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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 3, 2009
Rang my local store today here in the uk, and they say they will have the new imac range in tomorrow (21st oct), i find that rather strange from reading another post that usa stores will be next week???
Rang my local store today here in the uk, and they say they will have the new imac range in tomorrow (21st oct), i find that rather strange from reading another post that usa stores will be next week???

I called my local Glasgow store and they said "they don't know when stock will arrive".

Good post though, cheers. Will try them again in the morning
Rang my local store today here in the uk, and they say they will have the new imac range in tomorrow (21st oct), i find that rather strange from reading another post that usa stores will be next week???

I was debating whether to pop in tomorrow or not. Thanks for letting us know :)
just thinking about it, if it does work out to be next week in the stores then what the hell they going to sell, i cannot see them selling the older models due to them now advertising the new line the stores will be pretty empty for display models??
ive got a feeling the stores down in england will get em first and i suspect regent street is probably the first ones to get em as its the flagship store.
ive got a feeling the stores down in england will get em first and i suspect regent street is probably the first ones to get em as its the flagship store.

Yeah I think you may be right, I reckon the stock is already in store's why announce a launch with no stock available till next week!! They may as well shut the shops cause they won't be selling any imac's till the stock surfaces
No, the 27 icores are not in stock. They said it would be a few weeks.

They said they have enough of the base line 21.5" to last them till tomorrow :D

Going to pick mines up now.
Maybe UK is getting them quicker because of the postal service strike I heard about? Strike starts Thursday or Friday. I may be way off though. I'm not sure what's going on over there.

Same reason Europeans are getting Windows 7 a few days early?
well been to leicester highcross, and guess what i have a brand new 27" imac, i turned up at 10.30 and they literally had there order, i had to wait an hour and then out they came with it...only problem is i now have to wait till 6 to finish work
well been to leicester highcross, and guess what i have a brand new 27" imac, i turned up at 10.30 and they literally had there order, i had to wait an hour and then out they came with it...only problem is i now have to wait till 6 to finish work

Damn! I live in Loughborough and wish I'd seen your thread earlier! I could've gone down this morning and checked the 27" beast out but I assumed it would be several days before the stores had them in.

How big was the box by the way and how much bigger does the screen look compared to the old 24" ones? Also, any indication of how many they had in stock?

Cheers. :)
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