Check out Dish's ViP 922 which is said to be coming out this Spring.
It's a DVR, Slingbox, OTA Tuner, 1080P capable (and downloadable) player, it's got widgets and can connect to certain internet sites. This beats the pants off the currentTV. The only thing it doesn't have is a Blu-Ray Player, but if you can watch 1080P On-Demand Movies, who needs a Blu-Ray player?
When this thing hits the market, Dish get's my money, not Apple. It's expected to cost about $200 (lease, I believe) with a two year subscription. I'll be saving about $50 bucks a month from my current TWC. I'll have more content than Apple or TWC provides and I'll spend less money getting it.
Apple needs a plan for their living room device. The currentTV doesn't cut it and the sales prove it. People want all-in-one devices. They don't want to connect 3rd party hardware. It doesn't have to be the smallest device ever made, it just has to work.
And as for all this movie studio and "business model" talk, it's garbage and doesn't hold weight. The business model is to make money. Make a device that people want and let them play all means of content, then people will buy it. The content providers want their content viewed. They wouldn't try to hold a revenue source back. It's illogical. The more eyeballs, the more money they make.
This device sounds tasty, but it's not relevant to what the aTV is/does. Unless Apple teams up with a content provider or starts their own satellite service, I don't see them doing much more than what the aTV currently is.
The problem with putting in all of the goodies into the aTV without having a deal with a company like Comcast is that you lock out the other services.
If you put in an ATSC-only tuner, you miss out on cable/sat subscribers. If you put in ATSC-QAM, you miss out on premium cable/satellite subs. If you put in ATSC-QAM-Tru2Way-Dish-DirecTV, then you miss out on European/Asian buyers.
So either you open up the USB port(s) for 3rd party devices, or you pick the two or three options that make sense. Or if you're Apple, you zag when everyone else is zigging and work your own plan.