to launch an updated AppleTV. Of course, they aren't showing off iPods there either, but still
lol. Subler. I figured since you were arguing the merits of .mkv over .mp4 in terms "conversion" speed for .mkv being under 1/2 hour you were talking about simply remuxing
In which case remuxing blu ray to either .mkv or .mp4 is ridiculous since currently the atv cannot play either at blu ray rez or bitrate very well. Just my .02