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I'm watching a movie that is not synched to my old apple tv right now. The full list showed up instantly. Navigation via the remote app is great (so far).

I could of course watch everything, they just weren't showing up in the listing on the remote. Anyway restarting the :apple: TV seems to have fixed it
Sadly, I see they have still chosen not to implement a lyric display in Remote, which is odd given it otherwise largely emulates the same interface as the iPod Touch/iPhone music player (which does show lyrics on-screen when you tap the artwork). I suggested the feature when Remote first came out and I figured it obvious to be missing, but I guess it was too rough to add a simple lyric load from the iTunes library. Maybe if they offer these functions to 3rd parties, they can add the missing features Apple is too darn lazy to add (I'm still waiting over 3 years later for a simple visualizer option on Apple TV like the one in iTunes...I can wait until Hell freezes over I guess).
uh yeah not really. streaming from itunes to airtunes is one thing, streaming audio & video from iOS mobile devices to tvs, receivers, and speakers is a very different thing -- not remotely close to simply new marketing.

uh, read my post again and the a large portion of the Airplay posts. I'm not saying the IOS stuff isn't new or cool, but many people are talking about speakers and iTunes music streaming like it's a new thing. I don't think Apple did enough to promote these capabilities before Airplay.
Having a weird issue...loaded up the app on my iPad (4.2B2) and my iPhone 4 (4.1GM) and have the iTunes 10.1 Beta (Win x64) and I'm having issues playing files from the main music library.

It finds the library just fine, lists all my music...but wont let me play any of them. "Cannot Find Library on the network"

The even weirder part is that it'll allow me to play any playlist and TV Shows/Movies/Music Videos.

Anyone have this issue?

I downloaded the updated Remote application to my iPhone yesterday set it up and everything and today no matter what i do to it, it will not connect to my iTunes library and it works connecting to everything but mine. I've tried the troubleshooting doc and turning on home sharing reinstalling and rebooting.
Any help would be appreciated.
Screen Shot attached.


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Okay, has anyone been able to pair the new remote application with an old AppleTV?

I upgraded the old Remote app on my iPad to the new version when it was only paired with one of my 2 AppleTV's. It controls the old AppleTV that was previously paired just fine, but I cannot get it to pair with the old AppleTV that was not paired when I upgraded the software. I fear that this Remote software was only designed to work with the new AppleTV and not the old AppleTV and it was just a fluke that it kept the pairing to the old AppleTV's that were already paired at the time of upgrading.

I'm already thinking of restoring the old version pairing all my old units then upgrading again. Am I missing something?
Okay, has anyone been able to pair the new remote application with an old AppleTV?

I upgraded the old Remote app on my iPad to the new version when it was only paired with one of my 2 AppleTV's. It controls the old AppleTV that was previously paired just fine, but I cannot get it to pair with the old AppleTV that was not paired when I upgraded the software. I fear that this Remote software was only designed to work with the new AppleTV and not the old AppleTV and it was just a fluke that it kept the pairing to the old AppleTV's that were already paired at the time of upgrading.

I'm already thinking of restoring the old version pairing all my old units then upgrading again. Am I missing something?
Are you using the proper update procedure?

(to paraphrase)
Remote App: Add Library
AppleTV: Settings>Remotes>Enter code
Thanks for responding. Have you been able to do this?

I can get the code to display on the iPad,
But I cannot find where to enter it on the AppleTV

Under the old app the screen with the boxes for the code would come up. It is not coming up for me in the new app.
Thanks for responding. Have you been able to do this?

I can get the code to display on the iPad,
But I cannot find where to enter it on the AppleTV

Under the old app the screen with the boxes for the code would come up. It is not coming up for me in the new app.

Fortunately for me (it seems), my iPad was previously paired. Now I'm a bit hesitant to unpair...
Having a weird issue...loaded up the app on my iPad (4.2B2) and my iPhone 4 (4.1GM) and have the iTunes 10.1 Beta (Win x64) and I'm having issues playing files from the main music library. Anyone have this issue?

