I found the Apple Watch to literally be a miniature iPhone on my wrist. What I'd LIKE to see are some ideas like following:
• Biometric sensors
• Right now there's an app screen, just like your phone (except it's hard to actually navigate), but I don't need all those apps all the time. What if it was more contextual?
• Not really "Feature" related, but I couldn't see the screen at all in bright sunlight, which really defeats the purpose of a watch, but definitely a device where you need to navigate the screen.
• Health/Fitness -
I work in tech/user experience, and I don't know anyone who thinks the Apple Watch was a success.
Nice post!
Biometric sensors that alert your family, emergency services, alert people around what is happening all from a watch? Thats some sci-fi thinking bruh. I knew a guy at work that was in hospital, and every time he ummm... pleasured himself it would set off the alarm on the machine that was monitoring his heart. lol.
Contextual home screen, take a look at your desk right now, it's probably a mess but I bet you know exactly where everything is.
Health/Fitness - Many complaints around the accuracy but for me, you want a nice body then you need to focus 90% on diet and 10% exercise, but I can see the apple watch usefulness from setting personal bests, for me the timing features are brilliant, e.g., setup a 15 min outside run.
Success - What's your definition of success? Everyone wearing an apple watch? Selling 1 million units in China? Making 1 billion dollars? I'm sure your definition and apples is greatly different. How can a company increase growth? They can enhance existing products to a certain point or they create new product lines.