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It strikes me that Apple should really be releasing a 6.5" iPad Mini successor (iPad Nano) but with cellular tech so it can make phone calls. This would be a killer device and would make billions for Apple. Whereas a 6.5" iPhone is just the scatter gun approach suggesting Cook and co have no clue. It'll flop.

What would be the difference?

The iPad is just a big iPhone/iPod touch. The only thing that makes an "iPhone" is the phone app, which they could add to cellular iPads if they wanted to.
What would be the difference?

The iPad is just a big iPhone/iPod touch. The only thing that makes an "iPhone" is the phone app, which they could add to cellular iPads if they wanted to.

Here's my philosophy: I like smaller, full-featured mobile devices: I'd rather have a smaller phone, tablet and laptop. In comparison, I have the opposite opinion about what lives on my desktop: larger/multiple monitors/full-sized mechanical keyboard... number keys... bigger footprint machine... space/size isn't an issue.

I'm not a huge fan of the plus sized (5.5") phone (although that's what I use). I'll happily move back to an SE sized phone next - hopefully one that's not so concerned about thinness over battery life. I miss the one handed usage. It would be great to have a fast, small phone that also lasts a couple of days on a charge, and one which you can put in your pocket without worrying you'll break it, or have it slip out.
Here's my philosophy: I like smaller, full-featured mobile devices: I'd rather have a smaller phone, tablet and laptop. In comparison, I have the opposite opinion about what lives on my desktop: larger/multiple monitors/full-sized mechanical keyboard... number keys... bigger footprint machine... space/size isn't an issue.

I'm not a huge fan of the plus sized (5.5") phone (although that's what I use). I'll happily move back to an SE sized phone next - hopefully one that's not so concerned about thinness over battery life. I miss the one handed usage. It would be great to have a fast, small phone that also lasts a couple of days on a charge, and one which you can put in your pocket without worrying you'll break it, or have it slip out.

I have the same philosophies (I’m all about the SE size and I’d also like an iPad nano—a more handheld version of the mini). But I’m not sure how this answers the question of what the difference is between between a 6.5 iPhone and a 6.5 ipad with phone capability. Aspect ratio maybe? Otherwise everything else should be essentially the same.
I don't care for how the author of the article expresses his own opinions and supposition as facts.

"the iPad mini's demise"​

What demise? Did I miss some announcement? The author writes like the iPad Mini is some historical failure that was cancelled long ago. Sure it hasn't been updated in a long time, but that's true of many Macs as well. In the last several years, Apple has been dragging its heels on several product lines. It doesn't mean they are dead.

"Apple's realization that iPad mini was the wrong bet"​

Unless he has private insider information, this is a gigantic assumption. Who exactly at Apple "realized" this, and where/how was that statement made known to the author?
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I have the same philosophies (I’m all about the SE size and I’d also like an iPad nano—a more handheld version of the mini). But I’m not sure how this answers the question of what the difference is between between a 6.5 iPhone and a 6.5 ipad with phone capability. Aspect ratio maybe? Otherwise everything else should be essentially the same.

Aspect ratio

The phone will be 4x the price at least. Dunno how much an iPad would be if they ever allow phone calls I suppose
Aspect ratio

The phone will be 4x the price at least. Dunno how much an iPad would be if they ever allow phone calls I suppose

Yeah as far as cost it just depends which extra features they would decide to include or withhold (the bleeding edge camera, etc.).
I have an iPad Mini.
I retired it and replaced it with a first generation iPad Pro (9.7).
I would have preferred to have the pro function in the mini format.
I still would prefer a smaller iPad with the pencil. It's easier to carry and more like a small notebook.
Why not make both and have variety. Not everyone likes the same thing. I would love to have a mini pro or even a updated mini 5. I don’t really want a big iPad I don’t need one that’s what has stopped me from buying my first iPad. And I don’t want a mini 4 with an A8 chip.
I just bought my family the mini 4 @ Christmas, we love this thing! All three of us fight over it, and not only is it a preferred size for a kid on the go, it also doubles as a perfect smart home remote, I can control Google home, Alexa, xfinity, Ring, but also my Philips Hue with this bad boy! We have 3 other iPads 9.7 no one wants to use them now. Wish I would have got this sooner, Black Friday sale $274, 128GB bestbuy

for reasons like that I don't see Apple cutting the Mini. but it's not likely to ever go Pro etc
My issue with any iPad is that either I have a bag with me, in which case I can just carry a laptop as well, or I don't, in which case I wouldn't be able to take the iPad either.

There's just no scenario I could bring an iPad Mini but not a larger iPad.
My issue with any iPad is that either I have a bag with me, in which case I can just carry a laptop as well, or I don't, in which case I wouldn't be able to take the iPad either.

There's just no scenario I could bring an iPad Mini but not a larger iPad.

