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I edited your quote to the part I took issue with. I do not think Apple would want to make an announcement of a major recall or total halt in production but if it happened there would be no avoiding it.

I just have a laugh at the hearsay posted in here by users who supposedly get this info from Steve Job's personal assistant in Corporate Relations and then even better when you see others pointing to such forum posts as factual evidence.

Just the other day in here I saw a mod changed a thread title from "Apple acknowledges yellow tint!" to "Apple customer service rep acknowledges yellow tint!". Even then its pure hearsay. Anyone can make forum posts.
I edited your quote to the part I took issue with. I do not think Apple would want to make an announcement of a major recall or total halt in production but if it happened there would be no avoiding it.

I just have a laugh at the hearsay posted in here by users who supposedly get this info from Steve Job's personal assistant in Corporate Relations and then even better when you see others pointing to such forum posts as factual evidence.

Just the other day in here I saw a mod changed a thread title from "Apple acknowledges yellow tint!" to "Apple customer service rep acknowledges yellow tint!". Even then its pure hearsay. Anyone can make forum posts.

lol, the joy of irony..
lol, the joy of irony..

Yes, even some pointless trolls have been known to post to the forums, Archie. ;)

I caution all users to be wary of claims of production shutdowns, recalls and yellow-tinge acknowledgements by Apple until it's been corroborated by something more solid than hearsay telephone conversations, that's all.
You're right I made the whole thing up...

That was not my point in the slightest. My point was that it is JUST as unlikely that they are making such major announcements to random users over the telephone.

I don't blame you for being a little suspicious of where this information is coming from. I mean this is the interwebz after all. I was only relaying the information that was given to me. Whether other people want to believe it or not? That's up to their own judgment. It was somebody at the corporate level who has been handling my case for the past month or so who told me about the fix and the additional time it will take to ship the new units. I'm sure many other people got the same phone call. If this information would have come from a regular CSR I wouldn't have even considered it to be the truth.

But then again, I could be blowing smoke up everyones a**. I'm just another screen name ;)
But then again, I could be blowing smoke up everyones a**. I'm just another screen name ;)

Do you think you invented this whole "I just got off the phone with an unnamed corporate executive at Apple and he told me..." thing, Bitwise? lol Take a look around in here.

Anyway, relax, noone's saying you made up anything or were lying. I certainly wasn't at any rate.

I think you should be just as wary of bombshell information fed to you over the phone by an Apple rep as anyone else reading your story might be.

Believe it when you see it. ;)

Until it actually happens, it's hearsay.
Got refurb imac shipped yesterday. 21.5, ati card, 1tb hd, 4gb ram. faint yellow tinge surrounding entire screen like a frame, more noticeable in bottom left and bottom right corners. called apple tech support today and was told that they are aware of the yellow screen issue, gave me a case #, and will contact me in 3 weeks. Likely it will be fixed by replacing lcd panel and not entire computer, according to a very helpful apple rep.
Do you think you invented this whole "I just got off the phone with an unnamed corporate executive at Apple and he told me..." thing, Bitwise? lol Take a look around in here.

Anyway, relax, noone's saying you made up anything or were lying. I certainly wasn't at any rate.

I think you should be just as wary of bombshell information fed to you over the phone by an Apple rep as anyone else reading your story might be.

Believe it when you see it. ;)

Until it actually happens, it's hearsay.

I am relaxed. I was agreeing that it's hard to believe anything that is written on the internet unless it comes from a reputable source. And me saying "so and so said blah blah blah" is far from that. For all anyone else knows I'm just a troll spreading lies or exaggerated information.
I am dealing with executive relations

Not some csr. They are very careful about what they tell you because there is no where else to go if they give you the wrong information. The buck stops there.

So I an inclined to belive what I am told.
Not some csr. They are very careful about what they tell you because there is no where else to go if they give you the wrong information. The buck stops there.

So I an inclined to belive what I am told.

But you don't even believe your own eyes, let alone ears. You told us you could see no tinge on your screen, but when someone said THEY could see tinge in a photo, you decided the machine was unacceptable. Did you mention that in your chats with Apple?
Yes I did say that initially, and yes I did mention that to them.

i told them that at first it was not that noticeable.

But then I started using the machine more it was more noticeable.

You act like we are trying to pull one over on apple. Get a life.

All we want are uniform screens with no yellow. That is not too much to ask.

When I tested those photos in photoshop the top and bottom is way off.

My initial posts were done after a few hours use.

Even Apple knows there are problems with the displays. That is why they are fixing them.
Not some csr. They are very careful about what they tell you because there is no where else to go if they give you the wrong information. The buck stops there.

So I an inclined to belive what I am told.

To Jimkirk,

No offense, in fact I believe your story. I was curious when you said according to the conversation with Apple people, a new LCD panel replacement will solve the yellow issue. Will the replacing LCD panel be different from the current one such as new LCD technology, new manufacturer?

