Lacking Flash is the single biggest limiting, negative factor of the iPhone & iPad experience.
They FAIL to live up to Apple's Slogan: "It Just Works"
There's nothing more frustrating than to be on one of your favorite sites, reading an article only to have the dreaded blank white space appear with an error message saying you must have flash to see this video, or some other interesting content.
Hello Apple? Anybody Home?
When using my Stellar Android powered Galaxy Tab, there's no problem.
I ask myself, Is It That Hard For Apple To Understand?
With the absence of flash on your iDevice, how are you limited? I see and hear many people make such a dramatic claim and yet, no one really seems to back that up.
Granted, I own both an iPad and an Android phone. I don't dislike my phone but there are indeed a couple quirks about it. On the other hand, my iPhone (when I had one) had quirks as well. It boils down to one device works better for me than the other. Where Apple wants to do away with the file system, I am still very much married to the idea of one. I like that feeling on my phone. But my Droid hasn't quite figured out copy and paste as well as Apple has. They were years late to the party, but they managed to do it.
Either way, I don't get why we need anyone's so-called candid thoughts on anything. The iPad may be a fad but it's a fad that seems to have clicked with many. So much so, other fad like pads are popping up. I'm sure someone will have to take the fall for that BS fad. In the end, it is going to have to come down to what is good for you and if something isn't then fine. Unless you have a large following of people who value your opinion and so-called candid thoughts, then why bother typing? Unless of course you're like me and you just love hearing yourself type. In that case, I can see your point.