I find that mostly true as well, so for me the mini’s size is not so much about portability than usability. I find it a very compelling size for certain tasks like reading e-books, in my opinion significantly better than a larger iPad or an iPhone and of course a laptop.

The mini size does have one portability advantage over bigger iPads, which is that it fits inside a lot of jacket pockets. That doesn’t come into play for me often though since I use my mini at home about 90% of the time, and of the 10% I do use it out of the home I usually need my bag anyway. Also it doesn’t fit inside all my jackets. Also sometimes the weather is too hot for a jacket. But occasionally when all these things align...
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While I agree that a big phone could take the place of the iPad mini, I also think that it doesn’t necessarily render the iPad mini model redundant.

I can see how people might want to have a small, affordable, and maybe even not so smart phone, AND a mini to complement it. In addition, like some people mentioned here, aviation, restaurants, museums, and other places which specific needs could benefit for an affordable “big iPod touch”
A “phablet” sized screen in ~16:9 (or thinner) ratio is not nearly as useful to me as ~4:3 ratio, because the former makes non-video landscape mode pretty useless.

The times I find myself wanting a larger screen than the iPhone X typically involve multi-app use or web browsing in landscape mode and I don’t want a “squished” screen (same reason Microsoft Surface went back to 3:2 after originally using 16:9).
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The idea that small tablets aren’t desirable is ridiculous. Amazon is selling bajillions of Kindle Fire tablets. They’re ideal for kids, dedicated smart home control devices, dedicated reading devices etc. what people don’t want in large numbers are expensive small tablets. If Apple can hit a $149-$199 price point with a mini, they’d regain mass market relevance.

There are some users, like myself, who love their iPad minis and use them alongside other higher end devices. I would be all in on an iPhone X style IPad mini—unfortunately I don’t think most others would.
Why not make both and have variety. Not everyone likes the same thing. I would love to have a mini pro or even a updated mini 5. I don’t really want a big iPad I don’t need one that’s what has stopped me from buying my first iPad. And I don’t want a mini 4 with an A8 chip.
Apple can obtain a better profit margin from selling the iPad Pros. And even more from selling iPhones. That's why they are no interested in making too many variations. You gotta herd the cattle...

I like the idea of a Pro Mini. But I don't think Apple do.
I will say this a million times over.
Apple blew the mini.
The mini is a multi audience device.
Perfect for kids, travel, games, movies and as the controlling device for the toys Apple sells.
Women - this mini is easily carried in a purse and can serve as an e-reader.
Men - great for watching sports on the go, checking stats and so on.
Don’t get on the sexist high horse for the comments above this is merely saying how a man or women could use it. Yeah not every woman carrries a duffle bag but many. do. Not every guy checks stats but many do.
The mini is a great on the go device. Easily fits into a purse or backpack, the compact size lends to a functional light weight alternative, very good consumption device for all age groups, great remote for ATV or home theater, can be used for light productivity, FaceTime, e-reader and surfer.
I hope they keep it and give it wireless charging. This will make for an awesome control panel for home automation where it could be mounted in an affordable frame and attached to a wall.

Surely not a phone replacement but it could easily be more popularized if the various target audiences were shown what it could do for them.
I'm a little late to the party here, but I'll offer my $.02.

I think the mini wasl filling a hole in Apple's product line that they thought existed and I think for a period of time, it very well did exist. Big picture however, as apple released the iPhone plus, the need for a small iPad shrunk and people moved away from smaller iPads since they had a more flexible option with the plus. This is just my $.02 but two products started converging in on one demographic and the iPad mini lost out. I know there are fans for the mini and many people want it, but like the 17" MacBook Pro that was discontinued, there's not enough to justify continuing the model.
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I'm a little late to the party here, but I'll offer my $.02.

I think the mini wasl filling a hole in Apple's product line that they thought existed and I think for a period of time, it very well did exist. Big picture however, as apple released the iPhone plus, the need for a small iPad shrunk and people moved away from smaller iPads since they had a more flexible option with the plus. This is just my $.02 but two products started converging in on one demographic and the iPad mini lost out. I know there are fans for the mini and many people want it, but like the 17" MacBook Pro that was discontinued, there's not enough to justify continuing the model.

Apple created a hole and a small one. They NEVER touted the device, kinda threw it out there without a purpose. they left it to us to figure it out.

The mini could be so much, only if it had a little love.
I don't think Apple knew how to market it. I think its one of those products that seems like a good idea but what problem is it solving exactly.

Having a light portable, powerful tablet for people that don’t want to carry a tablet around everywhere (phablet)?

I’d be happy with a light 9.7” iPad but they don’t seem to exist anymore. Since Apple went cheap it’s the same weight as the pro, which is 180 grams heavier than the mini. Yeah it’s not much but it makes a difference when dealing with one hand use.

All this talk about ebooks, and apples best ebook reader is going to be discontinued within the next year.
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