To everyone who says these imperfections brings out their OCD, can I ask you to be careful of the words you use in relation to OCD. OCD is not a replacement word for perfectionism or just a human “quirk” about being neurotic, it’s a massively debilitating anxiety disorder which can result in severe anxiety, depression, hospitalisation and even suicide.
If you’re slightly irked or annoyed by an imperfection in a product (or even massively irked or annoyed) but that doesn’t result in large periods of anxiety, depression and / or magical thinking about the imperfection then YOU ARE NOT OCD about it. You maybe have perfectionist tendencies in how you see the world and a keen eye for detail but THATS NOT OCD and I implore you all to stop calling it that unless you’ve been diagnosed with it. Associating the “annoyance” of poor manufacturing with a debilitating anxiety disorder does OCD a disservice And makes us think that those who suffer just have a mild form of perfectionism and / or are just a bit neurotic whereas their everyday existence can be an anxious depressive hell.
You wouldn’t associate cancer as a petty annoyance like the common cold. Please don’t associate the mild annoyance of things that are not quite perfect with OCD.
for those who are curious:
If you’re slightly irked or annoyed by an imperfection in a product (or even massively irked or annoyed) but that doesn’t result in large periods of anxiety, depression and / or magical thinking about the imperfection then YOU ARE NOT OCD about it. You maybe have perfectionist tendencies in how you see the world and a keen eye for detail but THATS NOT OCD and I implore you all to stop calling it that unless you’ve been diagnosed with it. Associating the “annoyance” of poor manufacturing with a debilitating anxiety disorder does OCD a disservice And makes us think that those who suffer just have a mild form of perfectionism and / or are just a bit neurotic whereas their everyday existence can be an anxious depressive hell.
You wouldn’t associate cancer as a petty annoyance like the common cold. Please don’t associate the mild annoyance of things that are not quite perfect with OCD.
for those who are curious: