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I have had my Apple TV update automatically.

It prompted me telling me there was an update available and asked if I wanted to update now and I selected NOT to update now. But it just kept asking me telling me there was an update available and asking if I wanted to update and I kept selecting NO and all of a sudden it just started to install the update all on it's own.

And yes I'm sure I was selecting the option NOT to update now

If you want to prevent your aTV from updating automatically, just get a free patchstick here. During installation, it automatically disables automatic updates. You can re-enable updates using the remote control.
I have noticed that my ATV has become more unstable with 2.4. I have had multiple "lock ups" while attempting to watch movies and tv shows. I've also had issues online where it doesn't recognize movie "preview" formats.

We'll see if the reset has resolved the issue...but i'm disappointed with the performance thus far.

On the flip-side, I do like the changes discussed in this thread. It's just not stable for me.
I have noticed that my ATV has become more unstable with 2.4. I have had multiple "lock ups" while attempting to watch movies and tv shows. I've also had issues online where it doesn't recognize movie "preview" formats.

Me too! I tought that I had just some corrupted files, but now there is 2.4 to blame...
2.4 definitely seems more responsive than previously, I've not had sluggish menus here for a few days now which is a massive improvement.

Re the auto-updating, I've seen this in the past. I've said "no" to the update now banner, not used it for a couple of days and its updated itself. I remember one instance in particular as I was sent a replacement ATV running v1 and wanted to play with that for a while to see if it was v2 causing the problems I'd had. The box updated itself at some point overnight to v2.
Mine tried (and failed) to autoupdate several times; this resulted in the Restart menu. It's strange that some have had this, while others have not.

I've also noticed that the shows are not listed in alphabetical order when sorted by name. It's as though the file format impacts the sort algorithm. I saw the pattern in the first one (with tagged files at the top), but it does not seem to follow that pattern this time. Anyone figure it out?
I have absolutely no desire at all to buy or rent movies from the AppleTV or iTunes, so I'm not missing most of the new functionality. Only having movies to rent / buy (at present anyway) from one day after the DVD release is a big mistake by Apple.

You can see where Apple is coming from though, subscription (could be an iTunes option in the future) and pay-per-view TV are (somehow) multi-billion pound business in the UK alone. But that's stuff people want to watch. Apple hasn't realised that it has to compete with subscription DVD rentals, ie., £4 per month for as many DVDs as you can watch.

If I am reading your post correctly...You do realize that Apple has nothing to do with when the movies are available for rent. That is controlled by the studios. I can only assume that eventually the studios will realize that electronic distribution can make money for them too and that either the brick and mortar DVD stores will survive (this includes Netflix) or not. Blue-Ray may help keep them afloat but not sure. It took a long time for Apple to remove DRM from music and, hopefully, it will take a shorter time period for the studios to catch up with the rest of us.

I would love more flexibility with my and SDK and App store movie rentals anytime even day of DVD release. I used Boxee for a long time but ATV's processing power just doesn't cut it.

I also never had my ATV auto fact I have been having to force update scans because it doesn't seem to do it on it's own anymore., £4 per month for as many DVDs as you can watch.

But loads of people slag off LoveFilm, from what I've read you just get whatever is next on your list, and it's usually the stuff from the bottom of the heap. It's not £4 for unlimited, £4 rents you 2 a month, unlimited is £16 a month, and you have no idea what they're going to send, great when the Mrs was wanting a romantic evening with 'An Officer and a Gentlemen', and they send 'Come and See', bang goes the Saturday night (or not ;)).
If you want to prevent your aTV from updating automatically, just get a free patchstick here. During installation, it automatically disables automatic updates. You can re-enable updates using the remote control.

I have noticed several issues surrounding 3rd party software and ATV 2.4. I downgraded back to 2.3.1.
I have noticed that my ATV has become more unstable with 2.4. I have had multiple "lock ups" while attempting to watch movies and tv shows. I've also had issues online where it doesn't recognize movie "preview" formats.

We'll see if the reset has resolved the issue...but i'm disappointed with the performance thus far.

On the flip-side, I do like the changes discussed in this thread. It's just not stable for me.

Same here...

Lockups, and general slow downs (i.e. long pauses before it catches up with remote) are very frustrating....
AirTunes buggy?

AppleTV 2.4
Mac mini w/iTunes 8.2

I coulda swore in v2.3 I could stream music from my Mac mini to the :apple:TV using AirTunes and the Now Playing would display the cover art and song from the mini. Now I don't see it. Is there a new setting or am I smoking crack here and it could never do it before?

I've also noticed I can turn on & off the AirTunes Speaker in Settings/AirTunes on the :apple:TV and it doesn't make a difference. I can see Apple TV in iTunes/Remote Speakers and the music still plays even if this is Off. I thought this setting controlled if iTunes can see or not see you out there??
AppleTV 2.4
Mac mini w/iTunes 8.2

I coulda swore in v2.3 I could stream music from my Mac mini to the :apple:TV using AirTunes and the Now Playing would display the cover art and song from the mini. Now I don't see it. Is there a new setting or am I smoking crack here and it could never do it before?

I've also noticed I can turn on & off the AirTunes Speaker in Settings/AirTunes on the :apple:TV and it doesn't make a difference. I can see Apple TV in iTunes/Remote Speakers and the music still plays even if this is Off. I thought this setting controlled if iTunes can see or not see you out there??
I have no such problems with my MBP and AppleTV (160GB) 2.4
I have no such problems with my MBP and AppleTV (160GB) 2.4

You can see which song is playing (and its cover art) when you stream music from your MBP to your ATV via AirTunes?

Please note what I am doing is different than using the ATV and going into Music/My Music and playing a streamed song. In my case I'm using the ATV as simply a remote speaker.
Same here...

Lockups, and general slow downs (i.e. long pauses before it catches up with remote) are very frustrating....
sometimes wont sync (even though I can see the device in itunes and click sync the box greys and then........nothing) . Screensaver keeps reverting to the standard version. Crashes regularly (keep having to reset). Havent been able to get the remote app on my iphone to work correctly ( i have updated this too). Mebbe cos my ATV is a refurb the issues are related to that. Thank god I bought applecare.

Now all I need to do is bother my *rse and phone them. well. maybe tomorrow.....
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