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For the longest time since I have actually read reliable news, someone decides to twist and misquote Apple.

This is the best news that I would have hoped for; Apple will sell me a yellow free iMac, with a real Ultimate Display. This >>>>>>>>>>>> iPad.

edit: everyone should report this thread for misleading title / thread.
Arranging for a screen replacement in 3 weeks = apple not repairing yellow screens anymore? Ok.
Half you guys are illiterate as ****. It says for employees not to offer a fix "at this time", as an actual fix is not available for three weeks (Probably because of a lack of new LCD panels at this time.) It also says that in three weeks, they will be able to replace the LCD panel. The refund is offered to customers who want something done NOW and don't want to wait three weeks for the new LCD panels.

Hookd onn fonix dont werx 4 most of yews.
1)They used to repair the screens. The threads here are filled with people who had Apple try to repair their screens (usually unsuccessfully).

The only repair for LCD panels with color uniformity defects is total replacement, period, end of sentence.

I agree this thread is total FUD and I hope the mods wasteland it or at least change the misleading title.
Half you guys are illiterate as ****. It says for employees not to offer a fix "at this time", as an actual fix is not available for three weeks (Probably because of a lack of new LCD panels at this time.) It also says that in three weeks, they will be able to replace the LCD panel. The refund is offered to customers who want something done NOW and don't want to wait three weeks for the new LCD panels.

Hookd onn fonix dont werx 4 most of yews.

Hahaha. Lol.

You said what I was thinking.
Hence, I say NO LONGER (because they used to). And if you go by that memo, it urges their associates to no longer try to repair or replace the screen or computer. That is indisputably what it says now. What may happen in the future - who knows, and we'll see; after all, the next revision may not have this problem. But we are not talking about next year, or next Christmas or next month. We are talking about here and now. And now it is: NO REPAIR AND NO REPLACEMENT

They did say they'll replace it in 3 weeks approximately did they not? You're title is very misleading. If you really want to use that title, edit, "apple won't be able to replace at this time". See the difference? The keyword there is "at this time". You're title is suggesting Apple doesn't have any intention of replacing those yellow screens, which is obviously false. Since they're just saying it will take time.

Just a summary, please edit your misleading title, or mods please lock this thread
I find these problems with the iMac screens to be very discouraging especially considering the price tag.
Those pictures certainly don't look normal. If any one is trying to use one of those screens for design and/or proofing I pitty you.

+ 1 for thread title is extremely misleading. Should have said Apple will not be repairing for weeks or something not 'no longer'.
It's not misinformation - I linked to the memo (via Gizmodo).

1)They used to repair the screens. The threads here are filled with people who had Apple try to repair their screens (usually unsuccessfully).

2)Per this memo, they will at this point not repair nor replace.

Hence, I say NO LONGER (because they used to). And if you go by that memo, it urges their associates to no longer try to repair or replace the screen or computer. That is indisputably what it says now. What may happen in the future - who knows, and we'll see; after all, the next revision may not have this problem. But we are not talking about next year, or next Christmas or next month. We are talking about here and now. And now it is: NO REPAIR AND NO REPLACEMENT.

I'll quote again: "Do not attempt a repair or replacement at this time. Explain that slight color variability is normal for LCD displays and and in general does not warrant replacement."

Deny, deny, deny that there is a problem - "it's all within spec" and what you see does not warrant replacement. QED.

You really make me laugh... Next time read the memo as a whole, yah?

By the way, how does one report this thread?
Go back to the original post and click on the red caution triangle? Sorry, don't know the correct term for that icon, it's next to the green dot.

Yeah, I agree that the title is misleading. But so is Apple's hypothesis in the symptoms paragraph in the memo. Talk about downplaying the issue! The issue only happens in certain combinations of lighting? How come this issue with lighting doesn't affect the 21.5 inchers? The problem is a poor panel made by LG if you ask me.

Are Apple sales people now going to try to start convincing people that the uneven tint occurs because of the lighting in their room where the Mac is set-up and the fault is not the Mac, but the room lighting? It will be interesting to see how this memo plays out in terms of what people will now start to hear from the sales floor.

******edit, the dot will only be green if the user is currently online. sorry about that.
Half you guys are illiterate as ****. It says for employees not to offer a fix "at this time", as an actual fix is not available for three weeks (Probably because of a lack of new LCD panels at this time.) It also says that in three weeks, they will be able to replace the LCD panel. The refund is offered to customers who want something done NOW and don't want to wait three weeks for the new LCD panels.

Hookd onn fonix dont werx 4 most of yews.

+1 beat me to the punch :D
I just opened a ticket with Apple support and the guy said there was some internal Apple document about this problem and he gave me a ticket number and said I would be contacted in about 3 weeks and that they'd fix it.
I just opened a ticket with Apple support and the guy said there was some internal Apple document about this problem and he gave me a ticket number and said I would be contacted in about 3 weeks and that they'd fix it.
Imagine that, the TS is a moron.
I edited the title

Since some people were having difficulties understanding, I edited the title, even though that makes it even longer. I guess some people will not be happy unless the entire post is contained in the title, cause otherwise they might misunderstand it.

Anyhow, I did it of my own free will, to accommodate all levels of readers.

Incidentally, I will point out that we don't know what will happen in 3 weeks - as Apple says "approximately 3 weeks"... so it could be more or who knows. What will happen then, we don't know - it is pure speculation... and we've been through speculation, more than once in the past there was speculation that some delay or other meant they were fixing the screen, and it transpired that nothing changed. What will happen in 3 weeks - or MORE - who knows. What we do know, is for now, Apple's official policy is to first deny the problem, and if you persist, they won't fix or replace it, but offer a refund - OR take your info with a promise, promise, promise to call you in a few weeks.
as gizmodo and the OP correctly state, Apple are trying to dodge this issue.

seems really simple.
Usually what they do is "not acknowledge" the issue until they have a resolution ready to be implemented.

This time, they've acknowledged the issue before the resolution is ready (probably from the heat the Gizmodo articles have caused), and now there are threads like this.

So hey, OldCorpse, next time Apple's saying nothing about a product issue, remember this thread.
Since some people were having difficulties understanding, I edited the title, even though that makes it even longer. I guess some people will not be happy unless the entire post is contained in the title, cause otherwise they might misunderstand it.

Anyhow, I did it of my own free will, to accommodate all levels of readers.

Wow, way to go with such an insulting post. Why don't you just admit that your title was misleading (and truthfully it's still written wrong) instead of insulting people by saying that you accommodated their level of reading, or people are having difficulties understanding. I think most people had no problem understanding that you wrote it wrong. :p
Incidentally, I will point out that we don't know what will happen in 3 weeks - as Apple says "approximately 3 weeks"... so it could be more or who knows. What will happen then, we don't know - it is pure speculation... and we've been through speculation, more than once in the past there was speculation that some delay or other meant they were fixing the screen, and it transpired that nothing changed. What will happen in 3 weeks - or MORE - who knows. What we do know, is for now, Apple's official policy is to first deny the problem, and if you persist, they won't fix or replace it, but offer a refund - OR take your info with a promise, promise, promise to call you in a few weeks.

No, this is all nonsense. Apple has not denied the problem and we do know what they intend doing after three weeks. They have told those registering the problem with Applecare that they will be contacted in about three weeks with instructions as to how to get their screen replaced. Until then, "fixed" screens will not be ready. If that does not suit the customer, a full refund will be given. Seems very simple and clear. No room for misunderstanding. At least, not to those with a reasonable capacity to decipher words.
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