If yes, Can it imply Apple acknowledges that the current LCD panel results in the yelow issue? How about the story from some iMac user stating that their iMacs have no yellow issue? Could it be they will not see it now but later? I was curious if the same LCD with same design and technology can cause different displaying problems

In case, replacing with the new lcd panel can really solve the problem, How about the story (or Theory) from someone saying that All lcds have the yellow issue (I 'm not sure but I red it from somewhere) ?

Ahhhhhh, confused :confused:

Mine (after delayed) will be shipped on Feb 4, I would like to have it installed with the new LCD new panel.

One last question, Will they allow you to keep the current one til the new one is shipped?

To Jimkirk,

No offense, in fact I believe your story. I was curious when you said according to the conversation with Apple people, a new LCD panel replacement will solve the yellow issue. Will the replacing LCD panel be different from the current one such as new LCD technology, new manufacturer?

It is probably parametric instability of the LCD batch. They quite likely ordered like 200,000 panels before iMac manufacturing even started and Apple didn't realize there is a problem until after half of the batch was already shipped and SOME started to deteriorate into yellow (but then, some did not).
Usually this type of thing happens, when some steps in the manufacturing process are not done properly (like slightly out of specs chemicals, to short curing time, or whatever else you didn't think about).
After identifying and correcting the cause, the new batch (of the same panel) will most likely be flawless.

Tom B.
Believe what you want. I am just passing this information along

We are all adults here and can make our own decisions based on logic.

So I have heard from Apple executive relations rep (I have her contact information) that in 3 weeks time there will be a fix for the yellow screens and that the fix will involve a new LCD panel for my existing Imac or a replacement machine - I decided to go with the replacement but will not do so until I hear from Apple that the new machines have the fix in place.

They also said that they will be contacting owners with this problem to have their screens replaced.

There is no information about if this is a different manufacturer (I doubt it).

More likely it is from the same manufacturer but just a newer batch with the production issues ironed out.

I have no reason to believe that Apple is making this up.
They also said that they will be contacting owners with this problem to have their screens replaced.

I assume you mean they will be contacting owners who have already contacted Apple regarding this issue? There's no way they are going to contact every late 2009 iMac owner to have their screens replaced.
I assume you mean they will be contacting owners who have already contacted Apple regarding this issue? There's no way they are going to contact every late 2009 iMac owner to have their screens replaced.

I think it can be done by emailing to everybody.
So call it whatever you like but if you want a fix for the yellow screen you will need either a replacement computer (Once they have rolled the new screens into production) or a replacement panel.

um..there's a difference between fixing something and replacing it. If you're suggesting that we 'call it whatever we like' and words no longer have any meaning, then it's bound to cause confusion. Some might think they can take in their iMac to the genius bar where it will be 'fixed'.
We are all adults here and can make our own decisions based on logic.

So I have heard from Apple executive relations rep (I have her contact information) that in 3 weeks time there will be a fix for the yellow screens and that the fix will involve a new LCD panel for my existing Imac or a replacement machine - I decided to go with the replacement but will not do so until I hear from Apple that the new machines have the fix in place.

They also said that they will be contacting owners with this problem to have their screens replaced.

There is no information about if this is a different manufacturer (I doubt it).

More likely it is from the same manufacturer but just a newer batch with the production issues ironed out.

I have no reason to believe that Apple is making this up.

Thanks Jim,

Anyway, Did they let you keep the current one til the new one with new LCD panel arrive?

I'm afraid that mine shipped on Feb 4 will not come with the new LCD panel.
Its interesting to say the least we are not seeing any 27" refurbs at the Mac store? I wonder what they are doing with all those yellow machines?

i hope they are holding onto them until they get the lcd panels replaced... then flood the apple stores!! im aiming for a refurb i7

I stated above that the fix is a panel replacement. So you still cannot understand that? Did you go to grade school?

Someone that brings in the Imac to the genius bar will get it fixed by replacing the panel.

I got a strange call from executive relations today.

They are now saying that they will expedite my replacement and that it would not take 3 weeks for me to get a replacement computer free of the problem.

So I guess I am getting another replacement in the next week or so and they claim that it will be problem free.
Well if they've already got some new screens in i dont see why they couldnt start shipping them already, especially to priority customers.

When i talked to apple last week they told me the delay was because of the high demand of the quad processors. But i also notice the core 2 duo is at a 3 week backorder too, so im guessing it does have something to do with the screens, but IDK.
They are now saying that they will expedite my replacement and that it would not take 3 weeks for me to get a replacement computer free of the problem.

So I guess I am getting another replacement in the next week or so and they claim that it will be problem free.

Really, That 's a good new, I wish I got a call too. :)
their attitude is crap, that about everything that is to be said on how they handled these problems.

They handled my initial iMac problem very well. Sent a superb, fault-free replacement, upgraded me to free two-day shipping and gave me $100 off for my trouble.
Couldn't be happier with my iMac. A wondrous machine.
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