The remote app is not fully compatible with the iTunes 10.1 beta. Music files don’t play.

Revert back to 10.0.1.
I'm having a hard time getting this working on the iPad.

At first I tried "adding an itunes library". It gave me a 4digit code and vague instructions of what to do in iTunes. Nothing showed up in iTunes, no devices menu or anything.
If I docked the iPad, then it showed up in devices, but there wasn't anywhere to input the code.

So I turned on home sharing, and logged in on the iPad, and now it says that it's connecting to my library, but it never does. It's just sitting on the "Connecting to Library" message, with a spinning grey pinwheel.

Any thoughts?
I'm having a hard time getting this working on the iPad.

At first I tried "adding an itunes library". It gave me a 4digit code and vague instructions of what to do in iTunes. Nothing showed up in iTunes, no devices menu or anything.
If I docked the iPad, then it showed up in devices, but there wasn't anywhere to input the code.

So I turned on home sharing, and logged in on the iPad, and now it says that it's connecting to my library, but it never does. It's just sitting on the "Connecting to Library" message, with a spinning grey pinwheel.

Any thoughts?

are you leaving iTunes running on the computer when you are trying to connect?
Yeah both are open.

I rebooted the iPad too (holding power/home until the apple comes up). I haven't power cycled the iMac though.

Does it take a really long time the first time?
Yeah both are open.

I rebooted the iPad too (holding power/home until the apple comes up). I haven't power cycled the iMac though.

Does it take a really long time the first time?

Mine is very fast as long as the computer is awake. You may want to check your wifi signal strength.
I'm having a hard time getting this working on the iPad.

At first I tried "adding an itunes library". It gave me a 4digit code and vague instructions of what to do in iTunes. Nothing showed up in iTunes, no devices menu or anything.
If I docked the iPad, then it showed up in devices, but there wasn't anywhere to input the code.

So I turned on home sharing, and logged in on the iPad, and now it says that it's connecting to my library, but it never does. It's just sitting on the "Connecting to Library" message, with a spinning grey pinwheel.

Any thoughts?

I have not been able to get my iPad to consistently pair with my iMac using the Apple remote app. I am hoping Apple can get this fixed.
The remote app is the biggest tease for built-in access of your iTunes library away from home. When I click on something from the iPad, I half expect it to start playing from the iPad itself rather than the device I'm controlling.

Forget storing your data in the cloud, just give me easy to use, built-in support via iTunes and iOS with an interface similar to the remote app.
Fortunately for me (it seems), my iPad was previously paired. Now I'm a bit hesitant to unpair...

My bad. The trick is to not open the Remote menu on the appleTV until after the code is displayed on the iPad in the Remote app. If the Remote menu is open on the AppleTV it does not seem to refresh.
The update is great, both on my phone (like it has been) and now on my iPad which is a great improvement over the old '2x iPhone' look..

But why is it when I click on songs it list them alphabetically by artists? (Does this on both devices)... If I wanted to sort by artist then that's what I'd choose...

And in version 1.0 it did sort by song title, just like it does in the iPod app.
I only have an ipad at home, will I be able to stream music from the ipad to the new atv?
Now I want support for the new iPod Nano to control the :apple:TV from my iPod Nano wristwatch
This app is way better now. Love it.

How is it better? It looks 100% the same to me here except for the new icon and the different speaker output control icons. It has support for iPad and the newer ATV, but I don't have either of those at the moment, just the older AppleTV and Airport Express units. There's still no support for lyric display like iPods have with their own music (this would be easy to add and very helpful for those of us that would like to see hard to understand lyrics while a song plays; AppleTV should have an option to display them as well. I don't see the point in having features in iTunes if they don't support viewing/using them in other sub-products). What other new features am I overlooking?
I've still not been able to get it to sync even once. Anyone else having this problem?

I have not been able to get my iPad to consistently pair with my iMac using the Apple remote app. I am hoping Apple can get this fixed.
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